

Sunday 31 May 2015

"The swarm control everything, our tv, our governments, our speech, our beliefs, our customs and our steve jobs. They are very quick at swarming new pages or public topics with their grotesque & daring short-squeeze mimikeries, at sametime demonstrating great agility at being first to spew ficitious goo. Awhile dumping their welfare effort at alienating yugooh card players, big fishes, big cats, with ever sounding reason. Not so weak and innocent are they? We can get pinched 30,000 times while the zergs get none. Who is actually in rule here, the boss?"

Beneath the pillar of the storms,
 let the cancer thiefs/bandit-fiends be wrathed.

Broodling contaminates of hate,
jealousy & incoherency, with a cheer
addiction to their worthless concept of "survival".

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