

Saturday 23 May 2015

Proverb of the Day: Dysfunctional Growth != Growth

    (note: content herein may not be related)

additional tags: had an electric outage
a minutes ago, while during computer
restart, it was for restarting the software
of camera, lyghd does its usual, unsteadiness,
may had been rather ultra infectious,
notes, footnotes, shakey-shake, the computer
fan loudest yet this day, perhaps having
to do with temperature, that's ich
a certainly factor, processor, processing speed,
computer fans, lords, jesus, 4 points, note
remembered be written, catch up lyghd missed
for record, dialogue, its, its 'words', save saliva
to word it, leave commentation, ok oh yeah
that one, ok done,  remembered, wish had recorded
the earlier parts, parts just before pressed
record button,  safety pin,  expression that one
is mainly

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