

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Dating andor Its Lack of Room Thereof


     Dating is a miracle compounds that calls for jurdicial merits.  We cannot progress to the benefactors if these parameters by which obtained means that of cannot be permitted to justify.  We'll delightly woven many optional findings until the jury calls for endo means.  The tragedy will be many - many will die, in a vibrant variety of ways, including but not limited to: putrification, limitation, and quantitized liquidation.
      To ensure many these embezzlement from breaching, our government was happy to be selected as the vanguard courtisizer.  This miracle opens up many compounds to juridicial findings that may which we benefit greatly from.  To this day, students are receiving conceptional acts until the daytime mandates are over.  Rooms for romance will be available from 6:00pm to 9:00pm everyday, until the sun is over.  Sex can be allowed in limited rooms if the government assigned officer deams it to be on par with standard of practices and procedures.  Cafeteria may contain poisonous food at which came from the demands of the governmental body GPUs.  We can have all of these benefactors if the citizens required ID card proceed to scan.  By all means necessary, rooms for sex opens every dogma limitations.  Students and parents may have their own right to choose if masked by approval.
       As our surveyors have gathered, fish and meat prices outmatch the price of meatballs, of children. Such tragedy has no place to repeat on loopetitively, until the verbal denial of the prime ministers.  


Women has always believed to be one of the most prized commodities at the item market.  Its price varies with the supply and demand value of various compounds.  There is few known incidents of dying coffin of such expensive material.  Liquidable value resets from friday to weekends during non-holiday jucritures.  Historically, this price has been the most seeked upon wealth by almost all weekend earners.  Only seperated university definance can be bought back by the desperation which fear itself needs and enthrusts upon.

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