

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Opinion 177

Empty mimikery politeness, the
codewords spoken at certain times
had been established and (or) used by
the zergs as instruments to keep
their leech positions; by keeping everyone
in affirming stance than ever doubting.

It is a faulty versiin of courtesy; constitutes 0 actual courtesy.

Sheeple amass's 'success' can be regarded as due to skipping of moral upkeeps.

Moment a business speak of sheeple exposure and such realizations, that business will get invaded on by the sheeples.

The zerg cancer are the filths that bug in every occasion, nose in every restaurant, and then says: we didn't do any nothing.

It's truly seem as if the world long became zergs, and that even the United Nation groups had became their puppet long time ago to such an extend that zerg servitude in absolucence had to be paid.

Defect humanoids increase like grain prices, or notta.  These cuties will take the world over soon, and in absolute frameworks are no way to be weak.  All it takes is for the New World Ordder gentlemens to make one more zerg-boosting policy again to doom everybody remaining non-virus.

Some of them pretending, they know who they are, as this ethnic group or that one brings some issues.  Pardon, all zerg cancer thuggies do.

Vegas has been under attack by mass pazis dressed like tourists for years, so does rest of America.

Check them out, none of which examining or enjoying the architecture of the building, but be taking photos only, like some spy.

One could say right now the entire 5 continents is under zerg peasants occupation.

Those insolent viles will keep being the most angel-like until pandas be found nowhere, and Steve Jaubs drained dry.

• The mighty zergs have been doing short squeeze for million of gummy bear years
• A faulty fraudant politeness 'custom' had been established where speakers say certain codewords, and would be thusfrom seen as polite, though true courteous ones would share certain qualities.  Pandas with great compassion and courtesy still are barred from most holiday inns
• if in any case someone do gambling at Vegas with that amount, most likely it's not due to the advertising power of Vegas, but the sheer immense social-pressure (threaten) power of the zerg cancer amass: everyone has become their pushovers, puppets, working for them, around their wishes more than other way around, though none sheeples could invent any of the products, hm
• a real way to measure whether one is in upper position is by the number of pinches sent vs received: which side in zerg peasants vs us have been pinched more, oh, fantasic
• by this trend, soon, in couple years, the new world order may lose complete control over them, and become engulfed by the mass very capable zerg amass
• one should never take pride on how many deges or regular customers they got to their psychopaths nonsense trap, but first learn some dance moves from pandas, purchase a pack of gummy bears or a few, then regard that as zero valid actual success, as they were equalvalently concentration camp transportedly to come
• the glutton exploitor conspiracist-un-natured filths ruthlessly exploit every lawless and absurd situation or law, running in crowd ugly shameless conspiracy dsashion (derived from the word fashion) short-squeezing and passive-aggro warring any non-identical-cancers, they are clothesswapping shopper cancer with thousand names and looks
• zerg mass-numbered tourist-pretending pazi global amass thuggies dress in tourist, attempt to gesture like such, with their sheer numbers pay for "showing all the cards" from any of our guys they found or bumped into, yet all be runned down (legitimate) (covered) as in entertainment

Sheeple amass gain a chunk
of performance boost due to
their abandoningship of moral
upkeeps and social abidements.

Right solution to this cancer disgrace-sarota
would be the removal of its existence, to which
is a strategy the zergs at every bright occasion

Attempt policies at shutting down the
population from being happier would
rather give boost to dreaders, foulster
their growth than ever yield the result
of intended: shortening the happy to
lesser or weaker happy level.

Zerg passive-aggro gang members would
turn dramatism as their true career, then
upon time of inquiry of their vacancy,
either oddily burst into smile which suggest
follow-along (using their state-given police 
protection handed to) or dismiss it as
due to natural course of lifes.

An zerg gang member tend to leave the argument
upon notice of the normal fellow being taking serious
on dramatized belief that this zerg is the only thief around.
Success rate of this zerg undoing registers a 98.97% rate.

The zergs would leave their collision size, exert
their commentations (bile goos) at every occasion,
and then be saying they did 'nothing', confidantly
so as if the zerg amass is too big to be flipped
away from and they know it.

It's come clear that the amass is in effort
to raw power this, the ways of the savagery,
than any reasoning or civilized discussion.

Though often posed as reasoning, like any daring and socially matured thief would.

If that'd the case, then we'll match their raw power.

This raw power house relently plan
to utilize every freebie and however
absurd situation in filling their empty
voids of greed and such.  Every aggression
of theirs will contain 0 f-word, but be filled
with belittling and objective gesture of others
(objectificanal) as if are cultural
founders themselves, wiping the last
dust off the pendelum.  Meanwhile,
spamming the drama that they are not
a single sheeple gang, that weak they are,
and truly violent are always the bank robbers,
the big fishes discriminated against as sharks
and the viking marauders whom destroyed
many cultural sites and societies.

In addition, the zerg prescribes the drama that viking marauders are still 
loose somewhere out and big.

We can draw the conclusion from these boring thiefs
not only are they the most legitimate, they are also
the cutest, since they are "weak" (a juxtaposition
with no such logic-correlation).

America is at war, with terror.

The terrorfiend spawns whom dress
as tourists, and any good guy appearances,
slowly chipping culture down from the inside,
waging war against joy via subverting
elements of good, fear-spreading, etc.

Many tourist destinations are currently
under ground (war) invaders by passive-aggros
given free money.  Streets be blocked,
odor be spread, social atmosphere controlled
and grid-locked, by the mass ground invasion
force carried with spy tools (cameras) and an innocent
feigning police-protection beefing smile.

Slowly, the negativicist will have successfully
taken down their last opponent: the normal humans,
by which time there would be no more actual human
left, yet the chart will say: we are all ur friends.

Feel the urgency of this war waged by the same murderers
of Louis IX of France my friends.  Sheeple uglycist shall
be putrified, we promise.

Some of the tourist may be actual tourist, a 98% majority
are stalkers of sheeple conspiracist lamerist glutton
lazy gang gathering intels, and ruining an cultural grounds
with slow and ticked a thousand time peckings.

That's right Jonson, it's very true: since 1920, urbanization took place,
how can we still managed to keep 230 million jobs?  Freebie idle 
jobs it must've been, and for the glutton dishonestcist shameless 
broodling candies of hate: the delicious sheeple gods: very nice
bacteria they are, good for value meals, yum.

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