- 我们赢这场战争 vs slime humanoids and zergs 确实不在话下
- the number of aryans are far out numbering those guys, and are already present, against those slimeys
- for my negativity and slight to bitter side tone throughout blogging on this topic, the monitor angle and location to my keyboard and plus table height has to do with it, is one of the contributing factor
- three inventions made goldman sachs new world order last longer, they are: b-52 high altitude bombers, the iron dome defence systems, and the uav drones
- whoever been handing them this for literally free, they need serious self-review, done by selves. I hope to see a regret and appologee to humanity letter from them
- when the thief looks to the man that can't handle the tough life situation anymore of sheer level and says something along the line of "I made it through, I am alive, that man isn't", I will tap on their shoulder and say to them via a loud speaker: you didn't make it, you aren't alive either, you are undead. Sold soul to devil, went on dismoral side - went rat way those ones did, and I think my lines are enough to shatter their undead confidance.
——— ahem, there are two types of survival: survive without honor, or survive with honor
——— acho, there are two types of survival: survive with dishonor, or survive without dishonor
He appears to tell us our health status.
He comes visitting us often.
He informs us of conveniences and short cuts.
Who is he?
He is a stalker, not a friend.
It* is a stalker, it is not a friend.
• it's violence when one of those unreputable human sound like insecure though their position is far from it, very disreasoning behavior
Quora Adventure Report
Lol, look at this fucking maggot and his 2-hour spent written quora answer trumpetting Warren Buffet in that tone, we never see the same done to Adolf Hitler, 'cause it's a fucking failure male infestation over here. Warren Buffett the illuminut fraud is their man. Bunch of beta failure male result of broodling monogamy maggot fuck-fucks.
I can expect no energy come out of them on any other important topics, or much needed works of vigilance.
They are not good guys; are 擦边球. Enough credits been given to them. Their true nature and form should be known at societal level.
Universities retains its outdated culture while the world moved forward, well I guess they are dumbversity after all.
The true university had always been with us, it is peace of mind, it is seemingly tiny acts of appreciation spoken inbetween seemingly much bigger matters.
While the world moved forward, university cultures stayed the same, truly making them the life on loan sanctuary for intelligent fools. Let the shields for the tower of the insane be diminished like berlin wall, Gauss, Isaac, Tesla, come with me, Galli, Albert, free these fools.
In order for prepare for the fearless savage we shall deal with, I have suggested to legalize torture for temporary durations until all such cerebralum psychos are mortified.
Torture methods suggested (samples):
- boiler room
- random knife thrusts
- 444 hundred cuts
^ 那是为民除害, I hope to see no friction for this boldering expression of justice form
^ who are they to question, the often doubters of hercule's voice
^ those guys cannot be authentic, and must be frauds, since they don't even got abs
^ written in letter format condemning whichever "criminal" may certainly at some degree be impressive, but it's what show-man does, and not the truth-er
^ let this essence be known, this format be set forth as standard and reconized as so
^ additionally, it is necessary for equalvalent counters to the most ruthless cerebralum psychos there is: our current corrupted system does not care for the people nor the nation itself, nor its lineage, nor its traditions, and thus been having too kind of a structure and punishment set for the occasional psychotics
^ as for the updated definition of criminal and criminal intent which surely needs to come, it is not unqualifieds' duty to comment on this subject nor would those comments hold positions
GHD = Problematic
- yes, gotta say and I must say GHD is quite hectic to deal with
- a single tiny of its sound, hard to hear
- ok now I have to shut this door, don't wanna hear the keyboard typing, even sounds like a half-disabled retard person
- it's not retarded enough to not know anything
- but its life habit does seem enough
- also never walks outside, nor is its walk able to qualify as normal
- yes I am right on this. Reviewing back, it's been the senseless intimidations and bruises that hindered me from reconition of this fact, and reconitioning it in the right light
- GHD它考虑人家太少:例子:不知某家人 usual habit, still goes barking out (un-intended though, though still not might be fully un-intended) a comment in the middle of his travel to immediately hands rinse
- plenty other more points to put here
- it's a sincere problem and a sincere foot-note writing here: at the level of wanting to translate it to spanish and produce multi-language versions of this
- perhaps a video reel or some sound example demonstrate this the most, but believe me, no person would want to post a picture of a 3 meter long spider
- it doesn't pronounce a sentence or finishes a single sentence correctly
- the words are in dismissive tone
- the whole action, package of action, where it stands and randomly suddenly begins to idle there for 20 seconds doing almost nothing waver forth the proof, earns the title: semi-retard
- these words of mine herein are not harsh direct words me not think so: come visit GHD and all visitors will agree, if not agree out more, calls my personality actually over-ly nice, so to speak
---- yes, and yes, the dege culture, yes it gotten to a culture, of Virminia is absolutely intolerable
---- yes they had developed to a humongous gianormous size
---- whoever gets flushed out by them would 死得很惨的, as record accounts tell us so
---- if one is hard working, lenient to the job, adheres to moral code of legigancy, he would get pushed out by the mass deges that is so abundant, and camouflaging all the time, dressed like good guys, watches mirror of self, prepares an additional hour of its day just for that
---- while the police system is corrupt and there is no justice present in this country
---- we've got a fraud justice system though where it wears the mask of good, to do whatevers who knows what it psycho-planned todo next
The sheeples dominate in these sector, in this hemisphere, that is a fact. They carry absolute overwhelming numbers, and are conspired together. Good guys' clothes were handed to them for free literally, and insanely been still called shopping somehow: looting is in no way by absolute terms or any amount of (such) shopping.
