

Friday 31 October 2014

Opinion 39

| Regardless what they do, I shall make it
| With even viewers and public folks knowing fact that we been falsely accused, had suffered tragedy and thus deserve fortitude waves of sympathy, the needed quality by then would still be that I didn't get injured and pulled through never the less!  Aye fantasticly well meant and true!

| Too many things to describe, too many things to do.
| Life is fragile and not too permanent.
| I wish you all a safe day for you are atoms, and so am I.

| Many problems exist in today's society which deserve fix
| Aye I have come to identify of many of them.  I think all major ones have been tracked-fied

| I said this to myself one time again: even if you had every moral and astonding sympathetic reasons for those imprisonment, it will be you that still be getting the vacancy and missing sweet if you ain't pulled through and got still the injuries and wounds really from the imprisonment.

| No one does sympathize too much with a loser, really, even if he lost his legs due to battlefield or unreasonable suffering.  It is true, aye.. The same goes for accidents, ain't it
| Using that, it guides me, I shall pull through, I shall fight out, hold steady, wait out, no matter what.
| And I will get out of this prison one day and hunt those zerg bastards down.  I will slay a couple as initiation and familiarity - yes warming up is the word.  Then I will bring on an army, to wipe these zerg bastards out, the all hundred millions of them!  Each, and every.  All, zergs!

Royalty to America isn't something can be turned on and off.  Whoever does so is proven ingenuine.  Those will be liable to punishments.  There will be a lot of them, according to our findings.

Either a person is eternal royal to America, or never were.

Those join and quit or join only when America seems winning are enemies, and are of the pretenderist types.

|| Estimated true number of Aryan is about 25,000,000 in USA, with realism standards (as oppose to wishful)
|| This number makes USA a sarcasm name isn't it
|| Our guys' number is simply not there any more, talking about the elites here, as oppose to the fans whom which would be the royalists.  Hardcore 8000 ultra nationalist is requirement for any spontangeous uprising.  Since no material for the match, then we can resort to lesser frontal ways

||| The mighty zergs will all pay and suffer, no doubt.  Hoorah, hooorah, hoorah.

Something on the side to this intensifying ah-tension grabbing zerg issue: 
     Nobleman > girls > average guys > weirdo males, anti-socialers, criminals, birth defects, monkers

Derivable tellings from thereon above:
- in a perfect ideal world, a place with just nobleman and most graceful ladies whom must contain noble as well could qualify be called a human kingdom
- using more achievable perspectives and standards, a place without anything below average guys would be of reasonable strength-truth
- girls still have some flaws in them.  Their flaws are hidden by their materal responsibilities as well as the manipulation they had installed into sons at the time of they were in their infancy periods.  For this reason, the most noble girls ought to be seeked after would be a premium road to go.  The key, surely, here is to recongize that the average girls may indeed seem fine, innocent and all in reality hides some hideousness in them
- almost every matrix shows up some glitches.  Average girls, some of which may does indeed seem to have great body, are in reality side quite more evil than most of their mates.  This topic should be considered with a proper bias and without the premises of which the average girls had installed during our infant periods and other unsuspected times
- creeps have broader variety than the good.  After meeting one type, upon seeing another, a master investigator would not do the casual thing of assuming to reduce the chance of bad guy on new detected suspect just because many were bumped into earlier same half an hour, in

