

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Opinion 666-666

First step to doing anything is to believe that you can.

Talented people refusing to go to those supposedly and so called "low-end jobs" and end up suffering and burden is an indicator how powerful the grip of control of sheeple amass has gotten on the innocent humans.

In order to accomplish any work, the person first gotta believe that he can, and believe that he is wonderful!

If it acts like a god, sounds like a god, thinks like a god and preaches like a god, then he does become a god!

Street talent shows barely get any income, mainly has to do with the money box (payment box) is put on ground, usually a dirt messy box, and randomy laid somewhere close to, and how that there is no ticket admission or a logo anywhere around.  If some priestege were added, and that's what's missing, how about for example a ticket admission dude next to him, some couple staff member wearing uniform and relatable design shirts cheering him on and introducing next show, the income would and should be ten fold than before without the decorations and "formalities".  But hey, often the format and priestege matters more than the level of skill displayed for the audience that is, for the audience!

Oh well, would not like to but seems have to mention: I rise and will continue to rise despite it all - standing up for justice, for faith, for all of uew.  Lyghd, my illness-filled mother striking could still be a possibility, right now, at time of writing.  I would be performing at far different level than these moments (years, ha even) if weren't for ly.  Every moment it walking by passing by rather scares me, ends my breath so to speak and straightens (frozen) my spine as well as (metaphor here).  It is not at these moments active whither, however earlier so much so active whithering - this reduce my compotence and all around levels of skill & performance.  I thought to indicate this special condition out I endure, so as for reasons that lay adjust to ponder (funky wording there, yeh I knows).

Lyghd does, can, and has change me into one of those undead dread feebled-up humans.  I tend to bounce back, after some hours of peace or freedom.  Recovery rarily happens within minutes, unless just got a surprise sudden great news.

Believe that yourself is wonderful, believe that yourself can achieve monumental level of great things, believe in God for he believe in you, amen!

Greed in particularly is repulsive to any wiseman is due to how greed causes greeders to go changing the normality for the sake of covering or making room for the greed to be stored.  The disturbance wave caused to fabric of naturalis would spawn unforeseen terror from netherworld.  For this particular reason wise elders oppose greed more than the other sins.

Yup, just now, I has verified, as long as lyghd around, for, going normal mooded and bodily pace would result in dragging down to the sticky taint fluid on floor.  Mind also, the sticky floor on ground does flowing slowly to lower basement level places.  With lyghd around, the normal mood becomes impossible, also a bother to try (to fly, so to speaks).  I can feel my breath even frozen in contact and jaw muscles irresponsive almost.

Okay how about this poetry, I kinda was going to say this at about 5 paragraphs ago, yep precisely:
   Charge forth like the riders of rohan!
   Build a fortress like helm's keeps!
   Model a village like legend of zelda!
   Sing with Spongebob every moment!
   And capture all the pokemon there is!
Together, earth will be a proud fatherland again, we can do this!  (edit provided: the fatherland will be proud again)

On Friend and Identifying Them
Let's be very clear, and this does not get mentioned enough (thanks to doings and force of sauron and the mighty zergs): a friend is someone that tells you you are on wrong path when you are on wrong path.  While an enemy is someone that tells you are on right path while on wrong path.  The judgement cannot be placed on number of smiles or agreements (heart-less cheap nods).

As always true also: the biggest foe is either a friend or the biggest foe.

Cultures ruined and monuments fallen doesn't bother or hurt the leech zombie amass at all.

They are here to leech and greed and basically being nasty l'idiotic retards.

It is up for us Aryans to protect these things, and only us aryans up to.

Sheeples would want to gladly fall to abuses of a Sauron, for sheeples know well that without this haven and this system, it'd be worse off, so it thinks sometimes, by natural order.

Humans with many enemies and predators cannot be marked in same classification as a full-balanced popular human, nah-uh, absolutely not!

