

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Opinion 108

All surviving thiefs got their specialities and traits.

Some did it via pure luck and chances.  Though those may not look that way.

The skunk got their unique biological defence system.

While some most rodundant uncreatures managed to remain their worthless existence by being worthless: absolute give zero experience whatsoever in tackling them: cost too heavy, and casts burden to the mind.

Ours many cheer messages are specifically for 
combatting dege and hateling vapors from coming
through, spreading or founded a landing spot, than
for the usual reason of to speak to the allies.
(wordswap here was made on purpose)

There ich le very good reason for that.

They wanna take lions' position, and
are psychotically wrapped in their twisted
de or un-visions.  The virus of planet don't
respect big cats.  Keeps using their shopping mall
and luckified goods as sign of their validity: traits of 
a complete doodentmic (invented word; for decorational purpose
only, newly invented on the spot) psycho.

They ought to one day read a newspaper informing
them that the psychopaths always have better
reasoning and perfect logic.  This may pull them
away from their delusions a lil bit probably.

Repeatedly the powers granted from the tomes (tombs)
of knowledges are senselessly somehow regarded by
these OCD stuck-up amino acid short maniacs as
proof of their worth to play grand world editor, or were
it thoughts that ran, or some spasm kneejerk reaction.

Everyone in the woods knows taking a hard
task such as managing the world is quite
closely similar to cooking a meal, or more so
doing chemistry: without responsible conduct,
more hazard than benefits.  Pandas know not to try,
which get regarded as they can't handle, or even:
they don't know chemistry.

If humbleness of others get regarded as weakness,
and strength of others get regarded as threat,
then there is no way of communication with these
virus beings other than: through methods of pain,
a remaining language which they seem to understand.

There seem to be now
this division, a clear contrast
between the mixed martial arts
fans and the "gaming" communities
in general (on average).  The later
had been often regarded as not the
weaker version of the martial arts fans
but a total different seperate humanoid
specie which newly arrived since 1990s.

Those nazified poor-healthed cretinlings
overfed thanks to roothenchild never-maintained
and highly dysfunctionized social policies will
stand there, be more legitimate and surely never
attacked anyone right there while more society problem
caused, appears, and surely would be none of their doings
or responsibilities, as mouthly daringly police-protection wieldingly
these hideous sub-entities would claim.

One problem is ties with the next one.

To heal this land, a total rejuvation would do, while
fixing individual components would have the same issue
re-appear the next day.  

The reappearance would be like as if neighboring chained
problems unheal the problem fixed (right afterwards) back.

Simutaneously, one social problem
is a symptom of its fellow others.

From Warcraft III, we've learned that there
are two kinds of humans: ones who understand
binary, ok not this one.

Mediocrists or the authentics.  The weaker performaner
tend to be rather equipped with slimey 'tactics' more often
than not.  And usually resort to cheap gimmiks via distant routings.
Yet in every step rather hate-filled-a-ly maintain the claim
that they are identical, super angelic, and are just 'weak":
makes one ask: what's their real attention/intention.

We also learned that the magnitude of aggression from
these seemingly 'small guys' are just as big: hate-filled 
aggression, echoing the line: small cretin hatelings,
and noble big elephantes.

Besides being viruses, their ill-un-behavior
had registered them to be psychopaths: as
which other normal creature would weaponize
the absolute charity they have obtained and really
some how, somehow could think it was earned by them,
thus providing them the reasonable grounds by thiefs' (sunken low) standard(s)
as well: to enbattle the people ferociously, as if had stolen in abundance ever
from these worthless broodling mistakes, and birth defect

Currently, by year 15 plus 2 thousand, many large
software interactive entertainment companies operate
or survive by reducing their own freedoms and rights,
at same time gathering profits (incomes) solely or mainly
from the bottom tier cultured (evading the word, manuavered
around educated, intelligent or low here purposely) class.

This type of 'economy' only works with a shutdown and
inhumane to the extra-un-ordinary amount (un)treatment
of the entire upper (nobility) class.  The upper platform of 
the newer generations had been tied by digits and disorderly
abnormal codes with the 'everybody else'.  Entire networks 
were nerver formed (seeded) nor matured (nurchered).  The
flow of tradegoods routes around the lower tier cultured class
so to speak, though brings them no boosts in any amount.

In terms of grand design masteries of economics:
without leverages and bearings, the balance of
such a lever-less irrigation route would always land
in the snowball favortism of one of the 4 corners
of the indivisible square quartile (or box). 

Nothing can balance life with a simple base-ten
numberal system no matter distributed how "equally",
or "masterfully", wonderfully nor "imperically".  It is simply
impossible – and that 'system' would be not base-ten, rather:

As often come to observerence, many
of the newer generation (90s generation)
simply come to v!deo games just to hack,
to do some type or untype of cheating.

They do this religiously, because as we discovered,
they sorta owe their current life which they preceive
as normal and satisfactory entirely to a loose thread
of cheating.

The use of hacks barely give them real-life ticket currency (evading the 
word monetary there) gains nor any status impressional boosts. So the inquiry
arises: how come they still do this, at the rate of preve-lence?
Turns out, they do this because in one of their broodling parent's memory,
so to speaka, the most fond red-eye experience was a cheating session.

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