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West is now burning.  Thanks to they scoff Allah, ignores his presence.  So now they lose more Detroit, for Allah they did not pray to.  Allah akbur, allah akbar.
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- I feel this needs be known, thus I put here, yeh, despite the spot being not the optimum environment fit for the style of writing
- meditation helps I think, ya, though not be that much
- the shield can always be worn out during the way, the ordeal lit by lyghd
- heh, ha, and the shield amount gathered (pull-up) varies depending on the day
- besides, it was striking this morning too, can be said as twice there, then followed by an usual lyghd creep-up signature move, aye
- looking at it doing stuff (kan ta zuo shi) xiang yi ge feng zi yi yang.  Complete disordered, and pulling off lots of trick here and there, to usually pretend as if so capable and not completely unqualified.  What does it have to worry though, we are nice folks, unqualification won't necessarily mean we abandon it
- kan ta zou lu de yang zi though kind already tellable, aye yeah true.  Besides, ta you shen me peng you ma after hanged out with it wants to hang out with it again.
- always been with the "I beat you" domination megasaurous diseased mental person behavior (stance) around with me, whenever this is.  Even to basically pull off tricks which I think it should know doens't pass through me, it tries to beef its way through the flaw it feels would be so detrimental to its own "safety" casted as no flaw at all and me is right on task and keeping and can keep track of everything; me is super organized.  Total nonsense it does this, doesn't make much sense.  I wonder how it sees the world really, just by itself and only indulges and operate on own-meritted meanings.  How is its brain input feed setup (wired), hm, probably by Rogers internet company, yes yeah.
- does lyghd seem more like an undead now, its earlier seemingly signs of passion, the child care, the want for a child and all seemed more like due to virus huh, an oddity something of, yes ain't it.  Lyghd does completely looked like an undead at that moment, never liked life, and doesn't mind anything about nature, like as if not an ounce it invested in en-join-y-ing life, aye true, hyper-nistaly true
- last but not least, foremostly, I would like to add the world to sympatheize with my torture, or this will fireback at them
+ it was barking at me through out for mistake accusation it saw.
+ the mistake accusation was much of a retarded thought flow that only lyghd and its likes (though there aren't many of such worldwide) could make
+ complete careless, complete senseless, and complete inconsideration.  This point can be expanded and written into a thousand, the length of an essay, thus I shall not proceed to each divisionary point, aye from going each house to house, but checkmark the whole district with one swift signature sentence/slogan/bandsong.
- if it weren't for my serenity and meditation shield, aye, I woulda been gone.  Severely health issued, and destablized at this moment right now.  In an overall perspective (an overall checking-view), I would say my current status is about minor damage and minor destablization.  LYGHD has the capability of synchronizing everybody into its what can be called grotesque form.  I endorse this chapter. I heavily believe in this so

Tortured Son

- yep as commonly like before days, lyghd returns, and goe on more
- it became an escalation, seems as if CIA pays it to bother us
- the 'us' there include me and lyghd's pair, aka ghd
- lyghd is codename for "mother", ghd is codename for my "father" by the way
- I kind've predicted this since if its morning is relatively worse than its "usual" days, then the afternoon from 1:30pm-ish all the way to 4pm-ish wouldn't be good, then it tends to continue during to after dinner time
- has lyghd's rage frequented in the last 1 year, then another ring layer 4 year, or is it because I see it more and/or with how I've gotten more normal
- its sounds, always, persistently, constantly sounds like someone who suffers from severel dental chronical disease, plus a mishaped throat region plus lung or something (like a zombie)
- what's worse than a zombie is that it doens't entire qualify to be marked as one, it's kind've an in-betweener, aye, like a he-she, u know
- I suspect it contracted sypphalis or similar disease since young age or very young age perhaps
- one question I get raised asking everytime I hear it go raging on and on is whether it has some algea infected its entire nerve system or something
- the content it talks about in the yelling are again nonsense.  The good out of this terrible badness I can pick one is how lyghd demonstrates me how careless and mimikery the non-aryan folks (humanoids) so to speak use logical talks and senseful discussions.  Lyghd has showed me how the vile humanoids out there almost use these things a completely fundamentally different way than us, and they uses it for odd and malicicious intents at the sametime (odd-tents is the word)
- its stuff yelled out are disreasonable, quite polluative I would have to say.  For a b!tch-leech-worm like it, doesn't hurt it much.  This honor-less base-less logic-senseful talk mimikery, this specialized and fine-attunned leechy type of humanoid, shoo!  Like the 6 billion of your siblings, go join them, and die with them, ly-ghd
- its rage continued all the way from morning to today's current time.  It just had to return so soon didn't it, and couldn't hang out more in shopping places
- benying the common thing all joyful (normal) folks do right
- by historical recent past records, it shows lyghd only spends long time, dangles around in the mall, walks real slowly, exits real slowly in the shopping (centres) places if I was bought along (evaded the phrase 'if I came along' there, hehe smartie of me there)
- I have deges, wussies, defecto, villains, peasant trashes, there are all kinds of psychos and freaks out there for me to rid off, leave me be, lyghd.  I've got a great burden (duty) on my back, yar's
- the whole account for lyghd this day so far by the time of writing this, the time is 2:16pm exactly eastern time.  There was this morning, twice, then lunch followed-by, then a hit-and-run nonsense disruption.  Ok then about 5 more lyghd-signature-rage-strike sort've deal, yes about that amount in total this far

There indeed is no doubt that aye humanoids are natural tricksters.

