

Monday 27 October 2014


Any person needs to be healthy, and so does the nation.

The case that a dege wussy could harass in this modern infestation mess urban hub regions and be confidantly knowing it won't get butchered indicates a lot to our intelligence teams.

The rabid dege that had taken place in the west
1) is impossible to at this fast even if by a capable citadel pushes for it
2) shows the possibility that the mass majority of American population being camouflagers are likely to be true, since back it started
3) does not make sense it could occur at such speed allowed without marking large numbers of its citizens as imposter-camouflager specialist type of humans

There will be (sophisticated) ways we use to extract all of these zergs out of the peoples.

All removal of sticky zergtastic humanoids begin from economic and social rights depriviations.

30:1 cops (to population numbers) may be needed, so to speak, an expression over here.

The only thing that's blocking progress is this giant imposter authority body called Goldman Sachs, whom occupies our seat with its obese fat, from the true king mushroom.

Though UN citadel blocks us the seats, it had been the mass dege zerg conspiracists hindering us with their ion inhibitors placed in all those places.

The candidates for national socialism is thin, which is due to the number of real men is simply not there - not due to brainwash.  I hope the new world order clans at least take this into consideration, with the regardless of decision they make to I hold no concern on.

It took 5 years for someone to get cellphone buttons right, and it had to be Stevie Jobs and his teams. To this day, my game concepts have yet to be animated to a real product format.  This goes to show the sheer lack of creativity in concrete evidence form, which contrasts dramaticly with the tellings we hear from the ronmoe amass.  They are liars, and rather devoted worshippers of lying aren't they.  骗子一帮,大一帮。

From the volumn and content, and tone of their blah-blah, it sure sounds as if they can handle true tests of their creativity.  But evidences contrast with their talks by dramatic lengths (distances), proving that those bigot commoners are a bunch of gimmiky specialist, than actual do-ers: it is gimmiky and tricky they worship and focus, not becoming actually wise or smart.  Are the governors going to continue still handing them pay checks as if they are really "weak" and "distant relatives of ours", after we've come to verify the discrepency and uncloaked their actings?

Together with media sanctions, newspaper exposure, public condemnations, police prohibitions, curfews, militarization of state troopers, deprivation of jobs down to basic needs such as electricity, food, rent and water, we'll turn these what is well-fed zergs at current into dirty-literred mass homeless.  

This process will take some time, for enough zergs to be ready that is - for their transportation.

If fierce resistance is met, then it shows somewhere we didn't play media tricky and deception enough.  Show them we are weak, let them fight shields and riot gears first, let them adapt to a much lower game.  

For police troopers, let current models and procedure, and any parts that needs no change be not changed.  Two or three squad cars to engage any hostile activity may be good, for the spiritual scare effect alone.  Also because police work more enthusiasticly and proud when there are several of them. Most of zergs, if not all are physically incapable persons.  Compounded by the worry of embarassment since they had just be de-status-ed and deprived of their paychecks, most of them would rather push some other zerg down and/or pop out their defence mechanisms (elements of which are: gimmiky, acting, smile & frown drama face, verbal mimikery, spitting (uglyfy) and so on).

The venomous zerg deges too learn English.  From the exterior, it may does seem the zergs learn the same language as we do.  After exchange of few general sentence, this still does seem to be the case.  After delicate examination, we learn that the zergs learn a set of words just so they could manipulate with it, doing the b!tchy trick talk-talk thing later on.  While we learn the set of words that improve our performance on the path of light, path of the natural strength, moral values & nobility.  Some of the words from both overlap, which naturally generates a shield of hinder to any investigator or inspectors.

• A nation that has a vast economy but can't patrol its borders would become someone else's colony, loot sandbox, or slave camp
• Almost the strongest nation is always one that's rich in the poor, in the sense that it's wealthy enough, but their stuff become useless in others' possessions.
• Suppose such nation type has decent industrial output, good trust amongst their ministers, decent organizations and a determined disciplined force, plus a strong military capability, then they will later expand and be able to take over to any degree richer (if also more cultural) nations but weaker military
• A king inside a palace is more so a prisoner, while the priestege inside a palace is actual nation's top
• Gimmiky, mediocres, ronmoes should be indicted to prisoner status first before anything else, so to speak, for any proper nation.  Somehow the gang of b!tchy infestation talkers had altered the standard of what is acceptable or not and to what degree as well as many social notions and preceptions of things.  That's a cause today's ministers (especially ones born in later periods (decades) ) see not these ronmoe "commoners" are below standard by any standard since any historical periods of civilizations.

— printing of paper cash is an unfriendly thing to do, it especially insults the next greatest innovator if not leader.  Whenever thinking about printing cash, one should ask what would ghenghis khan think about this
— we should reduce the number of tasks and doings that are gimmiky-isric.  For example, printing of cash is a task located in secret location, and unknown location, behind doors, inside a basement or thick-walled places probably.  It involves no human contact, the machines are factory-like, the ink amplifies the heavy metal scent of the room.  The transportation, storage, deposit, withdraw, involve bare lady-like motions, and rather idle extreme type of ladies.  Do we want more gimmiky motions, places, and tasks, or do we want more fundamentally physically & spiritually honorable motions and actions?

— supply chain, transportation, roads, agrilculture, welfare offices, gates, IDs, regulations, licenses, car industry, oil, trucks, goods, services & businesses, banking, information & media, technology, musuem, arts & entertainment, government & security, border patrol, military, radio & communications, residence, offices, industries, chemistry, metal plants, mining, refinery, economy, sales, diplomatic relations
— to balance these elements, try to not be a bookworm, in fact I will be personally making sure no bookworm even come entering any medium level of governmental positions
— bookworms gotta be particularly watched out for, these deceptionist humanoids like to eat up from the inside, climbing to the top.  Once they get on medium position, they will risk their lives deceive and threaten to the top.  This enemy gets less notice than ebola been due to its quietness, the silent motions.  They can be prevented without use of personal rating and review, list and track record, heavy monitoring and such, but by the (architecture and grand ergonomics alone, aka feng-shui) government buildings built like holy grounds alone.

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