

Friday 17 October 2014

Opinion 13

LYGHD, is ill,
aye, indeed I would say.
塌鼻子,大下巴, 而且眼睛近视.
Aye, true, to all of the above.

• self-centred ones
• soloists
• personality defect flawed ones
• 怪脾气的humanoids
• and low 道德的humanoids

Like dirty fishes, they swim well in murky environments.

    If a social environment is not clean, then I might as well lead it to be washed.  An unclean social environment poses more damage than air or river pollutions.  Indeed the source of physical environmental pollution comes from social environment pollutions.

Welcome, citizen 9053, you had been to x and x university, we know you, you are our product/creation.

- erm, er, wow, purely wow, lyghd, yep I may guess that right again: it'd lyghd, strikes again
- it's truly unbelievable: does it ever take a rest, I hears its annoyance, those sheer barrage of utter indescription again
- a nasty stain, a good, a curse stuck to this household and especially me
- I would be much more infected if weren't for my strategic shield
- it had done nothing for me as a mother, and we using ghetto trash 3rd-5th world slum standard here
- normally in an really poor household, because I am so Jesus, I could turn it into a grand palace, but over here, nope, not the case, it's impossibola with lyghd present-o
- during course of most of my lunch and then resumed fire during my writing of above single entry it was striking the death bolts sent my way to
- affects me, reduces, by tremendous amount, so much so again I have to mention this, yes, ya
- well, like usual how it does, the string gotta be pulled, and then pulled, and on top of it, again pulled, to beyond utter mishape and deformation: it goes beyond, by far, normal capacity to tolerance and appreciation

@@@@@@@@@ ######## ######### @@@@@@@@

I had been to New York City, it's void of any culture, and is an infestation pit by the moderate, and a garbage dump by the least.  Oh wait, you are talking about the other New York City, oh ok.  Yes, the real one, not the dump playhouse in your apartment's backcorner.

New York City has 0 culture, and it's an giant immigration office, and a sheeple haven, and a sick experiment, and a giant graveyard all at same time.  Just ask any person about it, they will say yes.

If I could pick a full-scale war or another run-down of Americunt football stupidity, I'd ship Obama back to Republic of Congonistan, and then be launching the full-front assault.

    Yes, mayor, like, yeah, ha, what worth is it to care about those things and their says, if world total rejuvanations will be coming.  Dust, rubbishes, nearing its recycle schedules.

Proficient at computer high-end tech knowledge, programs games, doesn't shoo away the filthy dimwits, but instead rots own creation, man, such sissies (flaweds)~

I want to also say again: disencouragement from random stranger [is] death threat.

Also as well: non-violence [is] aggression and the most dispicable kind.

Life for a roach is too pissy easy in America.  They could be stupendous and idle all day yet have everything handed to them, seriously treated like kings, no difference in levels.

Everything been handed to them, they have tons of free time, for them to waste at nothing.  Not a day they had to work, never did in agriculture, or similar chores.

America, land of sheeple haven, and far welfare human dege roaches.

Bad humans could do nothing and be having as much free time as Prince Harry if not more since it takes none of responsibility of a normal person.  And watch how hideous it is its life been this well, yet never informed us of this!

Trickery and passive-aggression is dishonesty, they will be marked as ISIS and be bought to fair equal justice.

I don't scare anyone, unlike those evil baddie humanoids, 'cause I am handsome~

The foul humanoids exist, in mass numbers, in Virminia.

The birth defects purposely let evil progress, they are shielded and warmed by the system since first minute of its crawl.

Neglecting social problems, exploits absurd laws, if not goes harassment on others, when self doesn't look like anything, yet it somehow got a job while our guys are homeless!  Let this one be disected for its value that which can be sodomized for science.  Sah, sah, sah.

The birth defect villainary evil cuntish humanoids will keep passive-aggression with us, sabotage from within, rot and delay until itself dissappear under our blade - it will continue to unhelp us in everyway while claiming self is innocent and legit! How nasty that it puts this much effort into this, while liking something is that difficult! No more excuses, no reconcilation, let this fiend birth mental psycho defect be pro-stituted.

Time calls for the arrival of a new America.

