

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Opinion 33-3333

The fact that in today's "modern" society, someone could go to work, eat lunch, return from work, go to grocery store, return home, watch TV then start again, be completely able to live on his own, scares me a little.

Whoever has seen many of social crisis, yet didn't dive in to help, are either mentally retards or mentally ill.  If they won't pour oil into all of the gulf, then quit letting the samething in an indirect form happen.

The average peasants are so well protected by police protection, so clinged onto it that it has become sensational and way worthy to bother me instead with the stuff caused from the peasants.

Worst is not being unable, worst is being able but gets caught in someone elses' (completely different creatures') cross fire.

Today I get labelled a cat somehow, and be chased by international mouse association.  Then tomorrow I become a mouse, and gets chased by international cat protection agency.  This is pure madness. I am the only person having to go through this much friction.  Thanks to the Sauron's careless nature-no-concern blind fool media blaring done on purpose for their own narrow ends (which itself is empty anyways), my suffering cannot be heard beneath layers of these noise.

Cloud cancels stuff see-able behind them by blocking light, it is visual.

Loud speakers cancel out all other sounds to 360 degree of itself in 3D plane by being loud, it is soundwave world.

Walls blockout visual.
Walls can protect or also to imprison.

Loud speakers work better at silencing other sounds (pleas, opinions, recommendations, advices, information) than eat plugs to each person.

A labrythin naturally spawns chaos.  To get rid of chaos, avoid labrythin.  It's not something over-comable, like fighting HIV the silly way - (real methods is to) wear an umbrella instead.

God has no mercy: the dinosaurs became smaller because their oxygen ran out.  Even if there was a know-how, getting it done is another.

The brain registers the lowest in honor amongst all the organs.  It takes no honor for the brain to operate, while health, vigilance, and the proper attitude is required for muscle to function.

Nerds will finally fail out as it doesn't have the proper strategies at life.  But before they fail out, hundred years may be past and there'd still be some nerds left.  The fading duration can be long for those cases.

The fading thing also goes true (applies) for all kinds of other unfits, from dysfunctional creatures to birth defects, from villains to egotists (over-dreamers).

Dodge the apple offered by the snake, then the person will reach higher potentials later on.

Early fruits tend to indeed shut down future potentials, like how Martingale (a gamble betting strategy) tend to work (on the player's mind).

Worst hostage situation is when it's claimed as normal and not hostage.  Cranky nonsense nature-flow disrupting ugly stuff can come out of those the best.

No one is technically weak in this world.  As long as they are still here, they are as equal as the best musicians or biggest dollar hoarders.

Long-term upkeep of a deceit far outweights the cost of moral values.  This is precise reason why all dishonest persons will lose big, and lose greatly.  This stands many validity, since afterall, this is not undergroud world - this is the rohan kindgom.

The porkbrainer think more is better, and lesser is inferior.

The wiseman think more is different.

Deception doesn't work when fools don't exist.

The genius knows he is a fool.

The fool thinks itself is a genius.

(the another paradoxical feature of nature)

Philosophy: balance of savagery and morality may be best.

Savagery speaks to vicious senseless struggle situation well,

while morality works when there is creativity and build-up of kingdoms.

Evil tend to be smarter than its counter-parts for:

evil saves up on family upkeep and social responsibilities

evil can pierce into the bright ones, while the innocent can't see stealthed ghosts.

evil takes more self-destructive risks

evil don't mind dirt

evil have poionsous sacs and other vile fluids to keep self alive and functional

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

More is not necessarily better, more is different.  More of hours of sleep mean different.  More hours of work mean different.

More fit should be the new standard of thinking.

Natural efficient metabolism is power.  Virtues and morals is control.

Parents can transfer some basic understandings plus a set of beliefs and wills to the kids.

Genes change when both parents really want the kid to be great or a certain way (this stuff goes beneath the said plane; goes on the unsaid), supposing it's a normal healthy birth.

If one is speaking his deepest feelings, then he should be singing about it.

Saying about one's most inner desires is like showing photo blanks - the exposure will erase it.

Both the christ and anti-christ look like, sound like, seems like the christ.

Truly, one doesn't become smart.  One murders his own arrogance.

Both the genius and the mega fool preceive self as a genius.

Ends meet

Logic driven creatures go insane 5%.
Memory-based creatures miss important key facts.
Sense-based creatures out-perform logic-based creatures.

Logic is like wikipedia, it can be editted, re-written, mislead, re-directed to different paths and ways.

Sense is like the sun, unchanging, well-summarized, natural, healthy, pure and unmodifable.

There will always be a champion somewhere - every race has a winner.  Who will it be is the matter we ask

Arrogance had launched more wars than fear.

Fear shuts down marriages, it does the harm contra-opposeto way, as I and sensai would say.

End anquish, end negativity equals arrested all criminals, both detected and unfound, active and inactive.

Correct way to fix embrassment (a hole in someone) is to patch it.

Neglect and avoid will make the wound bigger.

