

Saturday 11 October 2014

感想 My Opinions

Yup, gotta stay away from humanoids fhat don't give me expansion of horizons, vocabulary expansion and so on.

Whoever one tries to satisfy and please to is its under.  As the one being pleased to is the one in upper edge, and in domination role or position.

I could be having thousand more fun time typing these, recording, as well as the later stage of the formulation process if it weren't for the nubby nose bigots whom deserves political handlement.  Trust this as thousand lines of valuable philosophical insights lost.  Let this line be a memorial stone of infos lost or defayed.

The past constantly changes, it changes depending on the present oulooks. So then past does not exist?  Hehe

Things can be described with infinite points.  Relevency does it

Aryan rally, I've pondered for it for a while. should it be done subtlely, under the lens, or shall it be loud like righteous radiance?  Ok how about subtle-loud, active-passive, and quiet strength

No virtue, just survival needs? That's clearly not an Aryanrite, as how much does it cost to have this desire, alignment? zero cost.  I myself serves a great example, does not need luxury to boost me to this level - accounts show me and them shared same treatment, exact same, it's the outcome we bought out from there that differs

Nameless, faceless ones, come out at once! Your daddy needs to give you love.  (they got me enraged, was thinking of different momentum, tone, yes)

Israel's compensation to me will be wavered if I decide to give forgiveness. (note: not going self-centric, the use of "I" is for ease of tongue so to speak and understanding smoothness purposes)

The better way to balance economic balance is to provide all wealth to the cultured than to give any equality to the "poor" (in reality are creatures that failed to capture success and let it slip away, let my personal example of reaching pinnacle height out of below average life circumstances be a standard perfectorization). (yes, it does make sense, as someone has gotta, be a invalid losah)

An eagle without sharp beak is case of not an eagle, might be some vulture disguised as one or something.

A real eagle has eagle features.  Same case with-tha human-a's, a human without those features are sub-human 98.5% of the time.

Shy, compassionate creatures have visible physical features of this.  If a panda were more aggressive (sports active) and less caring, it'd "turn" into a grizzly bear.

Mindset changes the facial features over time, as rapid as within 5 years.  This happens quicker before adult periods.

Treacherous humans look drastically different from shy and compassionate humans.  Let them be scolded away in job interview-as, as well as to the max of all of the job inta-view-as.

Pardon for the short sentences, guys.  I myself feel the points could be said slight better, at sametime would sound and find more fun to meself if the environment in which I type in were better.  It is loud, and ob-nose-xious.  It was more joyous to meself while formulating earlier in mind, yes.

Health is more important to life than skill grade level.  Perhaps we gotta emphasize this fundamental by changing the word life to health, and health to life.  This way, many would be reminded.

87% of tasks humanoid peasants do is infinite ways of saying the arrogance word "I am Godly".  For example: printing out children learning posters that are about math, or,  calling everything with a sure-toned name.

May I recommend changing writing (back) to right to left?

In addition coming up with new alphabets and writing abbreviations (such as shortening tion to tn) and such? It is the divine time to make the upgrade.  Instruments and the tools have changed, time to change the pants to match the socks.

I come up with many points to my concious side, and then I forget most of it (up to 80%). (to the time of writimg).  Especially when the surrounding condition is barbaric and barraging (sounding like artillery shelled zones). 

I will try to come up with (endraft) a comprehensive copy of the goyims.  Then, let's see them have a chance, and have laughter watching them run (scatter).

The rise of Beta Males went a big one.  It's an topic in serious need of address.  Monogamy and the whole lacist monogamy environment ensures a steady supply and increase of the beta males.  I shall not let the beta males crawl one more inch on the sidewalk with their carrion saliva.

On the flatter less romantic side, district of two-leg aspectfulness: we have this cancer settlement stretching from mexico to brasil, and indu river to yang tze, fighting this passive-nasty-aggro class war - pathetic.  Nothing Son Goku would approve of, neither would Sailor Moon.  I wonder if governments started misleading, would they one day be consuming each other's flesh like the movie Cannibal the 5th filth mass.

Schools at all times, under any regime, should act also as a community social hub.  Whoever opposes it deserve no place in happy society, and will be investigated.

Mess is today's socity more so, if I were have to describe it with fewer than five words.

How about we reduce the number of money a person can make until it gains a favor-currency based license? There, many good ideas-in-1.

Let favor being a currency return to its prized value, then the woeful would reduced thy thee.

Nameless humanoid types adore scanning a piece of paper or similar replacement items to the real thing, than the real thing: scanning of physical identifications (judging by the grown features) (相貌).

Geeks work all day, produce electronics, handle bars, car components, exhaust to the bone, everyday, day after night, schedules full, never mentioned or broadcasted in media, piled under loudness trumpet of commercialism, opens up companies, leaves no time for family growth, having product sent to market place, receives no pay, and then on top of all that Roothenchild influenced American socialism welfare kicks in to wrap up the whole luxurious fantasiv trashes together with a giant garbage bag.  The products sold mega cheap and asked for wrong currency at the market end up as sex appeal to be exploited on to those beta hyena specialist professional scammer scoudel males?  Please, this gets things way too happy land.  Princess Karma look after such cases to take her karma wrath upon.