--- Disobeys the sheeps, one dies horriblely in this country. One becomes homeless, slandered, "abandoned", everything else in the book.
--- They recently began became so large (that) they began labelling einstein as crazy, generals as mad, atheletes as odd, models as dispicable, and all things as lower and bad to look at than they do.
--- Passive-aggression is violence, and so does so called "non-violence" groups. All of these are absolute enemies of moral code. They will not survive, and they will suffer in terms adequate to their facial miracle gains.
Let's talk something useful, oh wait this is useful. Criminals existing calls for immediate counters. In fact the aspects of life as as simple as 5 things, these five: eat, sleep, unity, defence, health. For us good guys those are the elementals. These elements form good adhesion and synergy with one another - while independently they work out, together they achieve greater merits. Countering evil is close to as countering disease: these two things almost require not strength for specialized field and made-up room floor plan storage space just for dealing (repel; against) them. A strong man may still fall to disease despite his hercule strength. Until his immunity becomes great, which often come at displeasing sacrifice of other areas' DNA, he will continue to be an easy prey to the powerful diseases. Samething goes for evil: interestingly, nature often repeats and loop itself to appear elsewhere. Persons fall for disease, population falls for epidemic, while nations fall for corruption and evil. Cities built where streets are too close, roads are thin, doors and rooms are abundant are bound to spawn some kind've shady ordeals. While open spaces, squares, market quarter, artistic buildings naturally repels darkness. What more foolishness, and I hope that would be a joke too, is to put up a sign saying "go away disease" as a national way to fight disease, held out by the leaderships! It's garlic that fights vampires. Silver that fights shadow creatures, and substance to counter corruption and evils.
The Jews have much upper advantage than us Aryans. Their male population savors a homogenous population. This configuration also goes for male population of island of Jamaica, as we can witness-recall. When a Jew says an idea, there is no phony jews next to them giving their "opinions"! But when it's us saying anything, there is at least 99 to 1 out numbering failure males suggesting the otherwise, an neverending pile of worthless comments, opinions, words! This implies for us to come to clear thinking, be on the road that is true and right for us, repelling these phony fellow friend-males would be a good start thing to do.
☺ until we get rid of all the phony males, these broodlings that came from monogamy-policy, things will continue to be a fight inside the stomach of a giant (collective) slime, a lord slime
☺the mass deges, these incapable unfit-er humanoids can no longer be with our endaevors and will always be helper of the Sauron corruption
Procrasinator of this century are the victors of tomorrow.
A procrasinator in reality is somehow that reject criminal behavior and ill habits - sure, I will procrasinator crime anyday!
The zergs deserve to be faught against, and faught against with all science miracles. Let the power of galileo land them some molecular physics. I will tap my feet, jiggle a little, leap on their shoulder, and send them a fact card, while chewing to half-way the coolest & latest sizzling bubblegum.
I will and would like to just go straight up with this one:
Law 1
South east asian population are mostly flat-nose eerie bastards. They deserve to be occupied and crushed by Japan.
Law 2
All these filth are basically banking on Hitler's death (and going along the dislaw sauron group) & the what had taken place in world war 2 (1940-1945).
Law 3
It's beginning to be probable that 10 out of 10 chances someone of mediocre level (and not expert or master) of something, whether hobby, task, chore or interest must be a manipulator specialist - a softie adapted thug kidnapper no-honor peasant filth.
These peasant-lametards by their name 'peasant' do come from peasant origins. Their parenthood (not fit to use the word ancestor here, worthy to note) were agrildisculture (aggro-dis-culture) fuckwits whom tossed seed, used mouth-cry maintained alive, after learning how to copy the toss seed whole thing (its programs and procedures). It's clear it weren't friendship that left those mass peasants not dead, but precisely due to their defence mechanisms, unlike all the good creatures.
Their specialties and proven capable areas (which we tend to be poor of, which is a good thing):
- kidnapping
- talking to hostage
- phony behavior
- suicidal risk taking
- talk-talk; mouther
- passive-aggression
- exploit all and any imbalanced or abusrd times
- trigger fake smile and fake expression sounds if needed
- chosen fake face activation
+ more
These mediocre-gentlefuckwittens would stand next to us, approach, act as if really friendly with the fake smile which it riskly disclosed as "due to ugly" or "nothing significant, or to look at", be telling or asking us some stuff, and even preaching us some stuff. Well using its police protection, it can't die or suffer any consequence anyways, so it does so. The approach in reality tend to be commonly to install a much superior appeal of themselves while acting not doing so, and while also acting as if it's not purposely acting that it's common and it's worked hard to obtain it (on equal footing, not due to luck boosted elevation, so to speak). These sickly softie overly-poor-sports mediocre b!tches will join our groups, interact with us, act like they are our our guys or our friends, listen to what says, gives suggestion as needed so to achieve their bitter bottomless-pit-hols infestitive mere survival.
A wiseman once said this well, about these lardo mediocrism foul humanoids:
They don't join our groups, they stalk.
They don't tourism any place, they spy.
They use any absurd or fraud situation they can find.
They'd accuse us of fault if we were falsely-accused and there is gain at the end for this.
They would naturally die on their own, but this process takes thousand years.
They fear holy grounds, roothenchild camp systems (known as school system) has been their greatest opportunity. In murky water, they swim better. When people are "down", insepection (to fraudees) is less.
Law 4
I also want to be very clear: the peasants in phillipine and indonesia areas are inferior to even rodants, for they are psychotic freaks, vile-rs, manipulaterist & such.
kuai le le, jiu bu jian kang
bu jian kang le, jiu kuai le
The future belongs to those who has the kuai le and jian kang matched
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