

Saturday 30 May 2015

A Refreshed Reminder on Zergs

additional tags:   fulltraits match, of a slave-trad3r,  disability and defect humanoids,  associates,  managers, word of dirt,  further tag transport, allocation:  hijacker, slime,       time will tell, breakeven,  mana, heaven, temple, irrigation, farming, production, facilities,  cartoon studios,  castles gates,    missing expression in the ingolish language,  the language espeically de-britishtized,  knavery,  sounds like leech's tone,  quite malicious,  holds also psychopathic taints seems,   glutton types, condemntion to the  habitual-flawed,  whom may be self-unrealize,  use of pronoun whom does not seek to aknowledge their credit worth, 

The passive-aggressive
defect humanoids
is the largest gang
on earth, whose
members infiltrate
every government and
prominent families.

additional tags:  the zerg suppression,
the  selfish-suppremacist,
glutton, waiter for others to do work,
leech on Stevie Jobs,
the zerg dominion, conspriacist
identical delight, p4asant
the rise of,

their members, are everywhere, pushing,
and doing the identical thing, true law
been contaminated

there are indicators, aye as
big cats still no where to be found,
is this true law then

some bloody p4asant (elected, KCF-ed)
broke our cable, via its 'work', no applogee,
smells (spells) like some zerg take-over,
gangster bandit thugs, alternating law,
rather conceit to evil than any sort've
pick-up a book and read, lazy down
to their every bone

use of word evil therein does not
aknowledge their worth, rather downplays
the vicious ferociousness exclusive
to the zerg p4asant passive-aggro

sweet and little p4asant angel pies,
would break our cable, fuss
3 days (3 weeks actual)
about ever so friendly
than getting situation done.
acting as if behind schedule
and world owes them,
when just self-ish glutton
freako with psychotic
delusions in mass numbers
that never speak to their
identical members, funny

replacement cable had some problems,
likely on purpose. yet these ones will
keep getting paid $20,000, operating
like a glutton thief doing nothing
to defend d3troit or this nation,
yet will be named innocent if not
more angelic than taylor swift
for they did not do the viking style
violence, due to their
sheer emmense numbers,
suppressional wastes

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