Setting the standards, people's likes and dislikes by humans that don't even enjoy life? That's a way to get free punctured from karma.

Yep, at time of this now, me is thinking: should I write an essay about should I name my auntie as an ideeoit.  
- I am glad I could find finally a brief moment of peace for that
- is it considerable as normal, that's the thing, judging by its behaviors, especially just now
- the voice alone is no good and as indicated by that alone already, aye
- I saw a mega reflection or xiao and lyghd there from this one
- me feels me want to leave out of this place now, instant portal or blink back to homeland bed
- oh no now, at time of writing this, it sounds like will re-entry, so to speak
- did the idea of I flew 14 hours to hear it yabba on complete unimportant (fisky, petty) matters ever cross its mind
- by visual, it already seem "off", woeful that so many of my "family members" are this, almost quite a feat of unstoppable-ness, really aye
- the way it walks, fashion sense, general motions (as now, just a bam was heard while yes me writing this)
- as I write, making these entries, new ones by new ones added, I do keep in mind, and I consider that each additional point makes the this troublesome auntie of mine more signified
- it does not belong in my family, I declared this
- how come I have these as my family members, it's wrong, so wrong I think
- doesn't stop, as it ongoing, I having had to struggle
- does it see others' gesture and etc, I told it I want not to be disturbed, and at many times
- in all mighty lhama's holiness, shut it already, what endless appearance, and that attitude
- pretty sure this is not even just case of "traditional old china", this is case of birth defect, or syphilis or something
- kept showing yeself, introducing all that unfun ultra sadda version and tone of life huh? not so much life then
- seems only back down, or show features of such if I go really brutally unhappy voice in reply or something
- why does my "mother" invite me to these places anyways, it's like studying mosquitoes, I have to say, and be horny about it, for real, yeh
- endless and endless shouting voice volumn... it gets rather very unpleasing how it lasts to the night.. what ... nonsense of uniqueness in the world
- caring about petty and trivial matters thissss much, I ask all: what is going on with this side of my family, very woeful. after few survey, the judgement had already received overwhelming supportification: these are the odds of the whole township community, yep, aye, indeed
- all talked about is food, eat, eat this, eat that.  if effort put to right places, then bam, coulda become a scientist.  and if diseased, really then self already knows, but refuses to fix self.  then that's disrespect I shall see as
- thousand more points can be added, I've got good quantity (fair) of its voice recordings, and phew thank god that's good (that it's been done)
- me is very very grateful and glad it did not overheat into its argue or declare war on me like lyghd would and did
- ah ha, strategic realized (memory recalled; remembered, strategically, he he) this one: what is it meddling with my personal rights and matter so closely for, and sounding rather coarse and brute (careless)
- can't trust flat nosed, are they pulling tricks, hm, let this terrible experience be another labryith danger horror adventure maze one, aye, yea
- no eating yangtze river shrimp or so called local dumpling good is not my thing, nor should it be respected.  and no it is also not a "chinese tradition", as if you want to argue, I can say it's as much close to chinese tradition as a garbage exported domestically to itself
- yeah and what's with the restaurant seating-ness, no mall going, no EQ, cool, swag, going outside and stuff? yeah.. they didn't invite me to absolutely none of it.  seems like they were danceless dominator ego freaks or something, always putting self to their most comfortable realms (like evil fish only makes party at murky water)
- sent me a tv for me to watch, took leadership role, but operated like a god, and then made tons of choice, took no advisors.  held me in doors, recommended indoor activity so much.. er if weren't for me nice (compassion, tolerance, easy-going-ness), I wouldn't even allowed a minute of this incoherency, yo
- blind words 24/7, and kept going, oh a horrible image of lyghd, aye
(entries here onward are written next morning)
- it was sleep time, not in mood to barrage shout talking style again
- barrages so fast kept interrupting self and self's onset schedule of actions
- can I have the room to eat, quietly, and with peace please
- may I,  I cannot be always available for meeting or sudden answer to responses requeston
- food wasn't even right, come on, though the much stress and strain, what for.  I improvised, made it all good all by myself.  Boiling hot temperature, below level 1 hotel standard (out of max of 5)
- together, with lyghd, these two have talked most with me than I have with everybody else combined in this world, I think.  similar to united states a lot
- a world exclusive tax I have to pay, no one else pays, I have not found one such case, perhaps as rare as some rare conditions: 170,000,000 in 1
- heh, ha, later added, this, it went on analyzing on the fact that we drank water, and on that itself alone, which the uncle (its husband) also remarked

1 encouragement trumps out 30 warning signs, and 900 instructions.

A fair policy is when the lord says fair, and not from any other creditor, other than the lord.

Judging by the single child policy alone, China had showed the world and all people how uniquely whack it is.

My entries of this blog post are entered across a span of days, thought so good indicate this.

A self-absorbed bubble cerebral fantacist witch doctor with couple ten thousand minions cannot ever come to represent justice, at the nearest closest even.  There can be no replacement to true law except true law itself, like how gold does not transmute to copper.  That, a gold goblet requires gold

China is an awkward land filled with duplication-expert scam artist soft-bone peasant crop throwing rats.  They are perhaps below peasant class neegerians.  The exceptions there are few, lays at about 1 in 10,000 person(s).

