

Sunday 19 October 2014

Opinion ⑰

- let all be in debt, lol yeah joking

- let all be in doubt, this one will do

Roothenchilds purposely hide

  Roothenchilds evade from bragging to public

    Roothenchild stay below noises

Patience <> Idleism <> Duration Stretch

does do work

I have mastered it, unlucky for the stalkercists and crop-tosser softies
good for the nation.

(yes, it's kinda of a kung fu move)
(takes practice)
(gotta know how to get it trained, reach mastery)
(it has many benefits)
(turns out, miracle-ly effective for some occasion, for some tasks, and spaces (relgion; location; places) )

- physical work sacrificers
- local corrupt system or algorithmetic sauron system adapters
- & any other dysfunction and over-adaptors

To hell with them!

(adapted systems (systems adapted to) such as family-away system, romance-less policy, monogamy & and its associations, state-raise-kid system, individualism, absurd state planning, over-board mechanized economy, shuffled-population-ism, stranger-everywhere-ism, stranger-to-stranger-ism, zero-intimidate-relations policy, and many other)

(physical work sacrificers abandons all DNA and focus associated with those areas which are in-replacable and in-tossable, to make room for more narrow oddity disciplines, spanning across from geekism programming codecists to shadow plotter determined anti-social psycho whiner-sissies.)

Our truest enemies may be the zerg amass,
  they are not far, in a distant nation, or foreign territories,
   they are close to all.  We can find them in malls,
    we could also see them in buildings, classrooms, urban centres, parks,
     on TV, in media, bars, restaurants, isles, bus stops, train stations, air ports.
        Most important of all, they are right here at our home.

Do Fear really wipe out the naives (sheeple unfits), it seems really does so as: 
- they get admired toward any company names or logos, as if they are all opened and operated by divine super beings
- they do not bother looking into who actually runs them: never checking owners is their habit, how come, they have the time to though
- they become panic and hesitating if it seems like government agencies: upon seeing person(s) dressed in uniforms, they act like it's a superman with overwhelming wits & might and at sametime is an unstoppable flawless and emotion-hardened super rock
- they worry and self-miserable and self-agonize if they see someone hostile toward them, telling self an illusion so quickly and would rather act toward it bringing pain to self than reviewing those judgements

^ the greatest problem with them is they engulf us and drags us along with their mistakes: I should not be paying for their mistakes when I am perfectly fit and capable of handling these areas.  I am, put in simple words, is identical to them, and is of a different class: I hope the evil lords and others does see this in clear instant-ee

It indeed is a pretty funky thing.  Expressing it can be a variety of wording and forms, I think I did a fair job.  I did try me best-o.  The idea to be re-emphasized I want is: me is not nearly close to them in this area, but they do do work in getting me in same classification as them, which will result in me getting these bites as if I am another one of those softie, so to speak, though the result then later would "shake" the attackerist, but then the damages received had already been done or completed.

Persons that grotesquely adapt to the roothenchild-highjack-and-concentrate-camp-every-kid system deserve to be wiped out.  How someone act towards this issue tells a whole lot about the nature and their lineage, alignment as well of the person.  Someone that spends focus and would rather tackle and address that systemtemic problem than evading or adapting or negligting it are to be liked.  The other ones are to be checked, inspected & such.



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