

Friday 29 May 2015

Opinion 181

Whoever doesn't know when being anaethetic sprayed by zergs likely would be considered as a slight disability (semi-disability or other term makeable here).

Zerg amass strike with the eerie sounding kidnapper-like tone when very well knowing it's meddling at post session of their earlier set of undoings.  Or are they remotely self-concious, fully enoughly, such rubbish entities.

The relative good ones, though there are none for zergs, carries decent realization of one self on a good day that is, yet possess the lack of self-control for a proper restrain of its uglier half.

Roothenchilds should come to identify of what cynical is, as well as the term aggression, which been zerg infested, loosely used.  

Or do they care.  They are occupying a leadership position after all.

If zergs crawled up to high place here and seen the message, likely would proceed onward hooting the Roothenchilds down the rotted paths: be identifying cynical defectively while holding onto other bad paths or taking this as a road itself (bad path such as fighting north korea, as if really it's the real threat, as if roothenchilds really are in total power, and zergs are the mass weak clueless complete non-aggression humans as if, et cetera).

Disruption after disruption, lyghd offers none, the codename for one of my pa-rent.

Refusal to regard it as so, the p-term is le strong.

We would not leave this mention if were never deemed necessary to.  The otherwise others would not know had this not been noted, makes this so, makes up the worth-it.

Elven during typing the whole session plus earlier, the stormbolt rough nonsense session stayed persistenly hearable.

Added, as planned to&for:  eye sight would've gone
1000 degrees myopia, if weren't for own effort.

Ly and ghd, these two, the amazing ever-so-fabulous
duo offers none.  Ghd, no congradulations on an ever
occasion, then that's effectively a criminal diglet (sorry
diglets) jail guard.  The inproper, unhealthy momentus
transferred therein spells tyrannidiagnal either.

Zergs are psychoticly aggressive.  

Find a creature or computer A.I. more out of control and violent than these are, and we'll find a moon with pancakes on there.

Because a specie ich a team, that which contains parts and members,
species are subject to "the sum of the team, the collective, may not be
the sum of its parts".

Indeededlis, the crocodile world could see a tremendous boost
suppose they were much more unified, so to speak, roughly
speaking notions & motions here.

Wanna-be knowledge trainees with printed paper
of an expert or upper-intermediate hold dangerously
firmly the preceptional thought (salt grain) that
the history, lineage lines(’) (though this term began fading,
and is almost seldomly none), genetics, is a straight line.
Though in reality is more so a tidal wave: rise and fall,
growth and troughs, rise and fall.  And are probably
more so take in shape of a cross-dimensional wavelength,
a vibrational string, propagating its progress to the every other
parts of the universe, while simutaneously interacting with 'itself'.
Grand wisdomly, well itself is the universe: everything is all, each
is every other.  Undefinable, in a way, highly abstract, almost
summarized down to nothing: a single blinmk.

(’):  (added: 'lines'; lineages)

Aye, the history 'line' or family tree 'line' is closer
to a tidal wave, of up and down-ness, also with
circular beads branching out of the everchanging
so main, than a direct monolithic 'simple' straight line.

Simple, not so simple.  Das Auto.

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a copy of internet access permit today. Limited
2 vouchers per user.  Client software may be required.

The TV-presented America represents nothing like the real America.

Whose TV stations are those anyways, folks asken.

Like how an knave is rarily an simply wussy, but an disrespectis softie fanstic wanna-be, fakes aren't just fake, but tries to be authentic yet fake.  Those particular TV stations being 24/7 nocturnal fake boxes educates (nazify) watchers onto the road/unroad of fakeness.

By ethn!c or personality origin of the showhosts, actors etc alone,
a totally different America is presented, which increasingly seem
to be some illness-riddened hospital-regular entity's intestine-nal

Darloss and the fellow genetivist spewlers
had been proven inright.  Whether they admit
so andor face the truths is of another subject,
though shouldn't be.

The world truly isn't by genetics but by spirits in short:
it is defined by spirits, divided by spirits, yet unified by spirits.

While the theorist surrounding talks of 'living' know nothing
of their life belongings.  After the cycle, this one cycle
of testament of time is completed, all of those perhaps
would be washed away.  The cycle can be longer than
the widest crop seasons: a patience wait, bus almost seem
doesn't there, never arrives.

Truly is the universe based on concicous.  

At some region, there is more of concious, while
ar other locations, there is lesser.  Earth for instance
would be a concious high relative region.  We have
lots of trees, flowers and plankton around, how about
coral reefs as well, we could not forget thee.

The concious are indeed linked up, and this is no joke.
Members of a concious, ahem, more precisely, yes.

Things abstract are best left indescribed by words of precision.

The highly worshipped by g0yim infamous organ called
the brain, aka cerebral cortex, isn't the only thinking,
or thought processing unit.  As in short: how else
do planktons traverse and onward about their life?

Most organs on its own has got its own basic of
often advanced as well central process unit.  The brain
aka cerebral we like to call it ich le very visual-drawing organ
than the entirety.  As with any attention-drawing visuals, the
cerebral cortex paint a different, yes, skewed proportions
of the reality.

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