Humanoid sheeple arrogance are unlimited, like dove's love, or panda's passion.  Their belief of knowledge and life wisdom learned from parents, fables, and books had given them a first stage of the doom hammer from the recent modernism planar shifts.  Born-with wisdom so to speak are the needed for a safe and assured longitive motion.  Their arrogance in short had finally caught up with their skips.

Well, one way to get rid of copycat, let them burn which would be all fantastically, is to provide them a sour version to be copied.  Let the game begin

Their mouth sound like a dirty farting machine of some sort, I cannot stand.

I will continue to be sad, each day, until the worldwide Reich is completo.

Morals does not work on them, for they are not living creatures.

I look forward to liquidating, pouring gasoline on these dog-eating, extremicist nature-polluters.

To deal these fiends, maybe gasoline, or perhaps the exclusive worldwide acid.  Let the real roaches have their debt of unlife due.

-> they cannot do this.  they are not helping nature, they are ruining nature, I want them all dead.
-> they better be careful for massacring the bird kingdoms, wrecking them without a reason thou they coulda been working on their abs.  karma will liquidate them
-> I hope these statements can fulfill the prophecy, be delivered to the next prophet.  Let world unify and be liberated, rid off the cancer fiends, save every citizen.  I put this out, because realizing they would derail my every attempt of brave words.

---> what a bunch of psychos!  smokes ciggarete, lives like a pudge lord all day. yet declares self as moral and lawful... more than anybody else! good god, I hope the next savior wreck them completely into least suffering, without their licenses and permits.  Their social pressure is a pure aggressive weapon yo, I have to snap out from the shield (sanction) and speak up.



- they ain't nevah line up and being polite
- though will get quick as a snapping cockroach when the beneit is there for acting polite in the brief moment
- it's been for ages too much benefits, too much privilege programs for these unliving fiends!  I promise to liquidate every single one of them with my right now fragile typing, though handled well me thinks, to jet fuel chemical concentration camps! held and sponsored by agencies, at global scale!  Let the terror vaporize, putrify, liquidify.
(^^ in enraged mode tone)
(managed to maintain serenity despite the rough unpredecended environment, me been spongebob, absorbed a lot  of...)


--------------- ---------------
This is war my friends, this is war.  Let this war continue.
The war between sheep and samurais,
the war between independents vs dependents,
the war between civilized and the tumour dysfunctional growth.
- it is a privilege to let them have a position in society, let alone an easy paying idle job, how much does their time really worth and themselves, aye!
- they do not represent samurai traditions, and as seen have never kept it in tact, they been surpressing it rather, psh!
- this is as much of a society as two old rats fighting over a cheese on trap: nations like china or mexico or even so called 1st world country like canada absolutely do not exist - we have ecosystems, and these "societies" are treated as sheeple havens (aye, after all where else could these ugly bastards grab all these goods, by themselves? and by a shogon samurai natural order? ha.  Let these vile bastards who which disguise as "just weak" be dyed, by humanity's feat: chemical engineering, and mass transport


— dirty labor force peasant roach nastism bastards ain't got muscles to kill, but they hate more than anybody!
— me is speaking truth, bringing justice on, giving fairness to otherwise been fiend dominated places
— donkey-spirit males that focus on hate.... hahaha keep duping.. I will civil war and erase all of these, until they are less than the hair on their nappy heads! small venom weirdos.  If they show up going like they will do things with force again, then cruelty level be upgraded
----------------- ---------------

(written on the next morning of the above ^ )

Those that spread anxiety are responsible for highest crimes.

Isn't anxiety and negativity the exclusive cause of all crimes?

Those that hold responsibility for spreading anxiety and fuss include the roothenchild and the peasant amass.  Roothenchild who which are pets of the peasant amass conspiracist gang.

Bear's leaf as gift to me mean a whole lot more than thousand faceless commenter's positive descriptions.

What's also interesting (and coincidental) is that cheers are rare from them baffoon bunch (a mass numbered whorde), while descriptive tone are always there - hm, eerie means malicious attempt as well as mimikeries.

A type of weird that possesses vast quantities does not indicate its value.  

Cancer gang plagues various lands, and have got the respective geographics governments mind controlled.

To satisfy another's call other than god is to be its asset, and also to be mind controlled.

(unfortunately, been typed while under barrages of loud andd highly potent disruptive nonsenses, hardly possible to hear any typing, constantly received jams, and in fairly unpredictable pattern of events) (yes, indeed unfortunate to note, but also is anticipated, as they fuss forever(tm) )

It's always a crime scene to see these rats commenting on the mega aircraft carrier like it's a shack rotten boat made from wood.

I wish I was in good mood, the surrounding environment at time of writing this is and has been atrollcious.  The devil pests will pay, at global scale.  7 continents, 5 oceans, 1 cleansing

Yes, this world is intwined with the ever balance of love and death.  From an omni hollow perspective, the struggle is ever moving equalibirum in both large and zoomed-in perspectives.  Everyone lasts less than 200 years, but love goes on and compassion last forever.

(note: here, this part, is not written in a streak session, took on and off breaks)

Mass beta males are a plague, this cancer will finally pay for its price (loans), I promise this.

Ya, ha, me is right.
Those that I disagree might should be dead.
Those without beauty essence, no artistic values, I hold much suntle doubt upon.

