

Monday 20 October 2014

• Opinion 18 •

• the commoner sheeple traverse on and adores negativity so much
• if they (the embedded thiefs; within-er enemies) wanna fear the crowd, having studied the law, like a bloody thief, then un-signalled but however planned depopulation strikes may occur to them
• the unfit, the sickly, the dege as well are not good for us
• their body aches, they can't stop moving
• they do this ever-busy thing, keeping self occupied with matter so they feel less of the pain

• there happens to be no boundary to the viles of the sheeple unfit: as themselves find roothenchild brainwash college fine and dandy as it feels like a haven to them anyhow, upon seeing a wolf showing disagreement they inform the masters that it's just a different sheep, a sheep that's more raging than the rest, ha how prick move and vile behavior there!
• deges walking around passing places it does not deserve is violence and an public offense
• deges pushing a false category of humans, bringing us to the same classification as them is a violent offense as well, they might pay really heavily for this, to the medical degree in which can be de-maximized by science in
• We have a large stockpile of powerful deletion tools, but we Israel would like to never use nuclear weapons again.  We'll not choose to use it, and we hope to not see another mushroom cloud, anywhere in the world.

• in those sheeple peasant filled places, even the mayor, the commissioner, the auditor, the lawyers, and the judges get in the pretending two-faced phD game like the plaintiff, the victims, plus the witnesses.  All of these turns out are the identical moral-less vile humanoids that are savagely trying to kill and maim each other and ever having idea about so - nasty principle-less creatures, unfortunate such birth defects had made it, food was too easily handed to them probably.

• a proper state would deprive all of those types of humanoids any prominent job positions or gains they greedily seek or not

• with a half hour demonstration, they become drug addicts, or enters the dark agoniIng self-destructive side: which goes to show that perhaps these were criminal material to begin with that they attract to this this quick 

• we don't have to go to them, searching their residences and pulling thoae fiends out.  The samething can be done in a different way: deprive them of even shopping power, sanction them at all grounds (they will have some rooms to breathe; there will be some doors not cloaed to them so as to let them a hole to release their troubled pressures, so to speaks-ah)

— self idea formulating and copying from someone takes complete different set of skills and area of the mind

— aka inventing or creativity, self-idea formulating almost requires honor, in every cases

— we can be sure that any innovator is already passed honor level security scan

— copied to success is lame way, cannot be considered nearly at same level as self-idea formulation

— we should shut down lame-rs whenever and however, everywhere there is Deutchland Arbeitei Partei

— as evidences suggest, it's not just the roothenchild Dominionlism a thorn to the growth of humanity, but the lamers that cast blame to them cleverly as well: both are invalid interest parties

- a manipulator from experts' guess is someone who looks softie and slurpy, and oh wait, that's those guys over there, yep, those does look like manipulators

- yeah, dude, there is no just because entered a place without much audience around nor festivity, or being the chosen meeting place.  This was purposely done by the manipulator softie human specialist who wanna go passive-aggression during course that way: no audience means it go beefing passively becomes easier (ha, like how a murky fish prefers to swim and becomes happy swimming in murky water! It invites all others to meet at murky water!)

- And about time all governments around the world shut down providing those murky humanoids credits

- furthermore on this topic: 10 times out of 10 what looks to be a somewhat disability humanoid is something else in actuality: we can check the insect world for some insights about this, and the answer yielded back was that that "disability" was a camouflager specialist, thus the seemingly absurd physical weakness.  Like in the insect world, there is some that survive purely on camouflaging, so do we have the same in the human kingdoms.  

- a camouflager devotes 85% or more of its DNA and training to enhance that skill area, thus the observed and often detectable disability level of physical weakness

- when there is no crowds, no audience watching, the desolator shadow humanoids traverse well, and they activate their "up" game

- in fact, and indeed-ly true: we only gotta quarrel down (that's all be needed) and watch what the baddies does, and things will be alright, letting our good folks do whichever they want would not result worse than what we don't suppress baddies about or research what they onto next!

