

Thursday 16 October 2014

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Almost no one acknowledges that the peasants are right amongst us and are either psychotics.  And certainly acknowledges not enoughly.

The Roothenchild pyramid-scheme Sauron disorder world order regime is a psychotic one.  What one in their right mind would bother importing filths from places such as prisons of Jamaica and be handing and catering them some jobs and positions.  Are these Roothenchild once out of a womb, and is a man?  Or are they really serpant aliens so to speak~  Super odd!

The Roothenchilds also happen to spread a good people-depriving and targetting bias while never for once exposed or admitted nor acknowledged thie hideousness of the foul humans which are right amongst us and are spending 85% of their efforts hellbent-ly on cheating further and mimiking and camouflaging more as well!  I wonder do they know

- look, only us samurais represent samurai culture
- watch how fast it will die once the last remaining samurais are gone
- do folks really believe that these ugly looking weird b!tches possiblely are weaker version and relatives of ours, and that they would uphold the samurai flag once we are down!
- squirrels, mouse, rats.  good humans, bad humans, terrible humans (terrorists), that's should be lit up and known for all officials and top adminstrators
- when asked about whether they support samurai culture, they measure if the case would jeopardize their privileged awesome gain, if not, their vilelism reflex kicks in and tells us in utter mimikery poor english tongue "oh I agree with those stuff": these cunts just dismissively tell us bs they weave and brew hours for, which they present as "oh I just can't speak English all that well" - what a nasty bunch of psychotics!  The rat defect of humanoid family!
- they eat KFC, they have had opportunity to great education, yet b!tching like they really have to is the first thing these fiends do! I will holocaust 2 all of them off the face of this globe via liquidation and condensation methodologies.

Those birth defects will be smoked.  Translate this to 6 different languages, French, Spaniard, Russian, German, Italian and KFC

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