

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Our Government's True Form

— government of "united states" is run by, supplied by the secret society known as the new world order
— any president or important enough officers that goes against them too much may be considered for murder by this secret society of nolife nutheads
— I call them nuthead not in the usage of they are the world's nutheads - they sure are one of the nuthead in this world seen so far - these humanoids, the intellectual witch doctor puppet master type
— furthermore, I call them nutheads because they are.  So plagued with inner conflictions, the terrible past, their own disbeliefs and horrendous dissapointment - I am like, so what if u were embrassed, it's a good thing! Stop with the choices and all the questions in the head - u think too much, nuthead, with all due respect
— step out of your world depotism dictator rat cult seat, and hand it to me (hm, I think would work better having 3rd party sending them this tell, hehe yeah lolol)

— all of their skill essentially come from their extremenism adaptation to their local functionalities and daily activities - they had sacrificed the ability to work and get along with the workers and other basic characteristics for heavy boosting of their dark disciplines
— that poor indicision has ultimately sealed the fate for them - now they can only go forward, further into sunken abyss, and not retreat - now is forced to be darker and darker.  Once their current nourishment policies/sources is gone, they would become as weak as a short crappy shoe salesman, suffering from hunger and cold soon after in the next days
— so to overcome this "blocking force" of fear of hunger and suffering of theirs, we'd have to somehow exert a force stronger in magnitude than this "defence wall force" by minimum
— I shall relentlessly try to reduce their confidance, by wherever they get them, I will shut their door of false hopes.  Their egos' sources, I will close in on that as well.  Clever ways of resurrecting their nightmare past they keep trying to dodge combined with showing them the true fact that they are intelligent fools and forgetful geniuses, I beg I could make them kneel before the palms of buddah, so to speaks
— aye, technically, this fight is a clash of charismas, it's a war faught in the netherworld, then sometimes blinked to the realm of conciousness - whoever wins in the fight in the dreams, the winning outcome in the reality gets declared

— a gang of rats, spans across multiple nations, takes aliases such as goldman sachs, or jp morgan is wanted for multiple felony charges - the bond on their head is their hedge bonds beneath the stock of mutual interest rates
— they may also attempt to release new names - any good sounding name to get them away with doing their illegal drug business just may let them take it
— international communities, the real one that is, and not the imposter one is looking forward to seeing rockerfella groups and various others to take those guys out

— avenge for JFK and RFK's cruel, bloody murder committed in broad day light is not must an American duty, it is an international effort

— thanks to their splendid low mastery combined with gianormous self-fed egos, the income balance of this place been ruined to beyond torteous chamber - yet we see them writing new policies for some welfare offices given to former slaves? neglecting the scientist and engineers who had bought so much innovation to this place? while getting crap pay, no leisure, little status from the media yet all of the work load of everybody nearly? working in isolated environments, with excessive monitoring, plus the poor equipments? Had these rat cult fry their brain and forgotten about those groups?
— the financial and banking district of every these new world order controlled nation is the government, for all of the beaurucrats get their payroll from these banks
— compound interest's hidden success is how peasant low-sighters given deadly modern equipments runs this place
— these taxes business and people currently pay are effectively tributes, to whoever made these "taxes"
— people are paying a high tribute to these rat cult groups, whom return large portion of it back to their favored human types, and rest wasted on wars and military expansions
— recent years, they had suffered from a heavy load of insecurities from their own high ranking officers - to accomplish security and thus remain in firm dictator control, they did something similar to the Soviets - political purge with excuses
— president is the spokesperson of the government - while the government is the slave to the manhatton bank owners

Their History
• the rat cult began as a division of the roman catholic church
• the roman catholic church actually has been this pyramid scheme sorts thing that was money interest at fundamental, and bible at second
• europe had always been in control of the roman catholic church pudge scum lords since the roman periods 
• later they took a clever political act announcing the "fall" of roman catholic church when in all reality it was banking that they felt more interested into then
• rat cult rapidly grew during the enlightenment period - the period where knights and swords suddenly  dwindled into the background while mass peasant conscripts with guns came into dominance of the battlefield
• with conscripts, paying a portion of profit to numbhead securities became possiblr
• and soon, followed with that, the slave trade now began
• the dispicable actions like the slave trade had exclusively been the doing of the pudge lords, and nothing to do with european powers, the european people, or the european monarchs
• later with so much money they made, combined with their fantastic dysfunctional ego - history books were written for the sake of covering up the historical events in false light solely - yep, false historic accounts

