

Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Uglynoids

Be notified who are our real friends.  About nearly all that's not very beautiful model is not one of our guys.  

All of those are our enemies: the zergs are everywhere, as proven by evidence again.

They, these creeps and lurkers, the vile humanoids for some reason only bothers us, and never approaches those other humanoid types - there are a lot of humans other than us or them.

The disencouragement sent from them, delivered via the malicious fake friendliness ever-suggestion and ever-talk-talk-talk-advice-giving, are piles on end!  To tell someone a thousand no, it's to want to wage war!

Our guys joke around with those negativity maybe, or says it on occasion and dives back to normal immediately after a few seconds of play.  These humanoids could somehow keep talking, as if it's its own thing, and playing it like it's its professional, as if something of pure normalty to them - what hideous vile humanoids they must be then!

Until those vile humanoids types are identified and all grabbed out, things will not be easy to improve, and Sauron will not exit the political stage.

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additional tags:   if not beautiful model then not one of our guys,  tag transport,  ok I shall add more,  edit taken place,  later returned to add these additional tags, yes these, hehe,  this post specifically talks about the pretender specialist types, the fairly 'educated' type, so to speak,   what's in your wallet, what's your thesis,  and again, watchout for mediocrism, yep as always  necropolish pull, their insane policies, useless,  silly caucasoid and the help from zergs, do they see those, otherwise things don't add up, invislbe force, detection, education is a dirty word to me now,  don't like to re-mention it every few and now then, yes yeps,

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