I think this line rings many truth: a more true if not overwhelmingly better true form of encouraging mutual harmony andor respect is really "fuck each other up" than "have mutual harmony" or "respect society with each other".

Let's encourge and promote write right to left, oh yeah

Yeah, ha, I refuse to conform to intelligent fools.  Let each and every road signs signify this idea.

I will be at paradise rolling on and spitting on those fiendism bastards, like live war games, oh yeah.  Turtle tanks, armored vehicles, (falcon aerocrafts) I will roll them into sugar canes and blast their bones into new Tom Jones powder kegs, yum.

Unify the world, 
recruit believers,
sanction and delay the foul,
repel darkness, 
strengthen and train,
and unify the world.

Ha, oh, ha,
I will continue be discontent
and unsatisfied until the amazing 
Reich has become the lord of all gods,
and gods of all pokemons.

• those good cunts ain't never came up with any idea on their own yo, despite their mass million on million numbers yo.  All of the stuff they have are gotten, not made.  And sometimes stolen (by biased zerg infested merits that is).  The ideas and technology they have are more so adopted from the inventers, who which are all Aryan spirited, in contrast.
• suppose this part of the world granted them largely reconized as German heritage, then today we'll be seeing the same form of trickery, held in different clothing - them zergs claiming self as Germans or runs partial German heritage in their blood - the dog attitude of phillipine peasants claiming self as part Spanish goes to show a perfect example
• all of the stuff I say, nearly all are from, by, and an extension of Hitler's Mein Kamph. I hereby mark the notation: courtesy of Adolf Hitler.  The same underlying essence runs underneath the same palace of knowledge, it's the power source of these lava fountains (or aqua) (sometimes aqua) (semi-ly, hehe me may be on talking too much now, hehe), so to speak, yes

Recognition is an important word for the sub-concious world.  Most fights are faught in the sub-concious world, contrary to fool's beliefs.  The fight of light vs darkness, growth vs decay, reproduction vs arid land, saddam vs goldman co, mosquito vs man's timing and available tools are all such cases.  There exists vast differences, as the differences play out would be vast, between recognized it was who before defeat than not reconized the enemy viper stealth unit was.  Having recognized the reality before the forced admit of losing ground also differs vastly from having not recognized.  I can surrender because reason a to b, while knowing what truly went on to not plays a mass different role, so does the cases of will was aligned or not (agreed willfully or didn't agree willfully).  Yes, it's something that plays major role in determining the overall outcome of the wars, which are of grand scale.

    Given by my divine seals, one day I wish to deliver wrath upon (sending military operations onto) the infested land known as China, as well as Mexico and Brasil plus many others if the events turn out to be.  The infestation level thereon are high.  They will respect various pain and discomfort, without their right to approve.  (the alarm is blasting, and gotta admit, self is not in optimal-optimal mode either, so this paragraph might've sounded slightly cartoon-y (just slight), which I wish to notify.  And though it's not my intention).

-/ honk gone dialect is not a language, just like how niger is not a country
-/ donkeys and stallions are two different class of the same specie, and thus in every way deserve be marked visiblely by constituition as such
-/ psychos and more psychos, that's these modernism cities, 25% zones of areas good, other 70%, infested zergetry

// the reason we are not placing as much judge and focus on people's motives as clothing in present has largely to do with donkey-numerous-punks' manipulations

- never conform to fiends, or factually anyone other than god
- conform to Jesus insteadoo
- peer pressure or social pressure really is death threats, crush them comrade
- watch out for the mediocre, they ain't "weak"
- the greatest enemy are not enemies, they are friends

Oh yeh, live a balanced life, me friends, woof woof.

Ducks never quack only by themselves; they do it for a reason.

Do what Jesus commands, ten thousand fold more than what a stranger at crossroad gives.

If we all had 2 joints and 3 or more ankles in each arm, then things would spiral defaultly (and naturally) put of control like an overpopulated district.

We need 100% reliability, not 99.99997% and not 99.9998%.  The difference therein is more than 0.0000003%.

Correct way to measure excellence is through measuring its moderate-ness, and not its great-ness which has no limit.  As lethality always outperforms versatile in one narrow area.

2 is a flaw, 3 is a balance, 1 is a bible.  

In the universe, fundamentally the number 2 is a goblin duo, sometimes cooperate, sometimes clash in business interest.  

Studying geometry helps understanding philosophical aspects of life as well as its interlinking relations.

Shapes like helix, diamond, sphere, cube already are tomes of knowledge each on their own.  It will take the right man to find these key facts.

Unleash potential is the secret formula to become a legend.  With personality and genetic quality present, right way needs to be found, alongside with the willingness to believe the truth (aka the capacity to handle the truth).

I like to view things this way:
success isn't gotten, it's received.
People chase after success,
and it flies further away just before one grabs onto it
(just before grab can be made).

Success comes after people who have done right,
like tooth fairy.

Indeed, success goes to people that done well (on its own), it is not obtained, or caught.

Countering evil should be a state and nationwide activity, besides being a personal responsibility, as behaving self is not 100% (enough).

I would anytime say that being hated, feared and loved of all at sametime is true dominance.
While just being loved is lesser dominance, and is usually playing a passive role that appears to be active one; being mind controlled.

      Beware of and watchout for all the mediocres, 98% chance it was not their lack of chances, but lack of will, on the reality side.

