

Friday 31 October 2014

Opinion 30 + 5 + 3

Enthusiasm first, then comes the quality of the study.

Mediocrism bigots seek to find a substitute, an alternate road to path of learning.

If one a warrior is fighting summoning item, then perhaps it's best to go for warlock straight up now.

If mimics that pose as treasure laying in awake to trap exist then perhaps malicious witches also exist.

Necromancers all have skills, none of which cannot read.  What they lacking is an ether called norm'al.

The true elixir of life is not found through greed.  

Upon seeing an replacement opportunity, the mediocrists will go ahead and activate their verbal reflex abilities casting the situation as if plain normal & all.

It's not so innocent are we.  Though they may seem weaker, but the aggression impulses are greater than ours.

We seek dreams, culture, persuation.  These mediocre versions of humans also seek something: they are looking for absurdity and cheat path.

College system of Roothenchild Virminia slowly over time has transformed into a in-land monethery with slight tilt toward necromancer side, held like a stronghold by the gang of weirdos.

Every non-violent person is the most violent and shall be subject to punishments.

Each religious group is a gang, passive-aggressive gang more precisely.  They shall receive detriment to the knees.

Just because something is crawling 'n alive does not mean it will be alive 3 months later, in the following year, or next day.

The media in Virminia had always been strictly controlled since day one.

The puppet masters behind board and credit lines fear coming of films showing guy with multiple wives, large crowds of friends, and local chieften-lead communities.  Suppose that happened, Roothenchild citadel woulda crumbled within weeks.

Sometimes, doing the process (or activity) in reverse helps understanding by monumental amount. 

And the knowledge gathered are sturdy (permanent) and revealing.

The genius is one that refuse to do this science project because the time is unfit.  The fool is one that finishes it up thinking so great.  Such fool has serious blindness.

Our own guys are not helping our own guys enough while the zergs are waging a war against us.

Wiseman consider a lot, his speech may be slow.  The fool-worm can say ten words itself later forgets.

He who can't draw, must be a raw-er, one of those zergs!  

I don't ever recall one of our guys who is this poor at arts.

It's impossible as water that float on water - then it's oil!

Good tests reveals the substance of the creature.

Poor tests punishes good guys, the authentic, at usual~

The dork gets beaten and repelled by others.  The smartie gets played by others.  The true master is usually not known by the dork, nor sometimes the smartie, which is a good thing sometimes.

There are goons and boons with every substance, material, formation, person, value, you name it.  Seeking perfect-perfection I think is going rather off-limit dysfunctional smart, like those roothenchild college arrogant cunts.

He who hates girls, must be bad, and is not a he.  I may not want her to be close to me, but I accept her has a fellow good member of this giant place we call home.

Given enough food, the zerg type creatures would spread to million numbers within 90 years.  

It should be the food and water source of its we looking at, and not their computer or technology possessions or usage or anything of that sort related.

And see, the zergs' moves verify this - they had been attempting at drawing attention to argument of computer usage and virtual reality sizes, things of that sort.

Zerg always like to try at getting us think about things that don't matter to this vicious struggle war waged.

They often attempt make us indulge in matters that don't matter; that are irrelevent to fighting this war they had waged against us.

Watchout for the clever nerdees, the zergs we already got them, they can be taken care of via/with ease.

The clever nerdas gets privileged position, and act like it was never there.

The clever nerdas also have low quality of living, spreads it onto everywhere and act like it wasn't completely there that it had no such thought in mind.

Basically, the nerdas are disnormal humanoid specimans, whom are over e-tunned to the police-protect-u forever wussy haven absurdity environment.  

Nerdas are the principle statesman behind the faminization of men in general, that increase of wussies and the flood tide changing shift toward passive-aggression and goofy-lowly-bin-dism.  Their theories oppose natural flow - being a wussy counts as disability, and not a variation or something equal to being fit.

Most of these educated (but still) peasantish people (persons; humanoids) are nothing but nespotism pudge lords who couldn't become high level pudge lords.

Negative environments (unholy grounds) does a natural filteration for us.  It lessens our expenditure at identifying which ones are foul elements of society.

The ones that become active and confrontational (usually mimikery; fake; sugar-toned; anaethetic-tipped; passive way) in unholy grounds are definately one of those ones.

Like and unlike us who we does noble things for a living, these unholy types of humanoids are up to something entirely different.

They have an entire different set of principles and values, goals and intents, projects and plannings, hobbies and interests, preferences and patterns.

Telling Steve Jobs what to do, telling him to do this or that, out of pudgey intents?  That's some eerie filthy sheet only a vile humanoids like those softie looking uglies would do.  No normal being are remotely capable of squirming like so and stalking and tracks everybody else this much, giving instructions and capable of standing aside and perform this as a career-like passion (addiction)!  Only a softie physical-sports-weak absurd-soft zerg humanoid is capable of such dis-romantism!  I promise to get all of those ones out of the society.  

Judging by how Hitler ain't remotely close to promotion though it's very obvious the state of government of Virminia (aka Americano) has gone total mad and unstable-ly so, it's vivid then the total number of foul humanoids in this society ("society") must be crazy a lot (numerical).

Hmm, not sure if World War II topics became more popular, or due to I care it a lot more than before.

A real human is not someone that cheers on and performs well under a hypocritcal superficial imposter Jesus era of society.  

