

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Opinon 106

Wilard, rest thy tea cup, as the King is king, not an God.

Me the sage is wise, not indestructible.

Nation states operated like Jesus Farms since 2th century onward and 16th century upward.

We should look at the pinkie-brain as our common dangerous demons inside each every one of us.  It is the OCD spasm organ and the lowest organ to date: check out the stuff it suggests, am I right? We know the list of ugly thoughts sometimes.

Almost any creature with limbs tend to have the least wisdom and mythical abilities in the encyclopedia of living (assuming normal and healthy; disincluding the birth defects) pokemons: the limbs does not connect with the central nerve hub processing unit very well so to speaka, causes interference, and may dampens other signal highways.

Important notice (key) to Lenin and any national leaders:
A nation state contain all of the features of a nation state,
with any of the trait missing, then is not of a nation state.

Any national leader should be productivity 3 tier
higher than most other super members, otherwise
if he focus on developing, the thiefs focus on drilling
or exploitation, then the time lefta for catching 'em
up will be at a rate of never catching up.

Check out previous run regime for more details
and evidenta as well of this, heh heh.

One root of many issues and evils we see
today seem to be that how most hominids including
in 1st world cultured states (nationality) like to
be telling self he is the better than 'others' than
building a profoundly fun, enthusiastic, joyous place.

After musical sessions, it's become so obvious
that the humans who don't like singing must
be those general wussy thuggaries.

After more glance, we immediately see how
indeed they are fussing, not trying to live.

Considering their access and luxury level,
still managing to look this beaten ugliness,
probably indicate this one ain't even morally
aligned at all, on the actuality side, if not
probably is a regulatist in spasming some demonic
OCD anquish unique to these birth defecta
songless fake humanoid entitas.

Check them out, uglier than any creature of the woods,
of the seas, of the sky, with rigid small-eyes, amino acid
short looking texture, like someone cruelly out of nutrient,
which comes from not of actual lack of food, they have plenty
but their inner venom produced from hate and no morals
which inhibits its proper healthy growth.

They also happen to have the sharpest teeth in this world:
steel weapon sharp, yet the big fishes managed to get called
as the biggest threat: with the alienating name: shark.

Things indeed really comes down to:
if a humanoid or a crowd of such cancer
never sings a single song, then which
anthem of shade and hate do they follow
the question immediately comes to mind.

Indeed it is the these hateling true form of lowest
criminal the danger to society and all life forms,
not some big cats or some hippo or big fishes 7000
kilometres away.  Wut is feared may not be that dangerous:
the cancer 2-legga mass may be the biggest danger
to all of mankind.

Manufacturees somehow, or perhaps
it's more so distributor (the final end node
of production cycle holders)'s doing,
have been supplying these mass criminals
with their products.  Could we rely on criminals
that they'll be using these received instruments
for spreading joy, or to enlighten the elements of good?

As long as they exist, and at large, having a big
economic persence, having cars, and some living
space plus other things, chipping away at society
and fighting against everything they will effort onto.
We can surely to expect any of this to happen.


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