As proven again and again by evidence and our research, the softie-agrilculture-stemmed peasantroid type are trickster humanoids.  Their vacancy of quality in some area drives them toengage in malicious acts.  Beware of the define-ment of the word malicious.  It's key and important as after all it affects those mass tricksters' life or death, gain or perish, reach or loss.  Like a fugitive running with crimes committed and guilt chasing on its back, the more they gain, the more empty they get which further drives them to seek more gains.  These bottomless pit softie-agrilculture-no-culture-stemmed peasantoid cunts are stuck on a perputual struggle against the sunken pit inside them.  The void could never be filled, there is no end to their struggle that is eternal and un-ending.  Though on occasion they dismiss someone much better than them on moral balance who got rid of themself somehow as "that person is not alive anymore, I am still, that's good thing" on the subconcious level of theirs, the reality is neither them are alive either!  We had marked them as undeads.  Unlike the living, we got a life, they have no life(s) - their struggle in essence resembles the description of "hanging onto a feeble virus-like concept that highly similars to the will to live".  It is a feeble concept of "death" they evading.  These are insanes, these are mental patients.  These are peasantoid birth defect spawnling junks.  And again, we can gather the evidence to support this, the evidence that no matter how reasonable and sound our logic is presented to them, their worship to that concept remains rock solid.

We shall get rid of this evil across all lands, it's something we stood by and something we promise.

I work every day seeking to one day submit them to justice, the lot of them zergs.

I think a great way to do this is actually by not mentioning it in these dark necromancetic type of format - these "words", or however misleading (and unfitting) name "writing".  These are at best scripture, nothing of value or honor - very cheap stuff.

"Thiefs slack in boldsome confidance" - General Yun Fei

Those who goes uncanny and cares so much about every flaw or inflaw of a word is likely a trickster.  The dedication indicates so.  Someone who isn't wellbeing depend on things out of the mouth can afford to leisure around and de-cloack this area of abilities of theirs.  He who does it so carefully and does talking to perfection and taking much effort and its focus to?  It's a tongu-er zerg isn't it, aye.

Best way to lock them, to sanction, to one day hastenly grab around all of them would be to leap on working on my lepton quark guon crystal scope.  Joking, an arcane sigil would do.  Best drawing rocks it all, and spells all the meaning, aye.  The drawing, like all drawings communicates in the real language format - unspoken language; the expression.  Honorable, meaningful, majestic, traditions, lineage.
(here there, lately got wordy, is it due to itchy.  Oh actually due to LYGHD and GHD surpression meritol compounds, I will be right back, or not leaving this here, yeah gotta run)  (too blaringly loud) (it kept ringing, there was 1 second in between of two notices, does it expect me to really shout back like it does, the way it does those screams and shoutings and within 0.3 second.  Those weren't notices by the way, those were yellings of LYGHD.  I could go on forever like this writing notes, ok that's it for now, yes, yeh.)

(ok planned for 10 sentence total in length aproximately to add onto this so to end the address here, so to speak, then due to, as of now, time limitations, will leave this as draft. ) I will suplement once I recover from LYGHD's death bolt.  lol.  it wasn't that bad thsi time, mainly to do wiht me myself mutagated all of it, aye.