Germany's flag runs shiny and high, there will be no dirt go through: physical, or biological types!  Prevention of birth defect's clingche is as powerful as vaccine!

I want to see real, yeah, I really want that, and not the more satisfying story.

Copyright laws, the whole intellectual property thing was more so aimmed at their own organization's expansion and invasion to townships and urban centres, than protecting everybody.

The patent office, little does many folks know, is what they use to steal technologies.  Sure, it seems safe, but when critical pieces come, they will grab and snatch it.

Most of the time it will operate to appeal the looks of safe room, but in the few necessary time, it will flip around and go for the tech steal.

Samething goes true for the imposter supreme courts, it's designed to look like a real functional and ever-proof one just so when critical issues come, they get the ultimate upper edge.

- Japan is a group of capable people, and a rich culture
- Japan naturally shields Goldman Sachs from landing via its language difficulties and differences to that of theirs
- Only Japanese administrators can manage Japan, which prevents Goldman Sachs' growth and entrance all together
- It's a rich culture with lots of distinqshing, one with high level of dignity
- Unlike the Virmia and British places, where its language does not repel outsiders nor does its landscape, grocery store display or any of it, Japan has done a great job at preventing Goldman Sachs plus all others from easy entry

I've thought a lot about thinking, perhaps it's time to relax

Insightful, wise, clever, vigilant, beautiful and classy

Respect beauty, my friend, for beauty produces further beauty or ugly.  Where as ugly only replicates itself

Hahahaha, hahahaha, and hahahaha. I like this quote, and thank you:
"I consider a person 'scary smart' when I realize that that individual has evaluated what I'm saying and is pre-processing everything I could possibly relate to a domain before I can relate it.

In that moment, their mind contains a complete working version of your mind. That is scary."

(From Andrew Ballinger, Oct 26, 2011)

The most glamourous job don't pay. And the highest paying jobs involve death.  That's world done by Goldman Sachs alright.

No delays, we give out our 14 hours, to out-match their 12 hours.  We'll win this fight then.

Delays are idle, idle means losses in a competition that's vicious and death-warranted.

Person that's fear-proof-resistance-and-repellent can be said as charismatic, or beautiful.  Maybe that's what beautiful means (implies).

We had to put him out of his misery as an excuse somehow sounds way better than we told him not to bother us again like he did that time.

wow, wow, wow, LYGHD you piece of sheet
no sound blast me
ha, even had to me ask to get it out, now the truth is out - it's the number of times it dropped the phone, due to, eww, disgusting.
only makes disgusting loudness, bang bang, with the bottle, and chinaware, as bam again
jing sheng shi ge cuo luan de, it's getting obvious now, it does does do nothing, certainly no match, suitable, can't pass cultural standards, to accompany, be with us
shi qing dou shi wo bang ta de, hai bu trust me
zai na shuo shen me I ask, I ask, I ask, screaming so, the iPhone store people
neglecting me, the expert right here
hai zai na bu patient, jia ju hua geng GHD tu ran engage and hui zui
oh so we found it it indeed because you damaged it, tsk tsk, pathetic, how many times you dropped the phone, I am glad you didn't damage its surface, 'cause if so it might get you a death sentence, imcompotent insolent restless no personality and ever-yell sending sub-humanoid
    in additional points: goes gesturing, as I remarked: so ugly-ly like that jiang ke fei de er-zi, with the restlessness, just like that one
    and, acts like I would damage the phone by clicking around and actually bothered saying and said that loudest, while the important thing when did the dissapearance of speaker on the phone it doesn't know or remember could not be provided answer to

right now I am google researching to get it done - it's smooth, and quickly done, got the answer already, proceeding to implement, while what can and has LY done, heh.  Simple task, it suppresses difficulty, useless "mother" of mine        LY, shi ge you bing de ren ah, aye, dui de, true.

woeful you, ly! 

