If I have to work this hard just to prove or to satisfy some stranger, then I am their mind slave.
The assassination of JFK had showed the world the psychotic level of their open teeth.
It's another case of uncivil killing that's ill to the head. It serves as a great example of their activities. Furthermore, it was an extreme offence to the international standard of the rule of law - that no one is above the law, all is under the law, including prime ministers, cabinet members, bankers and etc.
Ya! If those guys fall this easily to the conversion of Sauron ministries, then perhaps they weren't good and are unfit in the first place. A true human fights until he becomes Timothy McVeigh and show them what's justice's making.
To some degree, almost all of the policies, the shuffling of students, the small size of classrooms, departmentarization of companies, the traffic jams to the media hijack were sauron's doing directed at preventing the next national socialist from rising. All of this was directed at the next Hitler who in their prediction might trigger a powerful uprising and eventually topple them, but then, Hitler is no way in anyway a threat, to anyone. Yeah!
A source of these appearance of scammers and other creeps plus deges is how the scientists, inventors of cars, designers of public transports such as busses weren't given duties to regulate society a little. Put in this way: if seller of busses involve designer of busses, then no sales to scammers would've occured this easily, thus preventing the later unfolding events all of it togethah.
On China & the Communist CCP
— the communist party of china was treating its own citizens like goldman sachs treating Virminians: casting seperation between them, doubt amongst them, overriding indigenous culture and shuffled local clans around the country
— the things they were doing were so absurd from a overall perspective and standpoint that the suspicion CCP was at first sauron's division had to be risen! There was more unhealthy policies than normal structured or scented
— at beginning, their moves looked childish, if not complete treason-like, and even if internal stability had power-struggle conflict problems, it's sheer absurd how things could've been this below performance of a government
— only work that's aligned with wishes of God deserve working devotedly (hard) towards for
— it was own greed the ministers actually serving, and not god, do the CCP regret, and was it
— after review and concise data, no offense to them, but their policies and moves were too copycat, no actual deep understanding
— the 义务 in (their program) 9年义务教育 means 义务 for me to prison the people, and 义务 for the people to come
— funny of a name that they call the nation China, which means 中国. If anyone nearby really is 中 (moderate), it would have to be Japan (日本).
— Japan is the true 中国, and China (中国) is the 日本, if anything else. Let's have more name swap in thefuture
- yup, and it always returns, would strike again
- it's mandatory to leave this mentionings
- if weren't for lyghd, I wouldn't have hungered, began at 11pm yesterday 'til today's 1pm
- I was glad it had promised to work entire day tomorrow, only to get it broken, and the disastrous effect of that was well within my familiarity (my familiar box)
- almost every event involves it, and has to involve it
- every morning the bother became an inevitable, above high chance probability, ever since its change of chores to monitor so to speak became notified by me
- now I am better since I had recovered more sleep
- the disruption and charging-in of ly this morning was brutal, and felt like an entire hour of vietcong attack, standing in cold air with little clothes had to be done, so I could dodge its next inspection while not breaking my cool (sleep momentum; affinity to sleep)
- these attacks of ly are truly remarkable, somehow they remain a longlasting effect despite its temporary duration (relative-wise that is)
- it's quite tragic but sorta predicted deep inside my mind since yesterday evening as lyghd tend to not have a single normal-ly spent common-transitioned good day. If without a fuss, it will become peace. And until the fuss comes, the fuss per daily would be on inevitable.
