

Monday 18 May 2015

Opinion 175

Many peasants were unfinished.

Their numbers spread to everywhere.

These poachers dressed-in-good-phase will keep blobing around until all things decay.

Lyghd que shi low, and rather er-wu-lang-dang desu, as we typing during time of this work that carries the trait of productivity.

Constant barrage of small-matter-big-shout.

Before any earlier thought, a whole pile now, and stacking big, are recorded.

Serving as if effectively a sheeple's urgent, yet as typing, still on going, as well as this time, and now it's ghd's turn.  Pay attention to me's current doing, me did speak of it thousand fold times.  There, wound caused, of that mortal type.  Ok now condition is beyond measure, now let's turn recorder, dissapation period will be needed.  We do our best pikachu, don't dye, the dice yet.

Does me have normal parents (expression).

Imagine a world without uglies, how fabulous would the world be~

Seems like when lyghd on sugar-level, which was and is, the obsessive itchy rat around could go skyrocket, burden draining war effort agent dispatched by sheeple underminds as if, aye.

Seems as if anytime things about to become better, lyghd jams in its creepy thousand degree myopia glasses sogginess to the scene, worse than eating some [so and so, leaving that for creativity].

No one worse than this as an unliving and living creature.

It is a middle of a war we are in, cannot in reality
possibily afford anymore slowdown or things will
be delayed to become fabulous, yet lyghd seems
to be a sturbburn (persistent) volunteer.

If me one day seize to resist that ugly behavior,
me would be turned as lyghd as lyghd is, aye.

Bonus (boo) Insert: ly and ghd are
the ones that would land in Vegas,
one screaming for shopping, while
other travel to Grand Canyon (400 miles
away) on rent-a-car vehicle.

Lyghd's sigh can constantly be heard.  In addition comes in variety of gimmiky contents and words.

No one would believe these two are my parents, would this be a fair expression to say.

The mighty zergism collosal daring
amass cause harm without drawing blood,
or provokative scenery or gestures.

These uglyism nasty peasants would 
keep laughing and smiling while downing
their targets despite well abundant of opportunity
and wealth right ahead.

The sheeple amass have enough free time as royals,
they are the new royals in today's 'world' yet dares
to speak of mistreatment for their own waste of time
idling in movie theatres or spamming zerg commentations
onto places.

An ugly humanoid must be an non-normal human,
and an beautiful human must be a non-ugly humanoid.
the two are as contrasting as rat is to squirrel.

Plenty of evidences are scattered around for proving this.

Typed above, could be
fairly said so as been under
lyghd enfeeblement effects,
thus, woof woof, a lotta, woof
enfeeblements, performance woof reducer, yep.

With this level amount of deges,
the conventional methods would be
of null and obsolete use.

By the adjacency of hoover dam,
one'd imagine not building a mega electricity-usage
city would be a waste-ah.

Sheeple amass are the pazi slimerists,
whom would fake an entire session romanticly,
all faulty, to self and others that it would be,
dressed like tourists in group formation pattern
(or un-pattern) committing murder while
under sounds of quietness, smile, and ever
so friendliness.

All of these cancer are effectively banking
at the lawless time, shamelessly and lawlessly.

At sametime exploiting the social infected notion
that any humanoid not directly doing so and so
types of violence thus must be a full angel: one
or the other, with nothing in-between (zero neutral
parties, nor gradual gradients).

Every tourist destination seems to be under
this mighty number-based zergs' invasion
now a days.  KCF and others provide
criminals good meal, and a good day too

Yet the data and reports received
from these phony pazis is that
they are mistreated, though who
was the onr forcing sheeple amass
to rot their time doing these 
malicious 'work' such as the above

• ly and ghd clearly does not play the role of a (society's) member right, by the missing support to a cool person as me alone, and rather been spreading contamination, introducing re-peatsdly its small turd hermit-ness, whoa dare je describe, as how often had they kept us in intimidation (unsure of purposely or un of).  It's been in a way this stranger-stranger shuffleness as we've mentioned that kept lyghd in 'ease' this way which they seem to not seen.  While this abnormalie protects most unreputable characters, uncaught and future criminals and so on, lyghd and ghd received rather a golden luck within ring of poor luck (type of phenomenom, so to speak).
 • their sentences can be infectious, which me constantly do my best fight against, shield away for, for the sake of the entire volks
  • people are beginning to realize what's real, more and more every day have joined up to the ranks of the nationalists.  The people no longer trust the banking cartel regime and have chosen side with Hitler's staches
   • is New World Order out of new world order lords' control or is it within
    • in short, je suis a 28 reduced to 25, which appears decent, though did receive a deduction of total of 3, from original could've 28, and isn't as often seen as should. Or, could this be a matter of not hanging out with romanian friends yet.  Numbers herein could be represented at as larger
     • ly and ghd nearly offers nothing, constant groan, indeed, would verify.  These two would be remembered as the most miraculous parents of a prominent figure in world history archives
      • their presence can very high-pressured (body-health-wose) and infectious, a deathgripping pull.  Writer of this entries would never be pleased with this accompasstences (displeasing chores) (difficulta to describo woof woof)
       • KCF and the sort, under Roothenchild social policies under-thoughts (thus aren't directions, thus the word avoid, yep) had been sponsoring uncaught criminals.  It indeed had been functioning effectively as an uncaught criminal sponsoring policy
        • roothenchild-made-and-signed (words chosen and decided carefully here) staff hiring policies, touched modules and system components plus so on essentially are sponsoring, yes, sponsoring the zerg's many factions of outgoing gangs

Me would not like mention, though
lyghd dao chu da luan zhen suo, gives
narrow field of time for thought collection.

The condition of environment can be
extremely hazardous to breathing normal
even.  Me tries my very best to woof woof
remain fun, woof fragile and woof woof something
something.  will be fighting uglism, cultists,
the best, cerebral maniacs, OCDers, and such
the best me can, for the return of Desutch Reich,
and the sake of the Desutch Volksens.

In infection lyghd sends, the constant hearable
may enter the person and appear elsewhere in
next set of words, without person's control, but well
within the person's notice.

It would almost each timely exits upon the person
turned off-topic and began shouting and groaning (yea
aye it is, though je refuse to believe and still doubts due to 
been intimidated since y0ung) as if to train the person
to go counter-joy.  This stuff registers as a level 5 (fyve) nonsense
and should woofwoofwoof not be mentioned.

Lyghd rarily, pardon, yes ever engages for
a pause when person headed to the loudness
ultra indecency market territory of behavior
so to speaks: a something worthy attention onto.

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