• all of the wars since 1776 pretty much had been faught entirely for gain reasons of the secret financial society - food prices surge up and down, so do medicines in time of war - perfect time for banks to profit - since these banks were international - whichever country is defeated - they still got a rest of it, the worst
• at first called the great war, the now known as world war 1 so called had been faught due to political bribery and threats given by the rat cult to the politicians - again it was for greed and reaping more plunders from the country and its people
• Hitler, a German youth at the time was appalled by what obviously was a giant political scheme - incredible nasty treason committed by the politicians of German government, began forming his party to seize the power back to german people's hands
• soon after, the entire german empire declared independence of the rat cult tentacles - this of course meant one thing - now they are under potential threat of a grand scale invasion of the giant real empire - the international rat cult
• with a false pretext, looped on state news agency 24/7 an hour, combined with political bribery, the president of United States declares war on Germany
• thanks genius nerd's giveaway of b-25/29 series of bombers and all those that drove those, especially, Japan, great ally of Germany could not overcome the vast gold and oil power of the rat clan group despite their valiant efforts and performance
• so this so called world war 2 thing we read in the history books are in fact fiction:
- the history book is not a "the" history book but their solefully written history book
- history book that's imposter kind - filled and meant for be filled with historical inaccuracies
- so it was not Axis vs Allie, but rat clan vs rebelled nations
- before Hitler's declaration of independence, Germany was already in near full control of the pyramid scheme rats
- the war had not been Britain and France fighting Germany at first then USA joins, but more so Britain, colony of rat cult fights Germany, a rebelled state, and then USA, another colony of its joins the "good team" - ha, what a funny thing they did - sure had all effort into this matter - they have no life - and yep guess what, they just reach old, rage like a childtard, and whither very bitterly to utter abyss - sitting on a pyramid top, all lonely and cold, with no one around, began being jealous of the bottom - unspeakable burst of anquish surge through them at sight of other previously assumed "lowbie" having a joyous family life - and only a whisper come out, and no one hears that one either
- something risky like holocaust 2 had to be made up in order to justify for the mass death of soldiers on either side, in fear of a potential rebellion or another declaration of independence somewhere within their territories of control
• to secure their secretcy and the secrets, they had to put up how much efforts? first they had to make a fraud map and spread it, then they do these gdp calculation charters, for serving as propaganda purposes and all.  Plus they had to do these textbook writing, articles, and long pages of wikipedia facts which are all false - where the hell they get joy from this - I sweat to god they are just weird super odd kids
• at first these rats ran these pawnshops and scam stores in messy urban settlements or near-underworld districts
• now they do liberty mutual insurance, the modern version of pawnshops, and got the nerves to shot up on television with a paid advertisement done by someone else
• monogamy marriage policy, just like gay rights are entirely their doing - none of our guys would even think about such hideous gravedigger psycho nose-y crap
• the current set of laws, many loopholes and slight absurdities had been holes dug by these maggot rats - later they took on further deformation which hid their original looks 
• for example, how police are to investigate every murder no matter who the person is, this came from rat cult's doing.  Little did they realize or envision - ones much more lesser worthy than them would be ones reaping the max from this new standard - yep, the sheeple amass
• education system is their creation - judging by how the schools look and we know who possiblely could be the owner behind these
• schools are limited by by year per year ascension and divided into small groups per class, per total student numbers so to prevent folks knowing each other at all - this is important to prevent uprising, for organization is the mother of another Hitler's arbitei partei
• colleges and universities had never been about knowledge since they took political power in this country - everything to their sick sick agenda
• such sick humanoids shoulda been drowned by their mother, surely they had one right, I am not sure how that never took place - probably 'cause their mothers are too nice
• college and universities have large student enrollment total, but are divided by falculties and further into area of study within thediscipline 
• rest became fuss (current heavy issues with college-related nonsenses) that spawned on its own, probably due to how abnatural and chaotic messy it was
• car insurance is tax, rent is tax, high tuition is tax, high mortgage is tax, inflation is tax.  People are paying for Iraq war with their pockets - whoever doesn't get irritated by this probably didn't earn any of its income in reality
• now in the media they are spraying this thick load of serial torturist gravedigger flesh-eating psychotism: approving of illegal immigrants, handing credits to lazy welfare people, showing videos of people getting gassed or killed on streets, really? What's their point? Ok you are mentally deranged, so what, what's your point, again, u have no abs, no dance skills, perhaps it's nevah time for you to share how you feel - overthinking numbnuts.
——— yep, it's been so appalling that every thief on street would rather believe we are all wrong than to slight venture into the possibility of someone, a human, this crazy glutton psycho-ed up
— slave trade, they did, then they import the slaves into Rhineland.  Then also to France and Britain, and Netherland too though they had nothing to do with slave trade even by their version of story.  Perhaps that's why now we see the French soccer team at world cup being near-half black huh.  These rat human trafficing unbelievable psycho weirdo cerebralpucks manage to stay alive and doing this like it's its career and lifelong dream, holy moses how the hell - like, no one probably ever insulted them, ever in the past, while how many times had we been insulted?  The evils of humanity is bigger than these guys, yep
— racism was their construction - for the concept of races had been their construction too, ok u know what, u freakism ratties, quit fondling with these things - why don't u experiment with ruining yourself - u would like it, my rats
— heck, racism is their doing, for the entire slave trade was solely their business - headquartered in Jamaica and Haiti and some parts of new orleans - by inciting this concept of racism, people become more distrust, and the while atmosphere become that of a hateful one, just what they wanted - but then why would u want that, I don"t see you recycle your own blood system, so why do u do that, isn't it the samething actually?  think about it, my hairy rat!
— anywhere we go in this world, we cannot find the concepts of these races except in these lands within their infestive control
— something also hideous, the concept of these social classes we have, has been their doing
— while others work on having lives, making friends, partners, they work just as hard if not equally more at trying to ruin others so they gain an edge - what rottening pudgeys - have they ever thought soon they would be old and aged and then enter grave like having done nothing? sheesh

listen, u rat cult freaks, it's not anybody's wrongdoing that u can't get over your inner conflictions, u r a fail, we all got through it, especially me myself and I~

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