It may does seem so quite reasonable that the sheeple numeral peasant are not hating on us

Hey, yeah, how about a poetry for frauds, 
we need this about now.

zzzzzzzzzzzzz xxxxxxxxxxxxx ccccccccccccc
While we work and seek inspiration.
the copycat human types excuse themselves as naturally odd looking.
While they dodge consequences and expand like cancer,
we seek virtue and elevates our creative capacity.
ccccccccccccc xxxxxxxxxxxxx zzzzzzzzzzzzz

The zergs are strong,
they've become fairly established.
Their propaganda are everywhere,
they've infiltrated,
puts on ordinary person's cloth,
soft-violence, passive-aggressive,
slander, threat, mislabel, and trickeries,
the lions will allie with us in bringing their delightful downfall.
Down with the mighty zerg peasant numberical gang.

By the way, pardon me guys, me annoyance parents are nearby,
very unsoundly voices and tone, cuts down essence,
and also the quality of my productions, as I writing.
The two delinquent messty duos are inches away.
Their barrages no ending.  Its timing are hard to grasp and predict to.

"Too extreme becomes regular" - Lord of Modesty and Arrogance, Yaugveron

"Biodiversity is important, however 500 million leech humanoids is valueless" - Tote Von Smearov

"I would prefer a considerate dumb man than an careless smart man" - Mister Quotation

There are my points I have come to (arrived to) during my visit to China, specifically, Beijing "ordinary" locations:
— places are a mess, 3rd world, slums, disorderly, no sign of even roman period (200 B.C.) civil
— words all loud as hell, yell-y, as if they all dogs barking at each other all day
— zero sign of singing, virtues, inspiration, or anything of life
— volumn #1, backwardness #1, I place them lower than Nigeria, as they got an odd scent of backward goody lowness
— these are words of me calm; not words out of rage (angry words)
— why do the stupid hyena well-numbered peasant kids like to yell so much, even some of the girls
— while at singing, none of them yell; using the same volumn
— I sympatheize all of our people who had to go through their pressuring ugliness
— me right now is even sure-er the kim john il, and the japanese upper class people feel the same towards this, and me becomes sure even further by the minute
• a serious and grave mistake for the communist china party government to allow them any of these privileges, in tangile and intangible items
• quit providing them the sheeple heaven (haven)
• me is saying this, me is a very tolerant person, and I disagree with their entire existence, those nasty chew-y no civil zergs, completely, and thoroughly, and increasingly more by the milliseconds
• this seat smells, they carry and spread their stink to everywhere they crawl to
• the mighty zergs can afford restaurant food, but won't buy a science magazine, who are they fooling to
• a great war will be required to completely cleanse these lands, hopefully a joint nation military force will be assembled
• if a human smells like a theifing hyena, then it is a hyena, if it smells like a fiend plotter, then it is a fiend plotter, and will suffer imaginable pain with their warranty to the degree thereof assigned by the loan givers, in accordance to the motherfucking global resurrection let's do this motherfucking goodness

~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yo yo yo, this place is loud, disallow me to quietly talk, so I shall type in this pattern.  I do hope the messages are carried across well, and are non-missed, yes.
     Being engulfef by a bunch of pretenders that actually hate u, hate them selves, and nature can be a stressful feeling, give a stressful experience.  The so called french people, russian people, and chinese people are more so divisions of a same gang.  Unlike the definition of a gang they provide to us which expectedly is out of their cunt mouth, these zerg mass pretenders are number-based, and currently have become the #1 nation put together in GDP, population, wealth, privilege, land and everything altogether.  
      I cannot stress enough and let's remember: it was the "french people" that murdered the french emperor.  And it was the same case with Russia, Manchuria, and thousand other heavily zerg-infested places.  These bastards are conspired together, using group actings, their musclelessness, their tongue and various other fiendism and freakish defence mechanisms pushing their neverending zergetry agenda, a bottomless hole on the outside, while having another one inside of each of them - oh yes, the bottomless hole of their greed, cravings, jealousy, hate, incoherancy, and others.
      These god damn zergs of coursely deserve god's wrath and utter devestating exciting condemnation.  On that base, these sorryfreaks are born with natural pretendercist reflexes, like how the champions have learning and self-planning as well as motivation reflexes.  If nations (fellow governments) could abandon their self-ego (which itself is a zerg's implant), the last blockade to grand new age, and arrive to an up-to-date view, then things would become so great and transcended ever onward — a world without passive-aggression, and a world rich in culture and creativity would soon come naturally then.