- the same insult given to a duke and a heavily lucky scoudel means completely different thing

- this equality thing they claim is a fraudant - well indeed, anything out of sheeple amass's doing is fraudant

- poor manipulators are called manipulators
- advanced manipulators are still seen as friends
- the skilled ones stalk government, knows science
- they know science in that they know a copy of science so they could lay their softie manipulator moves on
- stalking what the creative people do, they call it watching tv shows, and as "just watching"
- they keep up-to-date with what scientists, goverrnments, social trends are, again, so to stalk, needless to mention, and everytime will be disclosed and presented to us certainly as "merely just watching, there is no inspection over this needed" (and yes without mention the word inspection ever-ly so, for reasons gatherable)
- a showcase example of the tricks & traits of those guys: they like to surround and act as invite a noble and/or creative person (so someone actually skillful) to a dinner or meal, only to then quarrel the soft way, shift its thinking path, shrinks on its unsuitables, enlarges on its like-ables, and etc. (oops used its when wanted his in here, the word choice)
- they pay no actual attention to the progress of technology field nor study of science, but they are highly interested in the benefits headed to their greedy pockets gatherable from there, which will be presented as "also akeened toward science and innovation"
- those puckers think about those things, the scenery, the conversation, the expected reaction and all of that all day, they practice over them and trains at their own time
(bonus: later added: during the kidnapping hijack, they time their questions at when person just began to chew food, that's how low of minds they have, those softie stalker professional, as oppose to professional creativity, duplication-twist-tongue cunts.)

- homeless are not bad people, why are some strangers telling us this: it's those ones the bad people!
- banking on police protection and using it as a ransom bonus or boosting is strictly forbidden, perportraitor will be prosecuted
- not all bad people are homeless neither are all homeless bad people
- this has become an ecosystem covered in the title of society where it's wrong being empty dollar, and not wrong being vacant moral
- the very same people that tell us homeless are rubbish and worthless are the same ones should be checked and arrested.  A true society has no place for bad humanoids

- the should-be balance is not that since I earn 2.5 million dollars a day therefore it's right for those humanoid peasant to have 5000 each.  The right balance is invalid to be determined this way; in this manner
- the right balance might be that we make 2.5 dollars a day and they get 0, this can also be equality: it's equal to how much they should earn compared to us, and thus it's equality
- peasant amass humanoids don't say "look at the clothes and accessories I got", they say complete different phrases instead so to induce the same attention-grabbing effect - and yes, sometimes insult, at various frequency, depending in the level of malice of the peasanto

• Yep, true, 这些两只脚的fiends还真够可怕: where does they lay morals at in actual reality.  It's privilege for them be on here yet the only thing spoken contained no greetings, but were bubble words.  They should be showing appreciation for being on here, not showing violence and acting as if we all are on equal terms with them outsider peasant tumour growth labor force agrilculture chcicken dege defect humanoid rubbishes.
• The thing is, real humans are simply not many left.  The ones without any flaws usually were rebellion toward the concentration camp system which guise itself as education.  Those guys are already highly disencouraged or in intimidation by now.  Most of them get beaten by the servants of the system and so on: 25% of damage and pushes received were out of blind innocence, and the other 75%: crackling imp mental defect-os.
• The fit humans get washed away, and the deges remain.  About all of the ones showed rebel or rejectful attitude to the prison system who which all got some degree of punishment (from the b!tch) were humans that had no flaws, fit humans.  About all of the humans left, which turn into graduates or others, have some sort of flaws in them, one flaw or the other.  Out of those bunch, the most vile still remains crackling glutton imp despite the 12 years of surppression of those ugliness inside them.  Those ones place family values to how low!  It's imaginable they be betraying previous family members so fast and so proficiently, and in enjoyous manner too throughout, Insane Bolt would be amazed at their speed at handling these vile disiciplines!

Yes, absolutely true I would support say:
       还真的不能和它们hangout, 和它们混.

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