

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Opinion 35

The science came in like a storm, and now it's gone.

Though it's important to defend evil, mentioning evil on everything, amist every task we do seem like the reasonable option, turns out mentioning evil actually importantize its importance.

ok wait coudlnt' really remember, this wasn't exactly it,  hm,  will try to recover those thoughts, yep,  I will wait for it to  return (re-eappar)

Olympics running game is a good theatre as well as a metaphor symbolizing competition in life.

Most runners to the race limited their potential by doing things the non-transferability way, in their past.

Actual important topic, like the defence of versalities, the sheeples try to derail us on

Sheeples try ways to harm us, yep, tries to make us forget, be lost, don't know traditions, and be downed

The geeky odd males technically should be considered as a disability,  There are lots of more of these even than the older generation.

As per contrast to sheeple's presentation & convey, judging by persons by visual examination is enough and sufficient.  I had never mistook one wrong.

Not trying to condemn them but for the sake of proper regardtment: those geeky balooney "smartie" ab-less spiritless males are so mega bucktards.  The stuff they do goes beyond point of absurity.  If indeed they were smart, need-less to say, Detroit wouldn't had been conquored by a bunch of 5th world peasants.  Those geektombos are dumb, and are very retarded, we don't want these guys (types).

Entering geek culture, you so innocently sound it out, taps its forehead, I know what you did, well numbered non-aryan male for short.  Things could be so easy and smooth.  You sinistically pushed it to this oddity, so you odds can survive better, so you think.  I know your thoughts, don't do it next time, taps its forehead multilingua times again. 

So called innocently said phrase entering geek culture, means entering their territory, those common ill-fools.  How did they, those types get so numbered - it's monogamy and all, right?  And yet they (and their seeder) haven't said nothing? Wow, freaky, I am sure they knew, and knew well.  This feature ties well and link up with their absurd level of incompotency in some area plus the mediocre-ism in their best things they try, and while show incredible fluidity in talk-talk somehow, heh ha, for reasons we know of now.  The number of the pretender-geekdas form a great pattern with the number of austic kids over the last decades per year.

A different word geek there.  Also, one could mark them as a variation (distant one) of the zergs, I am ok with that.

These geedarists have no genius intelligence, have no sport skill, that's one for sure, what's their "tool of trade" then?  I see them as spiders, they are special.

Print out their lengthy text, stick it to them, enlarge one on a post screen.  Then proceed to show its dancing reels, big, on the other monitors, for the audience to see, to get a good laugh (again).   

Yes, reminder, again, the word geek, a title they always claim to be and put on themselves differ from the other geek.  Other term geek (common) are the real ones.  But funny thing often is neither groups have produced anything remotely of value to society in the last 65 years.  Their paper, assignments, course context, and even textbook look like they ain't even care about creativity or becoming smart.  Because, they ain't remotely interested in doing real work anyways.  I could call them scam artists, with a interesting verocious favour.  Yes, that would be a good description to regard.  And what a mighty well-numbered hoade of scam artists.

Speaking of scam artist, what a backward english language (still; has become) is, as there are well many other words that ain't well-built.  There is no artistry in doing fake things, (or) dishonest conduct.  Though we always hear these england-descended bigots talk talk like they are so pro and stuff, so good at what they do, and undoubtly they got it and can do on absolutely diddily hoe terms rain or day whatever and whenever anyone wants me (oops this part got long, hehe).  Germany was right, one thing the British males always had was arrogance - note, arrogance, not pride.  I suppose that feature of arrogance descended down through breeding generations, and had also spreaded infecting others.

As folks who read my stuff probably knows by now I ain't would be communicating to them, teaching them one by one that this is not fine, that is imoral and attached to fake law, blah-blah blah, and so on. Yeh, I never plan-ed to preach to them and really be sitting down 'nicely' and telling them out, ya I hope this part understandable, and so to speak, ya.  Instead these aims should kick in soon (become reality, or near middle point of respective progress of each) in those acts' place: 
• in basic words, liberation and unification of the world
• for that goal, dynamic advanced robotics will reach its finishing stage
• which would help the Social Order complete its long-time goal of rejuvanation of all 7 continents (rejuvanating all of the continents)

In Virminia (aka Americano; freedomland; burger world), the crap males is the majority.  There is not one country that's more dege (not necessarily rich, rich and dege share no correlation, are independent terms on independent planes with another) than Verminia in this world right now.  The males being crap types is one of the social crisis over here.

People that have no skill, can't sing, beef around here using their police protection.  Got a high stack of unreputable fame, and goes showing off with it, acting like it can't be beaten (won't be taught a lesson) or something.  Pardon me here, shoulda used the term sheeple amass in the beginning of the question.  Pardon again, I meant first word of this part, and I think we knew what that meant.

Speaking of sheeple amass, here goes the detail explaination of that: the word amass gotta be followed behind the word sheeple, for keeping in mind that the sheeples' feature, key trait and the hidden game is their numbers - yeh that's a great reminder right there, and natural one too, put right in there in the term or phrase itself so there won't ever forget, yeh great one.

Things become politically naturally when (once) the truth crusader gets here.

I did not know I was the truth crusader until things seemed became that way.

I plan to unify the world, this can be done best and easiest (lowest expenditure) way through my advanced robot inventions.  There is so many great stuff I could build and design for this world.  

I often go back re-read, and then adds a bracket with word in it.  So yes, I do not always type flawlessly one time, the backspace gets often typed.  Phrases and parts are sometimes added.  Fundamental core ideas are not modified afterward typed up the first time, tends to be.  I thought to add this note here as a light notification.  Also because entered my mind, or meh rather hard to explain to what it is, it was 'feeling', right?  Ya, that's what it is.  The circular brackets can often be found in these blog posts.  Some news sites do it less, neither many blogs everywhere around.  I do this though because there'd be info and in particular, ah ya, the 'sense' missing, I feel, therewithout.  More attention paid to meaning and philosophical organization plus wisdom will ultimately prove me right, through granting me the capability to jail all criminals, and villaineries, wanna-bes, deges, and all that, the list goes on and on, yeh, yups.

Venture with me,
come, come venture
to the dark side.
The humans haven't even exercised
half of the disciplines and skill trees 
that is available to them.
Pick up any relevent weapons and 
utilities from the dark side you can handle.
They might be ultra proven useful.

And, insurance footnote:
some skill from dark side burn soul
and also conflicts with existing.
Being sure can handle that, right,
do you got it?  Ok wonderful

How poker is known is like how Mandela is credited, or like how lebron james is legitimized.

My faith lays with the Reich, eternally.

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