

Tuesday 5 May 2015

We were right since beginning, we were right again: the sheeple pazi-aggressors, these insane maniacs total to 7 billion global cancer numbers, are a firmly established grid of shameless freako hate-liferists while the vikings are the disenfranchised bands setup as the boogeyman.

   (photos may not be related herein)

Entities that look below bunnies, seem unbeauty
is an unbeauty, 10 out of 10 cases some criminal,
which passed through kingdom gates and became
established.  These non-contributors been taking
drama plus hate-ism as their true profession since then:
afterall, how else survive these criminalcists could besides
keeping the true police inert or distracted.

We were right since the initial offering.

Remember Louis IX.

Facing civilIzations is this 庞大的 abyssal gates
of hate which split itself into 7 billion shards.

They will keep being innocent until all homeless
rot in hell, yet these ones deserve privilege seats, our
catering more than the pandas, heh rubbish.

                                                              — Lt.Northrand Gropman, at 2017 Oslo Accord

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