Yeh, listen, advisors, yeh ain't it true and well said: in a world where s3x appeal dwindling at 5th spot on the list, there would be too many lurkers then.

A warlord minus the s3x appeal is a (becomes a) 'politician'.

Never block love, straight up talk sentence here, or love will crash you all insects (pests more preferbly a word here to use).

In a s3x appeal-less world, lurkers get tremendous benefit, so to creeps and hermits, mark this down, recongnize.

The females are more so not the "opposite" gender, but ano-ther.  They are like lands and properties, items to possess.  The passive-aggressive monogamy-brooded (aligned-with) mile-tards like to present the land ownership ain't important while they are on a good trend and getting more than they deserve compared to natural orders.

My motto for life: I don't have the biggest army, (and plus those bastards don't seem to really like me) therefore I am losing.  I will only shake hands (and make deal exchanges with them) once I have the biggest army.

If they tell me to go somewhere, and I refuse, and it persists, then I will bring an army and refuse it out.  If I cannot, therefore they are superior than me dishonestly, and therefore should suffer the consequence inwhich they shall bear through their compounding interests, without their merical find.

Best way to boost security is to delete all the files with potentail to go hazardous virus.

Sauron's suppresion way in contrast to mine has much fundamental flaws even using sauron's evil-fantasy standards.

Their suppression more so squeezes out the good and leaves the weak and incompotent insecure humans.  It does not do as they think it does: suppress everybody down to incompotency and self-deniance.

It barely get rid off aggression, just downtones the active expression of aggressive impulses - it does not end aggressive impulses in sheeple population, at all.

Most of Sauron's policies contridict its own objectives, sometimes I wonder if they suffer from more than one mental conditions simutaneously.

Never trust the mediocre, in fact, colonize all of them followed by steady depression until they get all condomsatized in many civil war upon layers of unrest, "social stability", "unpredictable events" and hazardous materials.  Lay them down, lay them low, and lower, and lower, until they descend into cave-bat cretin skeletons (skeletal humanoids).

The comrades that goes inaction due to "the high potential for doom" have no reasonable excuse: we say to them, so you acknowledge there exists chance for success, then why don't you try.

Those comrades are not our comrades, and not deserve to be in our ranks.

Nice guys are least nice, just like how good drinks are probably a joke or straight up very poisonous substance in a bottle, and a label, and a slogan, and some printed out fonts.

Women are a judicial rights given by the merital compounds.  Their equaity disenfranchises various ethnical interests without using Vacancy's lyrical positioning systems.

Alternate answer to margin sales can be using girls' economic presence in the efficient markets.

What imposter intellectual bigot monogamy-stemmed unbeauty junk nonsense worshipper co-ward puckwits do:
- ignorant to the importance of design and style, which is so obvious to all that the sentence aren't said out often, and they stick with it like some rotting norman-charicrature
- uses terrible tools and take show-off in their awfulness
- follow misleaders, submit themself to saurons, while over guard against innocent folks like me
- fails developed social skills
- in-grained with the nerdy impulse of thinking coming up with an answer (all the time and immediately so) more important than getting it done right
- preceives success in one area as superiorty in all others
- selects winners as enemy and excessively goes competiting against them in often malicious and contaminasory ways, while self's business all not done.  The result of this after 20 years we can imagine, sheeples get no predators, they will win so easy comparatively
- fantasize as psychoism worshippers and in cerebralism
- additionally, repeats trivial thing as indication of equalvalent worth to picasso or mozard
- tries to cynically establish repeating trivial is worthy as a social notion, while completely never think about letting the zergs have some frictions somewhere. I truly wonder if these nerdga ever have control over what they do, or is it they are just that itchy (and it just has to be the itchy to do the badl can it now, heh, trololol-ly interesting)

