

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Our Government Explained

"This is the country where direct fist fight are illegal on the streets or pretty much anywhere, while passive aggressive sadistic plotting and fiendish torture is treated as legel.  I believe then we have heck ton if utter sickly fuss fiend to provide heaven-shuttle bus service to."  - Lord of Arcane Motions

— governments act as automation engine command panel department for the secret society
— this secret society began as slave traders and other illegal activities such as elicit drugs, human trafficing and anything foul that's available in the encyclopedia pretty much
— the 9000 tonne of gold they found plus the oil enterprises ultimately sealed the deal - that's how they won the "American Civil War" and sealed the deal
— the president of each nation they control obtain their paycheck from the banks, then is it not that the banks own them?
— minimum wage was set to senselessly spread their influences - now businesses are forced to be drained, thus increased chance of running into bad season and be forced to borrow from their banks - once that begins, the business either pays a sum load to fend off the compound interest, or gets burdened enough to liquidation - which then they come visit again "buying" or "foreclosing" the business
— they are little more than witch doctors with a thousand million skeleton army wielding modern weapons
— their sheer freakish lack of concern for anything had been serving interestingly as a deter from their discovery by the public - I myself have never seen such a mentally messed-up fermented nonsenses - to be this freakish, this much contempt for human life and each other, this much hate goes to show the potential max pinnacle power of the scumbag brain - sure can conjour up whole lotta chunk of self-instigated delusions.  I want to deliver this message to them: do you really think u have a reason to operate like such? There is no but but but from u - listen, doesn't all freakish illness-plagued psychos have a reason, have a justification? It's yes, right? Then how come u presume urs make sense unlike theirs then?  If u would like to be more sadistic, please start instructing children to write like a sharp knife carver - cutting the paper with a pencil - u seem to be on this pattern trip
— they describe humans as if they are not humans themselves - gives utter no respect to no one.  Above that they fanatically treat humans in general as if they are objects - some serious serial torturist'a mentality - but seems like only they can keep an organization and do it on regulartory basis, as if totally like an activity mowing lawn.  Even more funny is how none of them ended themselves for good - the mad suffering.  Did they really think because themselves viewe the world is so monsterous and awesomely bitter that the world is so? It's just u my little illness weasle, and where'd get the thick layerr of delusion that u had the right to act so universally-centred, that I am curious to know.  
— fondling with people's love affrairs, assign who they should marry and when.  Oh ok, really, why don't u get your own marriage?  What serial fuckwit, I am highly dissapointed in humanoids - how could we have such terrorism wormism entities - as if we did a mega sin somewhere in past life or parallel dimensions, aye - the worst hyenas still wouldn't operate on such rampart serial bitter b!tchiness cerebralism - who sells other humans, and then imports them into a country hoping they get equal rights? How self-rotted and plagued by illness the decision weaver of this must be - even more funny how probably no one injured or insulted by them, while the street peddlers and hordes of vile and stupid probably dumped all their self-hate and spew onto our guys exclusively, ha, how funny

(more to come, I shall continue to expose this secret fusshead cerebral extremist self-delusional freaks society) (oh, lastly, they should hear this term: nolifer, u r so bad at sports)

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