- the fact that I gotta anticipate and more importantly so spend time anticipate its move or not move, move a or move b goes to show how much of an over drama lyghd is, that it's playing too large of a role in my life or in anybody else's life for that matter would be too
- last but not least for the entry of the day, lyghd rhino charges in, slams the bed, and starts flap-slapping like some angry wobblefet, but of course without the face of one (somewhat) cute pokemon: what a way to at sametime having to think and trigger back what was told yesterday while lost it at sametime - a million thought demanded to be thought about at that instance instant upon it though person was busy and demanded & linked with another task already, and how quickly that been demanded and had to be filled, phew-wow, exhaustion, hyper exhaustion (can this be stressful, unhealthy extremely to the body and overall health)
- (connected to adjacent above) lyghd sure does get over-involved in every hour and life aspect of mine, drags it down to a unlife
- oh yes, and not to mention, it was always shouting
— just about all of those deges, creeps & scoudels are sub-humans, and don't deserve an ounce of oxygen to breathe
— they capture any exploit opportunity they can get and goes vicious savage beefing with us ruthlessly, like a bunch of worms
— the copy of reasoning they hold is types they could use to talk disreason bs on so to complete their savage mental gains
— self-perservist, self-centred humans are freaky monsters, though not big (sized) like the commonly perceived monster: hmm what if the concept godzilla is much of evil freaks' well-planned trick
— there is no room for self-centred humans, they can go play in traffic now
— how such freaks managed to get this big, this familiar with the in-and-outs of today's system, this energetic, and this developed in their own discipline goes to show how much these freaks had swammed in this system and urban labyrinth, which in turn reveals the incompetence of this system
— it's common a loud and self-confidant self-centred person pops out goes loathing to the public (in here, in this "country"), this freak likely got a high pay job for its worth, and a partner too, got it all for free I suppose, sometimes when the appearance of this becomes too frequent, disbelief arrives to me
— hey, in murky water, murky fish or sickly normal fish swim the fastest and enjoy it more
— size of the visible and invisible leeches they've gotten plus their proud attitude saying "me knows well and can bet on it police won't capture me" goes to show the sheer absurdity and broken-ness of this system: oh hey it's roothenchild after all, so I guess it's explainable by using their psycho logic that is
— the destiny that will eventually meet them will be a magical experience for all of the sub-humans, the deges, the creepsters, the psychos, the hateful, sickly and so on. They can use KFC energy and fight attrition of energy and time unit with us, resist truth like a fucktard, arrogant around like a fool, and contempt things better than they are like an idiot, but it will be them entirely erased with bonus chance of receiving torture, the scientific style, or financial style, depending on their conscious moronic selection, off the face of this planet.
— I been watching them, constantly watching, and will continue to watch, for it is my duty to guard civilizations, its beauty, its elegance, its tranquality and so on. Would it be a surprise to them when the final strike come? No, the question is: would our tanks be proficient, would our missiles be reserved, would our equipments be cost-benefit-ratio high, then this question I would answer. Those scoudels, thiefs, cheaters, dishonestards had it long coming to them: their arrogant ugly taunt (if that is a taunt) which often done from KFC energy causes barfing charactericracture!
— their (form & style of) taunt and aggressive-manner wormism maggot-like stance does great job as an indication to their true form and how much undeserving so these maggots should belong
— yeps, an amazing indicator indeed
State Media & Propaganda Tips
– it's donkey to think that audience would all remember everything that had happened, 15 minute ago, 35 minute ago, 2 hours ago or the day before, or things last week
– repetition reinforces the idea, and would require ritual-like event to counter each of its appearances, otherwise, need-less to say, becomes incorporated into the mind
– if any state media conflicts with the belief of any true intellectual crowd, then the conflict should be looked at first before next stage proceedings
– a true state media would not focus on reducing others, but rather achieve the same goal from encouraging and creating an environment of giving to friends and people with similar passion, hobby & interests
– making despisable humanoids dumber by giving them dimwit-some TV shows, or over-simplistic laze-encouraging video games to play are overall net-energy-ly low & 2nd grade moves. Focusing on forming alliance and friendship intimate bonds out-perform fighting in this way to imcompotents and strangers 30 to 1
– the state media that focus on formulating ways to dumb public down or to install childish thought or to insteer utopia-haven-ed-ness (never been through important life experiences, the cold, the stormy chapters of life) is an optimum move for any citadel dark-inward-tornado structure of governmance, not a normal healthy life
– repeatition's power goes often underestimated, the audience including some of quite intelligent let that go without guardings of sufficient might, which this feature itself can be used to maximize propaganda strength and influence. As per always though, ultimately one has to act within the boundary of nature, for natural force will correct itself (any flaws, overbreaches and so on) after some time
– most labor folks do not have witty-ness, they easily forget what was before each time they wake up. Bet on the fact that something is true and out-stress, most of them would rather believe than to combat it which can expose this incompotence of theirs
– no man can argue back what happened but wasn't the key event focus, if the content had no video, or sound record 'n similar, out-barking its distortion so to speak, and then it would become the truth
– news title with many unfamiliar words and happen on loop (repeat) cause irratation and thus repulsion (a counter-substance to all traps and baitworks) to any audience. This implies high school graduates will not believe news that contain too many professional jargons or mathematical merits & terms
– for something to sound really true, norm, and a part of life, if no vocab is suitable, a word would have to be invented. And be spoken so with the affirm attitude since first period of usage. They had invented the word terrorists, it's a good job. Introduction of new words can only be used limited number of times within a brief period, a side point to point out.
