

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The weirdo hominid instablis psychos' desire is not to run business and make profit, but to purposely harm, in the most hateful unmanner possible. They have given up their own future completely, yet tries to drag down as many others, seeing this not as criminal: which makes us wander: how much did these now suspected to be entities even like their 'life' initially. No one is more criminal than these psycho instablis nonsense-utter-of-nonsense. Someone add them senses or all governments are frauds with no focus on life.

    (pic may not be related to content herein)

Those are here to fuss, that an evidence on the table.
Nothing seem to make sense to them no longer.
Their will is already fully worn, nor really much there
has been any it seems.  Yet dresses up in normal
customs and continue to participate along.

Can one day somehow a single leader, or leader
seat occupant get a grip and speak to these stuck-in-between
trapped between heaven-gate little psycopathicie anti-liferists
to proceed, move on forward (question mark).

The psychos on one day conciously realized
self has no end, yet anti-life anti-all-ristly devote
to hating on innocents, usually none of whom
had inflicted them.  Yet could be conciousless
on other matters, are they not OCD, disordered 

One our guidance, they intrepret as jealousy,
on our loan, they preceive as weakness, everything
will make sense to these psycho dysfunctionalees.

In addition, their skill level will get intrepreted by them
as proof of their qualification, though a real criminal
always have skill, and it is their lacking of basics that
sets out the difference.

Use of normal enough pronoun such as "them"
has been complimentary to these entities of hate
and anti-all-rism.  

UN's negligeance on searching for them part
further disvalidates their belonging as a so called
nation of all nations.

Sitting below criminals, emptied of all concious,
operating like an OCD on drugs overthinking intestine
hijacked corpse are truly these dysfunction-ed
entities, aye.

The hatelings will be interpreting
our judgements as mockings, but
then we ask: couldn't they apply
that to everything, and that wouldn't
there be something that's the judgement.

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