• no one is stupid, there is only survival and dominance
• deceptor humanoids will receive death sentence with open clauses, let's see it's whether rule of law and advanced aryan technology the right one or their cheating habits and neverending laziness
• so called naturally weak are nearly all venomous humanoids telling us their abnormalty and differences to us is due to reasonable reasons

• I firmly believe that it's childish to think that only knives are weapons, or nightsticks and so on.  All things can be a weapon, including gifts and compliments.  Very funny how they do the security checkpoint only checking for knives and military-like weapons
• humanoid cunts are naturally fiendish, they are born like that me believes.  What do they know about eating, but they all act like they know exactly what to order, and are precise at always.  For securiting bus terminal stations, they like to put all these signs and rules acting often like they know everything at precise, and extremely extremely well - stinking feet!  typical. and that's who they are.
• know human nature, and all types of human's nature.  I prefer to address them by the real name: animals.  They look like bunch of criminals accusing the real humans as animals.  History show they are passionless fiends - dogs repeatedly demonstrate greater honor, far more passion,vand greater virtue, understanding ad well as compassion for others

• only cares self; discriminate against superiors and others; behaves like, exactly like little pudgeys!  And goes around spamming that Alexander the Great or Ghenghis Khan is arrogant, switching up the word arrogance and pridely completely, what a bitch, and a bitch move.
• oh I always tell my friends: don't be fooled into thinking that they ain't aggressive or fiendish just because they never seem to say "I hate you", as firstly it's something gf and bfs in love say, and secondly, the mighty zergs say it daily underneath their actions, the correspondance, and the way treat others
• the nasty hard-to-get-rid-off mass junk peasants engulfing every temple, shopping mall, both good and bad place bank on having their police protection.  The bible recommends all to avoid as much from them, never to hire them, and such.  A job given to a peasant pretender-phd-specialist is another shackle tied to the foot.  They are not our people, nor never have been.  We are in the middle of a war faught in the spirit and virtual worlds.  The enemies are great and have anaethetic-tipped bites.  Giving them time hoping they will become a stallion doesn't work on a hateful donkey, let alone some vulture-2-leg-2-armed dogish roach donkey hybrid.  We'll defend our rich culture and our values, vs this zerg brainscumbag alien invader amass.  It's a great task to be working on.  I take pride in this.  Critical times call for critical initiatives.  I believe it's the most if not ever shall be most important task to anyone that is a normal, loving, humble, creative, compassion, coordinate caring loving creature out there, the defence work against terrorism.

                                                    Lest we forget.

Who are not Aryans?
— people that look ugly are 98.78% sure non-Aryans
— people who dress overly ugly or untidy but self looks good are 97% certainty Aryans, in the contradt
— 100% of terrorists are not Aryans
— lack of civil
— pudges, fiends, ghouls, jealousers, hateful individuals
— android 13, necromancer-nerders, all forms and variety of egoticists
— copycat specialist, commonly have flat nose, goes around explaining it as naturally flat or lack of nutrients is a common trick
— 0 creative and creative habit person(s), does not have to be necessarily inventing, but can also be re-inventing or having done any independent works
— enemies of Chuck Norris
— incoordinate, uncaring, dispassionate people, who which are freaks and terrorists by the way
— people who doesn't stand cool or have discomfort with Hitler in the reality side
(note: hopefully before 2025, this become an relic.  The ultimate way to deal with freaks is to out-freak them, and I fully devote myself to this duty)

Death Sentence
— disrespectful in inner attitude to Hitler can get the terrorist an automatic visit to hell chambers, free of charge, no purchase necessary.  Limited 1 per entry
— missing coordinate, care, notice of Hitler's presence, his values as well as many others
— ones carrying fiendism intent, to detect this can take time, and requires reading some signs, however can be 100% accurate
— all of the fiends, those villains, and evil characters drafted, in movies, in popular cartoons, comic books, online games, and the soon-to-been hologram virtual reality goggles 
— bad behavior and foul attitude, as well as hideous intent can get those fiends this free welcome package, charged at 0.013% interest rate per second

Often, we have some she-male looking suspicious punk telling us facts, what is it really doing.  More so what is its real intent, hmm, questionable matter.  The truth comparatively goes: if it's not words from a noble person, chances are it could never be right.

— I see through all of the zerg's tricks, all, hehe, lions can do that too.  Hm, or do I see it all, hehe
— it's a high technology speed train and some zerg is smoking inside of the cabinets, immediately hang that bastard after policy A1 screening.  Charles Darwin would never invite that zerg on.  Yes, the train repeatedly said it's no-smoking.  
— in continuation to above adjacent point, yes if no respect technology, then technology will disrespect back goodto


There cerebral heads, their scumbag brain dictators seem to never enjoy the food, but be telling about facts and decisional values of eating, where is the joy in that, that's fiend thinking.

I was right, and will be poven perfectly estaticly right again and again; from time to time.

Pandas are humans, these terrorists are animals.

> the true nature of those duplication fiendism egotist peasant amass never seize to surprise me
>> it's really funny to me how, and I am pretty sure all other Aryans feel similar, number-based they are, yet they operate, live, and really present themselves like each an individual, with varied personality and interests; as if each self is a legend like our guys
>> so then what are their priorities, and what's on these peasant zerg amass's mind
>>> they look more like pudgeys and witches, the uglism shall not be a norm
>>>> with more mirror of reflection of truth, we shall see more
>>>>> purify and repel shall be conducted without their right to agreement

- chances are if someone looks vile, it is a vile specialist
-- the truth is absolute no words can be trustworthy, not even mine.  Whoever been telling the alternate versions of that deserve to be putrified
--- someone who is at mediocre level of any study is usually at times one that divided their attention to a non-transferable field, something like how to trick people, contrary to previous held beliefs which is that the level B graduates are lesser skilled; naturally weaker: or treated lesser.  All unecessary challenges (problems) began from those government policies
---- something sure is true about the entire human race is that there are two fundamental humans: the peasant type, and the noble strength based type.  Then does the ethnic origins and variety in traits come in which augments on top of that base
----- this slogan shall be known to all (of our people that is): the ones that bark at you probably have been ur best helpers