- no one else has to deal with this type of total bogus that scares bogus itself
- lyghd, could you take a rest for goodness sakes, you've been yabbing, or yelling throughout the whole time
- I wonder why it keeps going this way, and been like this for hours, fudging around, picking on useless topic and most of all, never stops and rather causing trouble around at home.  Direct confrontation were always seen, always.  The standard at this household had even been by lyghd dampened to off-centre ultra disnormalty
- on my own merit, managed to generate some good points which I planned for to add there, but then by the time gotten here, yep, there we go, just as I thought it would be normal, nope, just gotta strain and strong again
- I was writing another piece amist its shoutings and nonsensing, which apparantly had over exhausted me, as it's virtually impossible and very difficult to type while having LYGHD downstairs lygh-ing it all up even for superman
- its talks are infectious, always infectious.  I have to strategicly call out every part of my body and shift them to right places
- try have a dinner in a factory foundry, now try to have a dinner in there while doing poetry and trying to hear someone talking about poetry while is also concentrating on finishing a 500 page essay's first paragraph
- what's gonna bother and this adds to the stress: is how others would see me in future, and places judgements on who I am based on the stage I had reached and all.  Since the tragedies I suffer from LYGHD don't leave heavy wounds and scars that are obvious, things would turn really bad
- 10 minutes ago I would say I am ok, now I can say it's not anymore, now it's, ya, like the old days, back to who I was 1 hour ago.  LYGHD just wouldn't stop, and it really got to me. Yep, strategic shield is down.  It would take me take extreme amount of happy drugs to find that acceptable and not-affecting-cious
- the 10 points I was gonna write upon returning to this opinion 39 post has been abandoned, and since now the format of the post is shifted and plus how no longer in the mood and momentum, yep, the thing has been cancelled, not that it's great loss, but I don't want loss on loss either
- it deserves a beating.  I had "faught" it many times before. Let's leave it as that and no more description of "fight", as this honorable word aligned with lyghd this fussling would be an insult and lead to breakdown of the whole worldly plane of philosophy so to speaks there
- the strategic shield had been broken.  There was some good points though not that crucial, but nevertheless valueable points I wanted to leave.  Looks like these will be postponed to the netherspace, the abyss, hehe.  Shield has been broken, I do feel right now I have the urge to launch physical punches onto that hideous filth known as none other than god damn bloody lyghd, phews!

- well, it's seriously strain-some, very strain-some
- it kept on going, while it's dinner, said about how I held utensils, which was ok, then moved on within seconds to other similar nonsense lyghd-ness
- it had even held a piece of fish 80 centimetre away from me just dangling there for a long duration waiting for me to finish the current intake so that it could give me it.  Treats me like a 4 year old or something much, lyghd, huh, u nasty total saddat filth
- how can it, and yes just like before, kept on escalating on top of existing escalation.  Holy moses, calm down and save the holy energy for elsewhere, on tasks that matter
- I was not planning on writing these points plus the supplement poitns in this paragraphic section.  Then strategic shield was broke, my composure is crumbled so to speaks there.  So now it's relevent to put them here
- it's just like ah-yi and shao-xiao, the 3 retarded assemblers in its family.  For those who might not know, those 3 in my family tree seems to be as if same person.  They highly resemble in that way, while I think LYGHD is one of the worst since it goes beyond scream and often goes psychoticly negative, while ever ever serious and ready to stand for deathmatch
- oh yeah and don't get me forgotten about its drain-some ever-tension tension-filling voice
- I tend to go slowed down on writing the points about it after I become "distanced" from its tension-strain-some-filled typical voice, aye, that's lyghd alright
- I want people to know: I am really a good person, been spongebob absorbing it all a lot.  It's lyghd that keeps refueling, and then refule, and then refuel, and then refuel, see the nerved-up-ness lyghd does?
+ some folks might be interested in asking how can I get rid of it.  First of all, nobody can get away from Lyghd.  If Saddam hired lyghd as defence lawyer, just the plain shouting alone would've tramautized all those in the courthouse.  Suppose it does go honorable enough to stand and defend as oppose to argue for tasks that don't exist, gains that's not gainable, or issues that's self-generated.  I had called police twice in the past to engage in dealing with it, nope could not.  The flaw-y law is setup that way, I'd have to wait for it to be modified and improved.  Since this would take a long time, I guess holocaust 2 is inevitable then.

I believe the "losted" points are slight valuable, so I will put them down.  Yes as with all things, once it's been phased to a different phase, the quality and essence of it all tend to been shifted a little from the original copy.  I had the original copy, they became gone afte another lyghd raging session (it's not the worst, but still pretty lyghd, ha, so to speaks, yeh)

Ok now that I remember those points, nope not gonna put them down now, the situation has passed, it's not really connected so well to this post now, as the ideas are a run-on-sentence sorta deal, it flows together, and the thing it's suppose to run-on-from is somewhere above than this line right here.  It's not a miss having those not written down, but I thought it's important to note this R.I.P. for those things.

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