– treat the audience like adult-child-ren, and not as adults: give them funny stories, give them pleasing stories, feed them candies of mind, and feast of celebration, as well as the difficulty of fermented foods (good principle to go by so to speak for state-run channels, media television, but not other networks)
– a medium-sized trend if is the largest, would grow to a large trend (on its own, by itself, by the people). Hype along with it in advantageous ways
– sodium counters ice, not hot water: use this well in countering slanders and falsehood, Obiwan Konobi
– preferbly, every news anchor be take on large range of roles and duties, be given more free room to own opinion compared to what it is now, since way, we naturally have more diverse views, plus opposition to any crime: unleash the caged wolf, so that we might get bite, but the rodents will be bite far out-numbered-ly for certain for them
Self-centred humanoid have no place in any world.
They self-perserve, cares about no one.
By today's medical technologies and its policy of operation, it would take at least 45 years before the 1970 born dege self-centrecists all die off and thus shut up.
They go around bother an innocent soul, act like its professor, and tells it bunch of nonsense made up bs words that seem to make sense, with the entire content being sheer disencouragement basically telling the complete normal person to take a hike and do nothing all its life, not even eat.
And I bet this type of violence and ill-behavior passes through those website admins, while some f-word get marked as aggression... rofl, as if, as if, you dispicable hateful energy.
The admins, mostly odd person, not normal healthy folks, and yes they exist, gotta believe in the truth, how harsh whatever it is, and not believe in what one wish as the reality: would explain their move as following user terms and conditions, or the "standard", then I go like: then go follow Sauron and hit ISIS you royal cult abnatural order servant.
I see it as not simply they were just brainwashed and converted to be cult servants, but that these deges, creeps, unfits, geekercists wanted it! It was an offer they couldn't refuse.
ISIS get marked and showed as global terrorists daily, and the self-centrecist watch it daily goes laugh about it, so to speaks, aye!
Ever see 50 million people protesting the JFK murdurer imposter government? We see 5 million strong normal souls, so where are the rest of 45 million? Oh, they are delicious bacteria who love the sheeple haven shielded life so much, those unfit and dispicable deges! Thus no wonder it is that so few do the right thing, what's actually right, standing up and defending common moral values, virtues and such but rather everybody goes shopping for a TV or cellphone first! No wonder also then the absurd laws get little obstruction while a falsely accused angel get more go-along oppositions! Heh, ha, it all links up and make perfect stance, forming a vanguard of benevolence of echoing celestial truth.
The scent of exposure,
I shall continue to work on
exposing the lames.
Dege & unfit humans,
passively do support the
shadow cult.
They approve and enjoy the
sheeple haven life.
They are the shadow cult members,
shadow cult & sheepleroaches
are poisonous negg of the same pipe.
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