

Monday 4 May 2015

Opinion 104

Some spray negativity 'cause it's their denergy frequency (de-energy).

They know well through their vile organs that with negativity, marriage, association, offers, coupons and hires go to strangers and uninteresting individuals.

The vile organs been keeping them down, it's their conduct, not way the deprivation of food or luxury.  When would NATO agencies realize and quit child-likely "trust" to these cancers.  The NATO organization have not shown orientation in updating their stance from imprevious.

Beware of the internal enemies, they be
more legitimate than anyone, even the cultural

Some accept, some dodge, some runs away
forever from reaper's duedate, trust not that
someone will not betray but have the leverage
and readiness to cleanse and lay wrath of rightwous
on all of them, be smiten.

Beware of the wimps, they be pracrice none
of samurais and seek to consume all and take
same status through cheating way, so they
think they could (never the less will try, much vigurously).

Beware of the weak, they are only weak here,
are energetic and pro wrestler as ever when
it's faceless environment or shade-a.  Every creature's
aggro is exactly equal, it's the relations and expressions
that set forth apart.

Beware of the semi-weak, they be exaggerating
strength of an enemy or the roughness of situation
so to hide self's rather severe flaws for being receiving
its current treatment, and sometimes so they think (aren't
always perfectly done).

A man without abs or musical abilities perscribing self
as a nobleman and his sentences & statements monumental?
That seems to be a slightly nazified slight intellectual monsterosity
over there.

If these complete worst creatures (or uncreature; decreature) of the
universe refuse to change, then a systemtic rid-off will come to them.

This free service had been requested by them by their behaviors.

We cannot find another creature more lawless, shameless, out-of-control,
habit-poor, low-honor, hypocritical than these hominids.  Find us a fat tiger,
an alcoholic panda or some wife-beating crocodile.

The lawless trait sets forth their base, the habit-poor trait justifies their "mistreatment"
though who is more well-treated but least-resulted than these lucifericist hominids,
while their hypocrite lets them talk about law and morals, notice: never in
lyrical manner a righteous folk would but in technicality alien mimickery.

Truly shall one day the cancer be rid of.  These unbeauty rather anti-liferist
freaks.  No one could outmatch them in addictions, alcoholism, degeneration
and vilelism unlivings.

Of which and from which gates of abyssal are these unliferism incoherant hatelings
spawned from is of an unique and seperate-a topic, than content herein.

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