

Monday 4 May 2015

Opinion 105

additional tags:  announcement, vigilance, strength, fortitude,  now on keyboard device, later typed, holy divine shield, exploit others, greed to fill empty hole, emptiness get bigger, self didn't see, due to arrogance, partial or the, andor the missing mechanism to notice, likely arrogance trumped its signals, messege delivery, see all for details, wisdom, tome of knowledges,  the agility, dexterity, finger speed, the spirit, endurance, faith, chriasma, intelligence,  guild reputation, rally, banner, upbeat,  blessings, encourgement boost, a stats buff,  selling bread for fun activity in the town which we grew up in, life before 16th century, standard, monuments, price fluctuations, balance, soul, keeper, twisted meadows, echo isles, letters, mailbox, courier, duke, kingship, captain, capital, water fountain, trading post, inn, mahjon, metalwork, crusade, blacksmith, plate armor, archery, castle building, construction, temple, the belief, one nation, there are two worlds, one nation, and that is rohan, the faith believers,  productivity, in office, quality of office questionable, fastly typed, distraction admist, conditions of place of work, thought to note, rally points established, mining, harvest season, import, barley, pokemons, wild pokemon appears

Our enemy is not some big cat who are facing endangerment.

Out enemy is not some turban wearing shephard 8000 kilometer away in some desert.

Our enemy is these internal friends, the evil hominids.

They asked for their cleansing.

Across all the mountains, how troubled is these wastes: stuck in middle, being evil yet refusal to take up a hike and fade toward the heavenly gates which had been preparing for their arrival.

All problems arrive from them – of the 9 seas, never the problems themselves, but it's them.

These aren't some weaker flowers, but rather yellow-mellow weeds.

Some of which rabid and vile rather, carries venomous toxins, thus inhibiting its growth and giving the different extensial looks.

The hominid race may be a virus that carries high amount of resemblence to an advanced civilization.

As per rule with Law of Resemblence: if an object has one or more difference than the authentic type then it is effectively an different object.  And this one despite having many similarities to a proper society, a proper civilization, contains several major differences: whether in behavior, customs, social norms, in routines and so on, which disqualifies itself from being a perfect match, thus makes it not of the same as the authentic.

It's a virus that plagues earth, operates off of greed and glutton, insantiable with their consumptions.  The more it consumes the less beautiful it gets.  More and more wealth the pudge collects, and uglier it grows/rots into.

The song "gone with the wind" and similars is more than 80's songs: these tones are eternal (they are eternal('s) music), have stayed with us since the beginning of life forms, the birth of virtues: from grandpa to generations to generations, passed down since infinity long ago.  Otherwise, wouldn't have resonated so much.

The content in-between on the road of the final result may be negligible in terms of the ultimate finale.  Final will count, whereas twist and turns on the passage may be training, maybe challenges, maybe anti-liferism and not necessarily indicator of the final achievement that is awaiting and veiled in the future.

Wins or losses during a match almost has zero correlation nor are of indicator in celestial plainefield to the match result, at grand scale battle of things and similar.

Truly are surprises a trait of most dramatic changes to nations and political fields, as out of expectation would be of normal for the ordinary (humble normal regular folks) and upper-ordinary minds.

When the sheeple-zerg member is saying
about equality or fairness, we know it's
its own mimik version that will be mentioned,
with zero insincerity tied with faith or values
of humanity in absolutence.  Whenever
they are meddling with such topics,
bound for sure no matter the number
of turns or which turn goes, end result
wouldbe more of crime, and less of true strength.

additional tags: integrite values, zou huo ru mo, addictions, balance, know thy weakness, weakness of most hominids, good, bad and hateling ones, are really their habits, than any way their stand-out point: the memory, the focus, energy and etc., cover thy zero,  blessing of might, fortitude, forts, st.joseph moral park,  dorm, ticket, owl, sales, pamphlets, scroll of town portal, potion of invunerability, we are wise sages, passed through time, not indestructible units,  hehe, haha

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