::: I shall one day make a film called Crouching Tiger Hidden Peasant, exposing their ways completely, rendering audience immune permanently to the peasant zerg amass, our people that is

The peasant amass is cancer, are fiends.  Ego is at top of their priority list.  Speaking of this, someday I will show them a movie reel demonstrating and proving to them (their mind) how invalid totally the deception self been feeding to self.  Unlike living creatures, these mega-cerebral peasant amass (number-based) zergs love exploiting any absurd policies or advantageous situations.  Self-feeding fantasy greatness godly view of one self is another thing they do.  For example, when they eat dinner, it's almost as if to tell self how wonderful thoughtful and brilliantly smart one is, and interestingly once the signs of that thing becomes very apparant, neuro-overwrite again takes place, telling self at most that the food is junk or something like that.

>> I will be staying out of their charge line of their onroute to their ego tocapturable their way, so to speak
>> the lesser zerg peasant fiendism, which are lesser unlikable, like to 

• a rule of life of mine in particular for dealing with these 2-legs (humanoid junks) goes: never underestimate the weak, presuming are just weak, as a trapper poacher tend to have lesser frame than a champion type
• sheeple's one of ultimate ability / spell is feign victim
• words can not ever be reliable.  At max can be used as reference or hints, whereas actions speak truth particularly in utter intense (intensive demanding) situations.  Whoever been presenting to us an otherwise version of that law of life probably is one of those malicious vile humanoid donkey-roach-dread-slugs, who which deserve a handsome demise session, of which come at their depreciating interest values

       Society's current state is far from my ideals actually, nor that of Adolf Hitler's.  Writing system hopefully can be optimized since now writing gesture of is less common while keyboarding has become monumentally more important than ever before, plus the trend has become one that's this way.  Also writings read from right to left, up to down also as well I wish to be there.  This goes true especially for street signs and room names (the large font types displayed up above and so on).  
        By the way, for my use of the word "I", it's really implying the meaning that me and the sky is one, that me is speaking through compassion, and so on - yes, a very different I in essence than those other I's, yes.

     "ISIS is my sister" - John V. McCain
      "打到反国主义是每个正常人的原则” - 李士成
       “共产党是一个反社会,反安宁,反人类的大规模污染活动。”  - 德国首相去德尼码码里


      Yes, indeed, definately, freeing all the ladies may take a while.  Personally I hold utter contempt to those junk cigarette smoking yellow-tainted no-nose bigots.  It should've been me with the girls, or one of the comrades, or their friends.  I am certain the girls think this way too.  I do not tolerate birth defects nor absolutely toward any residue cheated-way-to-here bandit foul lales (an imposter who disguise cleverly as a male).  One thing to add: their legitimacy to be here are as much as quarter of 1% of that of a noble, true, normal male.  We human specie is more so an ecosystem with smaller local ecosystems here and there while the gender is at least 4, which consist of: homos, girls, alpha man, beta man.  The lales operate like attachment viruses, seeking ways to pass on their genetic - often disguises as a regular male, as its gender.

Dangling on the string is what they do, the way they do their operations.  Can they stay on for a more while?  While the string is not flipping them, who which sits on 98.74% safety chance, they goes around spamming that they are successful, as if same remotely same quality of creativity, personality, and substance as our Aryanites!

A good world is one where it is unsafe for sheeples to live, anywhere.

Sheeple zerg propaganda are pumped heavy using from their nourishments and other gov policy boost.  One example goes: how that they label the true aryans of a foreign land as the name "outsider", as if their intent is questionable.  The mighty zergs spam a hell lot of their propagandas.

Them restless exploitor tumour growthers, I will make sure their numbers are reduced.

A sorry sight to see that how many peudo-knowledgist today's pro-zombie agenda-ed edu system had produced and consolidated.  They sound in essence like peasant who learned how to use royal family topics to do sales, with their accents adjusted.

Rapid Decline of Culture / Rapid Increase of Beta Males
1st generation:            2nd generation:            3rd generation:         4th generation:
      1000                             300                                 100                          30
Born Year 1915                Year 1940                     Year 1965                Year 1990

— ever wondered why there seems to be no more alpha males, the representative of one's original culture and lineage? this is why
— under the pro-dege agenda policy known as monogamy, overall-wise, about 1/3 number of alpha male comes at next generation
— as an alpha male can birth alphamale at higher chance plus beta male and failure male, while beta males can birth mostly beta male and failure male with a small chance of birthing alpha male, while the failure male would only birth failure males
— now the chance of finding an alpha male has become extremely rare, within the 100 years course of history this "change" had taken place, an invisible motion, a curse on the entire society
— 1000 compared to just 30, civil wars will be a definite, angels have discussed about getting rid of this anti-natural order freakish taint.  Combined with the shuffling of peoples and locational division of industries and specialized fields, the damage has been visiblely noticable despite its very subtle motions.  Commercialism and its unchecked glaring neon signs also accelerated this dege in many supportive ways

----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

• There will never be an actual fairness, but an increasingly more bs and altered version of fairness, established by rival gangs whichever won the leading position, so to speak






• in the most grand hotel of Nanking, yet these ugly looking dog psycho males dare to smoke, now the strong cig smell is surging back again
•• I rarily hear greetings from strangers, only amongst friends (such teamwork-based and fit bunch!)
••• these are dege copycat experts right, and great liars
•••• the united 8 nation forces should've went on arrest spree on these ugly freaks
••••• ciggarette they use is unlike those in Canada, fully toxic
•••••• unlike the negros which are visible manipulator experts, these psychos spinks understand law, reasoning, and morals a whole lot better, enabling them greater skill at coming up with related bs, the invisible enemies!