A real human does subjectively poorly in those periods.  

An underling do what the master says, whichever master it is it has chosen or landed with.

While an Aryan (true human) follows what God tells him.

A person doing poorly in messed up poop-in-a-perfume bottle hypothermiacrit period would be a good thing.  It indicates his authenticity as a real true human.

Combine fire and ice, we get police.  Combine sky and earth, we get storms.  Combine urine and shampoo we get Roothenchild.

Disencouragement is death threat.  No royal friend would go on and off with support.  Kill those, or report to National Safety Commission.  We'll pull on their hair, sit on its body and broadcast live in HD their repairing sessions.

Really indeed is based on the f-word.  Friendly competitions like olympic only live within the boarders of ruthless competition, the true competition.  Out there, get the f-word out tends to be the usual negotiation manner.  In those open and diverse arenas, raw power listens not to morals, but entirely to what they narrowly and fantically believe in and worships to.

My English skills could be 7000 times better, if weren't for the much deprivation and unreasonable inhumanity sufferings I had received.  One therefore cannot measure my English abilities without that consideration.

Besides, one's personality should be the thing to look at.  Personality deserves premium seat as a qualification trait for examinations and careful looks.  Then comes down to versatility, potential and then comes down to current overall skill, and finally reaches to a specific narrow skill.

I want to by now acknowledge that the healthy future for English codex (not as much a language) should be returning of local dialects, and not (this current of) further sychro-to-federal (one) Harvard english thingy magigy which we always used to do ( in the last 90 (150) years especially).

Whenever they see comedy, they laugh excessively on purpose.  They laugh in the manner of only when seems fitting to laugh.  They act totally a different way upon knowing others would see and know it.  Furthermore, they shout out loudly to increase punishments for a criminal on news.  While on sight of someone raising questions, they tend to speech out some content that has one unique common trait with all of its other talks: contains the underlaying negativity tone.  Who are they?

They are the sheeple vile incomplete-o defect-o humanoid amass.

Cuteness is a true strength.  
   It should be reconized as so.

|    Upon seeing someone who sounds like one of the noble guys which the zergs could identify, they proceed to toss out negativity onto other.  And yes, negativity always come in attached with a content, and the content looks impoverished.
|    Zergs know themselves the best well.  Every zerg knows themself is a zerg if they indeed is one.  When knowing the current treatment is far from privilege to it, it keeps quiet, and seeks ways to bank on it.  One great example of this is: upon knowing the counter-security of a website, justice system, institution to be too fair to it despite seemingly logical punishment level of the appearance, it will tangle and show up more doing so on purpose, which again they act out as unmediated.
|    When it's privilege for it to have a car, it will bank on it, it will be quiet about it until it bloats like a pudge lord with all the juice drained therefrom.  The mighty atrocious zergs is opposeto of confucious.  They would purposely act in ways, whether in entangle, in response, in intitiate, implied in a response, natched inside a response or a debate, for the often to be the case of presenting self much more impressive than it could ever be with natural order.

Traits mentioned above in highlight:
Zergs = Stealthed  Trickster  Greedy

In all straight forwardness address:
●  for certain the peasant masses of zergs do not deserve the ownership of these cars, electronics and other luxury item, especially the ceremonial-symbolic one: the iPhone
●  relinquish of their (the zerg's) ownership of these modern luxuries is entirely justified as by any variation of natural order plus with any luck variation on top these possessions they would not had came to obtain
●  we can use the 3rd point above to tell us: upon being a + to leave a memory and show/present itself, the zerg should be expected to engage in any type of action, sometimes seemingly countertuients such as shame, just for that sake (to leave an impressive image of self).  A symbolic case of this, which is a great example, is how the zergs if has reached the possesion of an luxury namely the iPhone, would repeatedly break rules, return to engage more, or initiate trouble, or to do any ways to bring attention onto itself, just for that purpose.  For the sake of letting folks know this with a good memory, which would be good, this point shall be highlighted once more here: the sheeple zergs are greater than us in the talent tree of trickery and zergism, so to speaks, ya

Point Expanded:
"|    Upon seeing someone who sounds like one of the noble guys which the zergs could identify, they proceed to toss out negativity onto the locked-on target.  And yes, negativity always come in attached with a content, and the content looks impoverished."
->  Zerg's attacks, vile attacks, spit attacks disguise itself as suggestions, advices, comments, replies, 3rd party opinion and such
-> whenever someone strange and looks contain some degree of maliciousness or vilelism and is therefore not one of our guys whom which are always beautiful and noble, throw out one of those negative type of remark, then it's likely that it's a case of the mentioned.  In other words, much simplified words, hehe, if some responder speaks in disencourging presentation and/or tone though is not cool with us, then such is 10 out of 10 likely to be case of an zerg attack
-> as proven by days of investigation and research efforts, the zergs tend to do that

Additional Tags:   but I sustain I think I can, hehe,  I try, hehe,  for dutchland,   really inspiring show, life changing music, allune, tune,  family service,    country, nation, self, crowd gathering,  concerts, so to speaks,  yes yep, yeps, juicy chicken wings, have it fried,  and a fries,  well well well,  bartender, look who is here,  entry, mid-west,  the great plaines, grand canyon,  las vega-mega-whee,  weed,  tumble, juggerneut,  wheelies,  traits of things, special items,   discovery, finding, treasure map,  pirate ships

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