This is sick:
- that there are this many absurdity around here, and these people seems to not want to help and pretend they just plain don't notice, who are these people really
- that the colleges opened & funded by sauron are the closest we get a gathering of people where somewhat of initmiate inter-personal relationship can form, and yes, it's somewhat initimiate, and not full initimiate no where near yet
- lions are mislabelled, dolphins are massacred, sharks are killed daily, elephants are poached, dogs discriminated against, cats have no liberty, yet the mass strangers act in front of us or the often come over (silently and seemingly just-does and without-purposely, ha, as ever, such perfectionist actors) and tell us that liberalism should be argued about or debate topics about religious, and be stuck thinking those and the stuff I enlisted be forgot-o-about it!  They do it on purpose don't they well with their knew-what-was-going-on, yeh
(really, alongside the nerdga filthy males, I will trap them inside SANCA boxes and beat on them while yelling it to them: "fix your mental problems, you done yet?" and things of that sort)

- seems to obsess over pills for some reason
- isn't it ever around, always strike, ye'h
- for some reason seems to talk to be (bothers me) a lot during my eating time, and not during my active (alerted) time as much, what's the intent and deal with/behind that
- endless mockery, slander.  yes even direct nonsense shouted out, spoken in that grotesque lyghd that are directly and pinpointed, at, me
- spoken in its ever overly loud tone
- made so me forget about (abandon) (don't want to do more) good impersonation acts
- didn't understand the humour at all, difficulty in corresponding, did not understand the impersonation that meant yes I do prefer cnn over those more regional news networks
= though aye principlely anyone would say it was quite good impersonations, had captured the full scope of traits of those tv personalities
- since day 1 I would say hasn't been a nourcher, but an abandoner and reductionist on me
- even the food was over-heated, disorganized, on top of that: was a job highjacked and taken by it (lyghd intervened and stole it), which in other words mean it forces itself to be a cook in the household
- utter discomfrt feeling I got it all over, quickly made me abandon wanna do those classy acts and humour impersonation practice and shows no more
- a thousand million other oddities and points as well here can be written
+ installs and transmits its antsy utter-ness and panic attack onto moi
+ enedless bother, endless sufferage, endless reduction and enfeebled-ism.  If I ever make it out alive from this, and hoping for half-alive, all those zombies and injectionists will crawl to their dung-filled shores (assurances)

Time has changed, robberists gone more vile
— I didn't rob you, I asked do you have a permit
— I didn't force no one, I said it's compulsory
— I didn't steal, I nationalized it

– should I condense your rights?
– should I gift-embedderize your family?
– should I free your inner organs?

So nasty, so lion-lessness.  Such sewage.

Ya, haha, my wonderous hand shakes (motions) aren't transmitted on here, through the fonts

---------- ---------- ---------
Sheeple amass are not here to learn 
or to travel (voyage) with us,
they are here to not die.
Therefore I shall make them vamoose.
--------- ---------- ----------

Yeah, haha, haha ha, mighty!  :  ]
  I think this format does well:
      The sheeples are well known to be fucktards. [1]

[1] fucktards: clueless zombie dim-wit, and vile specialist whom craves consumption over virtue, sees temporary over longetivity.  Only reason they alive in this prominence and numbers is because it's a sheeple haven, they get no predators, in short.  Even some drug advertisement can get them all hooked, subsequently terminating them.  They also have no mind, chooses to substitute decision making by pretending that it does.  Various generals regard them as "dumb as puck, retarded and pure trashy & useless – drain orburden on any progress (of civilizations)"

The large sum of useless beta males, they are civilizations' 后患 too.  Alongside the bigot zergs, sheeple amass, fakers, cheats and sauron cultists, they will have 0 survival rates.

^ boundless hideousness
^ useless broods seeking a landing area
^ whom which the girls have troubles sanctioning
^ ever tumoiling and will forever struggle to fill the void
^ supporters of peasantry, seperationism and various other organized terrorism

I don't know from which monogamy-tized womb it is from, but a broodling male is a broodling male.  贼就是贼,贼还是贼,贼永远是个贼样。 I will finish all of them, on the nation's behalf.

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