Personality flaw is like a infested tree, eating more will only feed infestation.

Cover-ups make the problem dissapear at preception level, while keeping it strong at reality level.

A single small lie can feed itself to a gianormous history book.

I stold the candy, parents asked me, I blamed it on Tom.

I wrote fake letters Tom write to Jessy.

Her brother realized those are fraud, I intimidated him in secret, then written false account for him.

1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8, folks, the first mushroom cloud was invented since there were humanoids (aka mankind).

Those that need to read books to know have one problem: how powerless is that retard without books.

Ha, let the memory and logic-reliant humans one day have their logic fed with false info.  Those will easily become silly puppets, and/or be distroted and utterly confused may be.  Ain't this already happened throughout nearest century (became norm since age of literacy).

A true puppet is one that thinks himself is independent (and all natural) person still.

A rebel is a puppet knowing what's going on.

Now, here is the fun part: nature loops itself.  A rebel can be a mislead puppet of another force to fight the innocent while believing himself is a rebel and is all mighty smart and knows all things.

Universe is like this:
A. I am fine
B. I am not fine, I have signed up to fight

Universe = a(b(a(b(a(b(a(b(a(b(a(b......b)a))))))))))))))))

Level 1 (beginner) taxman asks people to pay money to his place, he does it mostly by himself then later learned efficient way of hiring trained workers to help
Level 2 (middle) taxman imploys tricky ways to fool that the high tax is reasonable and needed, builds good tax forms and unecessary procedures to induce wanted effects, demands the tax be paid, asks on occasion, and calls it reasonable
Level 3 (master) taxman hires trained staff to talk about world events and stories like global warming and rising food prices such that to induce the thinking that there is no tax, and everything is super chill

Everybody over-guard against level 1, and level 2.  Leve 3 is like a shade to them, (very pork-brainy behavior of them) those porkbrainers.

Simple AI tank combat war shows us that a predictable movement will make any enemy tank that use pattern-matching and behavior-recording algorithms extremely powerful when faught against to.

Samething in politics and other forms of war, whoever thinks, behaves too predictablely will be easily countered by pattern-behaviorial-matchers so to speak, the PBMs.

Although PBM may also have to make their matching system not so predictable either, as there may be counter types specifically laying in wake pretending as a verified prey to do their stuff.

A counter-PBM tank is effectively a stealth unit that lives under the light, looks exactly like an ordinary predictable prey.

Once PBMs and counter-PBMs reach more advanced AI level, then matter goes into efficiency, productivity, luck, factors such as those in life.

Greater data gathering, greater detection means able to distinquish between pretender and real thing.  This principle of detection can be bought on here.

Sometimes I feel quite good writing those philosophies, if went well whole session.  I feel hungry liking some sodium-rich those spicy noodle instanta soup.  Wish had those, I definately would perform far greater if had those, amen.  Not to imply here that I get to have normal eating session with them due to not so goodie-doodie surrounding environments.

By reading here probably now readers wonder what's the IQ and wisdom level of this guy.  Well I will announce to the world what it is once I bring out superb technologies of which the civilizations and the shader world has ever seen.

Nations fall, empires rise, they are like stocks, it is mine to exploit mine to drain.  I will become the greatest nation while all of the nations can think they are nations.  That is my philosophy and approach, how is that~

Deceive by self status and performance level misinfo works because there are arrogance in those.

Like a man so glorious he immunes to bribery, a truly humble man would not be derailed by mispresentation of own abilities, those type of deceits.

This one needs ruled out: a deceit that works by forcing a hostage to do something is technically not a deceit, but a criminal violence on a hostage.

Bunnies chase around in Manhattan Chase.

Quiet sounds cannot be heard.  They are like buried bones.  Hoolizens might walk over them for centuries and not realize.

I don't tell grand wisdoms.  The act of telling degrades and also (therefore) ruins those wisdoms.  I demonstrate them instead.

The literature language is as pathetic as a parrot on drugs.  Nothing of it makes any significance.  Singing is the (one of) true language.

Let the so called "literature" litter their ature until nature casts out their tornados upon those dwindling mindless insects.

Oil re-fill for us is called food.  Anything non-technical termed are the actually healthy stuff.

Suspicious individuals and outlaws that cloak fear (well they all tend to cloak) (cloaking isn't all that hard, can come off from transfering previous existing skills, nearly all could do and does do) detectors, not citizens.

Key reason somebody bullies Jerry is because Jerry can't hang its head on a highway, really explicitly speaking.

75% of English writings (ways, regulations and styles) are created by a few Aryan men, just like how most of martial arts moves are founded by some (less than dozen) martial arts masters - i.e. Wong-Tong style, the Mantis-Lee move, and etc.

Inventers and re-inventers in skill evel are a technically tie.  While everyone disability in area of creativity are outperformed by the masters in those areas.

Winners withdraw their deposits and beef in the current times.  True winners bank on the future.  Ultimately light will win, and overwhelmingly so.

Lord Melton Viktor Spender K Morrisson 
December 28, 395 AD


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