

Sunday 17 May 2015

Opinion 111

If gone outside with ly and ghd, it's gonna be different.

Humming as ever, like mandatory foul air breathing chores.

Lyghd transfer its non-breathing lyghd-cy after 7 hours of conditional exposure to all participants who is non-non-living.

Lyghd's fuss-fan registers world consecutive ranking number 1, obtained top ranking award.

Its fuss-fan sits beyond infiniti, makes Chuck Norris wanna eat a Suburu.

Seen Vegas, up-close now, at least
by this part, looks Roothenchild
welfare-ism in full effect.

Quite difficult to understandable
the logic or actual reasoning of Roothenchild
(New World Ordersters)'s zerg peasant breeding

It's hiring criminals, paying criminals
dress like good guys they are doing, notsure
if roothenchild sees.

unethical, peasant, may be subjugated (could be large augment on that one)

and da yao dabai T here as if, they may
requesting (mega edit  may be)

Lyghd on murderous trail as if, once again,
with the usual edge on edge, yep.

Piles on stack up before recorder could,
which this of this occured multiple on itself alone.

Words do mere job of portraying its velocity in any due amount.

There cannot be freedom as long as lyghd is roaming and free.

Me ich le might be giving this beast of horror much credit and attention as well by doing this.

The above chunk may be typed under enfeeblement effects,
which me devote well in fighting of.

These words spelled right may be off and wrong, hic, pardon
credit enablizercist, to none other than the gaydoor notorious
lyghd.  There ich no better description than this to lyghd really
me believes, though others can try and hit the terror grip
of this deathling so to speaka.

Je suis would not like to mention this, je
ich not in liking of mentioning lyghd and its
so long disgrace.

It's come true, our conviction has been verified.

The sheeple dege run the world.

Situation is where it isn't sheeple lamerist amass
leeching off of us, but the world bent under its might:
the world serves the sheeple amass.

The cancer menace begin as crying worms,
matures to primal bandit pazis, and only
due to 12 years of edu (not particular good
nor fitting one) that their true form isn't in
rampant shape, which in itself served as a scramble
protection over the years.

The peasants ever so mega angel-like
and must be innocent, ly, walking on
the street should be seen as thiefs whom
had switched careers.  One could
expect them to return after a few short years,
or months.

Any peasant carrying a big enough position
in society is a danger even if it is not evil, aye.

As it knows too short of consideration to be
operating.  Heck, it's the sheeple amass
ought to be writing this, hehe good expression herein.

These notes could be typed in better,
but time is urgenta, and the enfeeblement
from multiple sources are on.

We persistently try our best in defending
!srael from all factions, or unfacrions of invaders.

Sheeples have shown their teeth. So it is
a vicious war that's on-going against us,
then the standard of engagement comes:
that not only should we deterr them, but also
be purposely shortening them: applied
to business or merchandry would be:
highest price hikes possible to deny the enemy's
entry, at sametime purpose hijack of all its chances of
grasping grocery to the final grain.

During time of this, can hear sheeple's weaponization 
next door of the hotel room.  Its enfeeblement effects
compounds with other earlier readings received, je suis
hope generals understands : )  And here we go another
rain.  There ich le a record sample of this young 'kid'.

Zerg should try nicer.

In continuation to earlier, and yes, the
work, war effect performed in
excitement and joy ich will.

We'll crush the deges, and plunder back the stolen goods!

Sheeples lose $350, vegas cheat their game.

It's a classic win-win situation.

Endless points to be added, some
spoken or thought of may not arrive
to here ah, though we do our best,
in this vicious struggle against
the mighty collosal beast split
into 7 billion shards that is the
sheeple amass.

• it's 19 batallions of sheeple amass vs 1 batallion of ours
• and when our partei are as dispersed as the mass-numbered enemy, we can imagine Rohan's phanplax
• be right back, lyghd spoke something, though not as striking, nevertheless sat around the region of hyper shakity shake ground.  As always ah, we try our best to record, note, every idea and grand thought of strategic manuver and spherical delight ah

Reality is once again seen
through the tour of vegas.

congrsfulations to our team
for the valient effort. Their ability
to stay right despite otherwise

They swam against the plague wind,
and arrived to the isle of destuchland.

From here forward, the blessings
of excalibur now belongs to them.

Sheeple, EQ advanced crowd dramatists, very daring as well.

While Roothenchild, intelligent geniuses who trapped by own traps,
the very long distant way, across 7 different objects from shuffled
categories of items.  

Roothenchild appears to be going whack still despite
year 2015, their resources, and abundance of time (more
than our lads on average for certain) also.

There are much bigger things to care about,
ly and ghd absolutely needs to know: expression only.

Yet, at this very typing time, another, oh wait
better notta to be drained in by ghd deathpull,
though me could only hold on for sauce long.

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