

Monday 27 October 2014

Profile of the Zergs

Total Quantity:  6,126,750,000        Gross Weight:  39,720,130 tonnes
Ages:  0-91                                     Nationality:  Variety
Dimensions:  x by y by z

Traits of the Zergs
Major: yin xian, du lai, jiao hua | 阴险,毒辣,狡猾
Minor: xi guai, senseless, anxitious | 奇怪,无义,急躁

1. 它们才不管我们是好是坏,是死是残
2. 但会在领导面前像个大粪球脑袋出蛆一样演戏,装蒜,假脸满面
3. 不带任何文化底蕴,靠赌运气和欺骗,毒辣,犯法为生
4. 现在的它们已经是个成了大气候的擦边球被动主动攻击性帮派
5. 它们十七万大军,我们怎么半。要不是我一首解救,所有博物馆全被它们砸坏烧掉。而不是被抢走。因为它们不需要这文化功底只物,它们也不稀罕,及看不起文化结晶,也恨透博物馆方面东西
6. 当今,很多Zerg entered个个领域及金融体系。Zerg可是只帮fellow zergs在实际行动上。它们会巧妙地做个样子这样领导或看管工作者放心
7. 现已,大部分看管工作者已经是zerg的行列
8. Zergs' weapons are mostly (the effective enough ones that is) passive-aggressive types.  This means they will cast themself as friendlies, and use the cover of being friendlies
9. Upon seeing any occasion, event, experience, scenery, case, fact, person, speaker that would lesd onto themselves being exposed, the zergs emerge out to do their gimiky skills in attempt to derail it from path onto exposure
10. Zergs use the cloak of friendlies to disencourge us.  If we ask them what it is, they tell us it's just disencourgment.  But I pinned them down held by their soft necks and said, "isn't disencourgment technically death threat also hate speech? What do you want to tell those things to that good person other than you want them murdured?"

Principle Ways in Dealing with them:
= expose them, and I will continue to expose them, I will write so many papers until they sweat in nervousness
= should be held in captivity and be sent to play contests.  one example is stick a knife on its thigh, leg or back, and then make them crawl, any zerg that don't make it to the white line will be subject to advanced degree of fear
= better way is to fight them without any gears on, otherwise the defence mechanism of them pops out.  In this way, their true color shows in how they fight back, which we can conveinntly lay our judgement based upon

Dance a little, jab them a little, jam for a little while, while dragging their wounded corpse by ten, hundred, thousand metres!  Haha, fun work.  Funky zerger, die, now.  Give to them zergers: 故意刑事案一起。故意杀人案两起。Hate speech, 5 accounts of.  Sentenced 73 years to prison with no chance of parole.  剥得终身政治权利。

Additional Tags: can't say any beuatiful tags parallel to these uglies  aye  that's reasoniable  me understand,  added: next day: supplementary works, ok, sound the bells, nest batch is in, bring in the next group,  thousand per rows,  ronmoes,  malicious, the ugly, vileling, sappers,  vile yet mental, and the stupendous ones,  what called often as weak in reality got quite a kick of tricks in them,  decepticons, another one found, there are so many of then,  an infestation, their strength is in the numbers, yep you got that right lt., general,   listening to our anthems,  greatful, grateful,  a feeling of greatness,  elevation, steps, galaxy,  complete, itchy,  essential work, work-a,  clock-ah,  look at it, schedule my shmedujewel

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