

Sunday 19 October 2014

=== Opinion 16 ===

1. 我们知道真相,公众认为知道,叫做中国梦
2. For some reason, peoples do not guard others with a smile while cautions against others raging a little.  Both good and badder persons do this
3. Friends are your greatest enemies, start checking each of them today
4. While enemies are more so minor to moderate level of hostiles at best
5, Illuminatis (indeed carries this meaning piece that) means criminals and should-be-rejects that can stand the test of light: visual examination (glance level)
6. Both genuine friends and sophisticated manipulators appear as genuine friends, make your call
7. Every creature has a list of responsibilities, and the list is always longer than the name - the same goes true for men
8. Men's responsibility include to patrol and roam around the streets and each quarters.  Mens not doing this?  Then those are not (no longer) men
9. All the comrades of ours that skip or evade the invitations of roothenchild colleges, shall be honored to receive adequate-level of compensations and scholarships.  That is one of objective I reinforce our support to
10. Most of these 4-year degree programs have become degree mills where the dumbos and imposters, braggers if not sport-and-personality defectos are gonna win, and those (the occasional) geniuses that hang around with them and reach the finish line end up suffer tremendous amount for each of theirself and are victims of this passive-aggressive engulfing onslaught
11. Give me the media of this country and absolute swimming pass for 14 days, and I will make Virminia as good as Cuba or Mexico (in friendship and social structure aspect)
12. No one is inferior, there are no weaklings, everybody is equally winning for as long as they are still in the race.  I see no weaklings, but decepticons, maybe.
13. Each object differs from another, a rocket cannot travel on small roads, a car cannot pass narrow chokes, I cannot lie proficiently like those dishonest small guys.  I think things are different from another than the vertical ladder portral: superior or inferior.
14. The mega so called "disencouragement" thing do is in reality death threat.  Noticing how only specific looking-type of strangers do this serve as a powerful indication to this.
15.  We must inspect every single humanoid and type and class of humanoid out there (my classification that is, so to speak) before any more technology production or deal signing in fact, so to speak.  As justice is number 1, and security is the primal piece of the whole national socialist picture.

16. This book is powerful.  
17. I am the founding father.
18. Good elements: pikachu, chuck norris, sailor moon, dragon ball z, puppies, rainbow, lion king, fun parks
19. Bad elements: misery, agony, stress, negativity, illness, greed, malice, dysfunction, villains, cheats, liars, dishonesty behavior, vilelism, democracy, illuminuts, gains, desire thirst,
20. Fighting evil and disease is the only war necessary maybe
21. Whereas fighting wear and frictions are minor in comparison, they would not require war effort
22. The bad elements of life itself are dis-synchronized with other emembers.  They fight each other, but through this tumoil, somehow a similar version of balance to the good elements is achieved, miraculous, and a miracle!
23. Maintainance chores, which comes from natural wear and weathinf and etc, would not require focus and state's protection and attention, while resisting darkness requires total war level of expenditure and investment.

24. Letting enemies win in an broad thinker perspective is always not a boon, for the truest enemies are definately activated their true form yet, we are dealing with our minor enemies
25. When the toughest enemy activates their final ultimate form, then we'll unleash our radiant might - that's the way to do it
26. Like how skin works for the whole body, some citizens become sacrificed is necessary and on full account reasonable, for their birth was to serve the whole clan
27. Where as the damage of organ structure would be silly.  Whichever skin lets that happen is a bad skin, a fraud skin!  We will keep auditing in all kinds of ways until all skins are checked & verified

28. Once a person or an organization become skilled at spotting scammers, then the word cunning would almost vanish in usage.  I see no cunning linguistics, I see different level of scam operations.
29. Everybody could survive nature, surviving other creatures and governments is a whole, nother, level
30. Natural selection had always been determined by the authority than weather, humidity, altitude, those and such.  Let it be refreshened be called: non-nature nature's selection
31. Moral values being greatest thing is a lie, in that wording that is.  For the most powerful weapon available is the most important thing for ourselves, as there will always be psychos, and they don't speak, see, nor understand morals.  If we pick up another one of those illuminuts peasants telling us this (usually through indirect hidden induction), then we'll take a photo of that one via iSecurity phones
32. Evils small guys love presenting those falsehood in our heads, they think they could set us to road of letting-them-clinch-onto-life (aka letting them survive)

33. There are lots of manipulators too now, like the evil small peasantlings
34. upon in vast advantage (received and present-o), they constantly speak, reply, act, call, answer, suggest, respond, inform as if they are our equal levels - that's a trick, our guys don't do
35. they like to misdirect, and also are proficient at it so: misdirect, re-direct, alter-direct, connect-direct, block-direct, right direct, left direct, leaner direct, devoted direct, suggestive direct, constantly harass us a variety of talks that are identical: trickster's information.  Let these phDs of sooth-talk and womanly leech receive their diploma, from university of must-not-say secrets!
36. we may spend 5 hours deciphering a science article, the manipulator humanoids would spend the same amount in appearing innocent, stealing our findings, attempt to control our next task and plus other things
37. erratic behavior and formiddable challenger differs: the previous holds self-contempt, and is therefore intolerable  (gotta admit, by time of typing this, the first word of this entry could not be remembered (recalled), all the way 'til now)
38. know selves: humans naturally possess less honor than many other mammal types (such as cats or kanines, and bears); humans are idea-based creatures and speak a literal language, which makes them extra suitable to be manipulators and control freaks than archers and soldiers


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