

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Opinion 109

There comes the light, a grand
judgement, day of new dawn.     — Chapter VII page. 137 

Sick health is to have sick mind, at the minimum,
as the veins are common.

Social study is a dark art, deciphers and divides
the creature into organic parts like anatomy, 
which describes in foul tongue.

The users as well as inventers of this may
not be aware of its actual do.  (later added:
and been; may not been aware of its actual do)

Truly are the mediocrists a common enemy
of good & evil almost.  

Mediocrists be filled in instablis anger
at the normal success for being normal.

There are ways to nullify this the taiqi way:
lid off and let its self-hate steam depressirize,
or present dubiously (looking for a word here
close meanin' to invisiblely) an activity of
hate-'fury' unleashment.

Mediocrists [is] hatelings, hatelings [are] mediocrists,
same bigot, different shade (shape).

The hi-tech firm (though may be
filled with nerdies, still ich a high-tech
firm) that receives all of its income
from the lower tier of society type of
scenario, as mentioned in previous opinion 
100 post, can only function with the presence
of a severely poor designed, wrong valued,
intoxicated and dysfunctioned economics.

The strangulation wich somehow came to inflict
the upper (noble; nobility) class enable the
mentioned scenario to happen.

In straight-get-to-quick of a term,
the Steve Jobs' were reduced to
the same level as the average lamerist
(vilelings) which is a scenery reminding of
a blade trap inside a mummy pharoah cave 
which slings across upon certain load of weight,
which harms the heavier ones while leaves
0 trouble to anyone lighter.  Similarly, the
Steve Job class of people, humans were reduced,
while the under-cultured tiers were inflicted
upon with none in contrast.  Those ones may
not know the existence of the blade and therefrom
probably doesn't know or see the Stevie Jobsies' difficulties.

And that, adds to additional problems to the existing  (added: different, 'nd multiplitude of different colors of) 
bands of sanctional weight, so to speaka.

Now it becomes a challenge, a real, much bigger
challenge for the social doctors, prefering the word
priest, to mend. Or civilization's priest rather

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