

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

▧▧▧ Grotesque Lazy Glutton Sheeple Zerg of Americannon ▧▧▧


♦ every moment is a moment wasted if we are not using it to fight the Zergs

♦ it's been an ongoing invasion since the early 1820s, start of agriculture overproduction and lack of true law, plus the industrial revolution as well as the urbanization processes

♦ surely we cannot rely on the Zergs to give us info 

♦ ruthless 90s generation (today's kid), utterly all broodlings/defects, kill all of those fiends. Their parents must've had mental problems, all of them.
- spraying negativity, knowingly and purposely, so to prevent arrival of true police, which takes courage and positive grounds
- behaves utterly like violent extremists
- spraying anaethetics to to numb alertness, meanwhile drowsy us to decay and further indulge on the wrong basis -they wanna let the clock keep ticking against us!

Kill All of Them.

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