-yeah it's so dfficult with it, again it does this
-progress, progress, make progress, do things please, share info, give me the details, please, not zai na grunt
-mei yong de dong xi za na da sheng rang rang, what is it doing, as if to trick me into thinking oh it knows a lot about computer and is capable - ha that doesn't frigging work, why does it still try, after I had even informed of it, in clarity, I am pretty sure it did heard, absolutely no chance of forget
-it was grunting and grunting, generating fuss out of nothing by saying you asked so I answered, you shouldn't ask again, motherfucker you just gave the answer I wanted after your 3 sentence or longer rant, what useless "mother".  Let it be ill-treated in public square, this happens again and again, from time to time, even possible within a single minute
-ma le ge, 20 nian le, jiu hai shi na ge mo yang, what world unique, I am pretty sure only female in this world that goes brutal this way,  so ill, weird, odd, defect, for someone that's so close to a true jesus and spongey-bob: me

+it goes on about something again
+by the way, it's never calm, always grunting and yelling about something
+if it wants to yell, how about just yell, as oppose to ta ma de including some topic with, frigging nasty
+does it ever run of things to grunt, it never said thank you or appreciative tone to me despite my help to fixing its phone
+it went critisizing, and how I walked blah blah, motherfucker, for me to not beat you insolent rat, and the public too, is because my tolerance, what useless senseless punk, I feel this "mother" of mine is a frigging freak, it goes surppress what I do and say, has got personality combination of violence and brutality of drunken lard men plus the bitterness and calculative b!tchyness of females (wicked witches) I suppose!
+and bam it escaltes to screaming again, I am pretty sure it's got nerve-damaged symptoms and rather severe disorder: completely talking in the sound and momentum/physical range of the gender role it's suppose to play, I am pretty sure.  Is this a way to talk to the partner: I am sure it's unhealthy for me to witness, having to, for this much
+it's a topic about $100 transfer fee of CIBC bank, and it's blah blah as if there is thousand dollar loss, and whoa whoa, bam the hammering of table, ta ma de, zheng insolence, why you yelling, I think the purpose is to yell, and ta ma de seriously not to do anything.  Ok, don't get things involved, what nasty, pure leech, a dirty maggot 15-year-old-boy I swear, similar to, aye
+calm down first, we can solve this ok, standby, be right back, I am entering their zone now, exitting the door, be right back.  And yes the blame should be on the bank clerk, quiet down first, out of nothing it goes "fan si le" "fan si wo le" (though I wish it would say that phrase more than blah blah raging at us).  Though does it maintain organization, or even remember basics, or provide us a friendly happy time, rofl.

-ok geng ben bu hui zuo math, nao dai and organization luan le tao le
-what is it raging about, seems like raging is its professional, and its devotion, and it's its way of getting a living
-and ok, why so much sounds from these two, a lot of odd collissions with furnitures and just tons of plain sounds, I don't think I get this from other people that much, yes I am right on this, classrooms, or shopping malls, rarily seen
-ok I think LYGHD interferes and goes bursting all of a sudden in middle of nowhere heat too much and too often.  it does not generate or make progress, it fusses all the time.  screaming loudly, as replacement for real work and responsibilities I assume - it can do nothing but yell and talk aggressive (yeah it indeed is) way I suppose, yep

=I think it's looking like a dege, a drunk, a delinquent dege with 0 level of skill in organization and management of time or objects really like now
=such simple task, it can generate this much fuss, and cast it both to us even, what a dangerous move, don't tell me that's its way of life, but seems is, and how lucky it had made it to this day then! aye
=only sees self, and doesn't know others exist and that they too have thoughts seem as if, completely odd and how its sister seems to be sister, so does its cousin's son (10 year old right now)
=problem with it is extreme distorted opposite of insecurity, lyghd goes rampage out of nothing, as if someone that's visible to us but is in a different parallel universe world
=zong wen xue bu dao, yin wen ye xue bu dao: yeh, I think it's offered me nothing, can learn completely nothing from it: it provides me waste.  He ta zai yi qie er qie shi xue de bu hao de zhong wen

Flat wide nubby nose are people who got lying and fake acting specialty.

While flat and 0 nose are humanoids that think in terms of violence and death, and are spontaneous ready to have a fanatic-panic ugly dance move with a stranger, in the middle of anywhere.

While normal nosed folks are people that have dreams and persuations in life, as oppose to consequence and escapes.


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