

Thursday 21 May 2015

Opinion 178

This cancer thiefers we are facing akeens to pointing at the one guy got caught, whether or not its identical lamerist number-superior cancer mate, as the last thief finally found, unianoumously together, each taking a drama role generating a convincin-ble crowd scene.

More often than not, a little attention is paid to the activity that belongs to learning category, as if is to simply gather a copy of mimikery for dramatization purposes than to increase virtue or craftsmanship of the protagonist, and no deeper than the shallow probing surface.

An zerg cancer is easy to deal with: it appears as the abnorm immediately on sight.

But the situation becomes a different game with increase of the % presence of the thiefs, especially when there exists this careless irresponsible intelligent fool group known as the NWO spreading different messag3.

Any thief wouldn't expose itself, and would wear as legitimate of a clothing or outerwear as possible, with exception being adaptation to this rule.  Another identity is their missing excellence plus the disproportionalis of artisan crafts or maths-related business in relation to their thiefery focuses.  Herein we derive the meaning that: to find our enemies, start with managers & friends.

Tackling down and reviewing every NWO branch gov employee shall be the number 1 priority of this campaign season.  Weed crumbles upon arrival of the sweeper cleaner jet 2300.

Indeed that the Thomas Jefferson is right: by
the minimal level of maliciouism, the zerg cancer
would peck a person a thousand times, than
do one vicious flesh-physical hate-filled (note)
beating.  That's how below-criminal they are.

The cancer broodling peasants are united
at running the same infested social notion
that not doing violence equals to top
archilon angels.  Whichfrom we draw 
being not a criminal at current means
deserve same amount of credit as an
holy saint.  How vile and daring, those vicious
amass.  We'll mobile our forces, and deliver
them the biggest economic sanction +
status punch on international media programs
to date, to world history, to the chapters of 

Besides all other ppints shtutten, the sheeple amass like to silence our guys.


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