

Saturday 25 October 2014


Firstly, the mass beta failure broodling male cunts relies on negativity, worships negativity, and swims in negativity.  An unpositive environment overall means an unpositive atmosphere for dating environment as well, puts the people within it to sleep and unalertfulness, which in turn results in net advantage for these specialized broodling virus males.

Acting like images of care is something worthy of admiration to is a sophisticated trickery of the zerg cancer quantity-human amass.  The intelligent bunch that do this are one of zerg's divisions.  There is no weaklings in this world, decepticons, maybe.  They been conning all the way to today as if what they do is genuine and non-savage sheer bullgolori.  The articles are not artistic, are text.  The text is not as simple as a randomly unintended selected image to send, it's carefully orchestrated propaganda poster, by the zergs, disclosed as a simple article piece.  Creatures of the "wild" daily operate in ways of care, so much so that the word care hasn't even come to admission.  Yet these 2-leg strangers pop up and show them as if it's so good these "humans" (zergs) showed compassion, and that as if compassion is indeed rare all of the times, ha!  I had stated firmly long ago, that the civil right privileges of the mass quantity of peasant zergs will be transfered to the real humans: lions, tigers, bears, horses, pandas and so on.

Without personality qualification, these clever zergs pop out and shows its lethality skill.

The excessive labor force are in absolute terms not necessary in this national world.  If their breeding and senseless self-disintergrationism maintains (continues), then the state will show them the movie.

If ignorance of zerg amass is unlimited, then their nerve-ness to harm is beyond this.

Furthermore, contrast to noble folks, the zergs don't learn math, but would learn a brief surface so knows how to assign us more math busy "work", or to manipulate topics associated with math.  Watch for the mediocres.

Lord of Galatical Earth
Henry V. Milligan

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