I think the developments particular in politics in Europe had given these sheeple spinks great shielded times, since start of ww2-1.  It is my personal goal which was recently reinforced weekly, to bring forth a joint national military force.  This force will be for crushing the dirty spinks, and for curing the land.  Armies of Tibetan areas as well as Urumqi may be assembled.  Racial hatred incitement will make the spinks absolutely well treated, which they deserve so well.  Ulan Bator recruitments had not been ruled out on the agenda draft list.  These expert manipulator, the dog flat-nose spinks, have been draining this jade kingdom for thousands of years, with particular strong rise in its numbers and penetration and overall financial power in the last 200 years.  For each unit of effort our guys put in learning, they put in the same into stealing the work.  Often they punish some of their own peasants cruel-ly for the sake of inducing the belief that they are innocent and pro-justice.  And then by the time of a low score on some facial recongition or general testings, they dismiss it as "I was deprived" - no way they were lesser treated than any of our guys, particularly moi!  

The cancer spinks, which plagues heavily in China, are not innocent, but are skilled at pretending innocent.

oooooooooooo oooooo oooooo oooooo oooooooooooo oooooo oooooo

• the actual reason for some humanoids' weakness is because of their divided attention onto elsewhere (a non-transferable discipline): yes, into lying and cheating.  Not perfect play for govs to trust any of them - the hiring,  enthrusting with power and all of that

• for real, a massacre for these crab-steaming, dog-eating (my grandpa's dog was actually stung by paralyze food and then cooked by one of the zerg), ever-groaning, life-less, zero-elegance, uncivilized, floor-spitting, fun-less, hug-less, never-greeting unlife freaks is fully supported by all nations, including most population of Korea and Japan (the list therein can be extended)

• zerg cancer spinks bark too much, also always groan.  Folks from Taiwan somehow don't got that behavior much. (edit: later added) Moreover, they seem to possess zero attraction or appreciation for arts, walking straight pass all these items in the hotel lobby floor - the zergs will have a wonderful price to pay, hideous liar pudgey-resemblence freaks!  The military operations will be for revenging for our fallen comrades.

— ha, some time, I would really like to tell the zerg cancer males that (in sarcasm slurpy tone) oh what u have to worry about, you are far from extinction yet!  离灭绝还far呢, my delicious bacteria, you be fine.
— yes, as found many times by observations: that the reason the cancer zergs don't like to migrate is because their trained mouthy tongue works only within the geographic respective boundary their languages atuned to
— an leech mouther of english place speaks manipulation-english, while a mandarin zerg mouther prefers to stay in China for its manipulation-mandarin works nowhere else; loses all its effect (power) if exit the place

Humanoid viles sees reality wrong, but blames it on the reality, at heart, how funny.

My parents have devestatingly poor verbal skills, the disease / foul habit transmits to me a lot, by the way - their tongue carry the very dismissive tone.

Politics is very complex, unlike what they present.  Their presentation (of it being simple) is part of the trick.  I think just gotta know this, the inspiration leader would make it top tier position without any frictions.

////////////  ////////////
A really easy way to get rid of the mass cancer zergs
is overally by letting their ego getting in their way.
This is draft copy, awaiting further polishes if deemed necessary, general.
With our observation skills and detailed understanding of their nature, both on presented
and unpresented side, a light touch with some passionate time devotation for a 
short period would guarantee their final downfall.
By our estimations, us doing the usual 80 hour 7 days (full days of the week)
a week work pattern is sufficient to fully out gear them out.
This mission becomes easier the more government allies we gather.

It's important to keep the passive-aggressive amass deprived of many modern basis,
such as shampoo and clean water.
Also important to use their ego and caution amongst each other in optimus primed maximazimus manner.
A messy "public" crowd, the horde of randomly converged rat-like peasants can easily be played in entirety by playing a tiny portion of it first.  Those psychos value ego and superioryness to self-destructive amount.  This force, we will use handsomely.

Divide and conquor works especially well for non-teamwork-trust-based amass, as proven throughout history.
Bait and pressure them,
grind them,
mislead them,
confuse them, 
and disinformation them.

The cancer can be dissolved by effective dissing, so to speak.  Giant government military expedition is not required for this. 

Yes, those peasant cancer hairy rats love to mark someone with sharp teeth as most aggressive, when in reality it's the ones with flat teeth most deadly.

      Stupendous dumbo sheeples, rofl yep, those mouthers, pathetic looking fools.  Watch me uncle sam one day rain on those 2-legged pollution cancer fiendism cretins.  They had blurred out the meaning of stupid and foolishness via over-usage to the point of having lost all meaning, and this is one amongst many many other hideous vile attempts from these cancer psycho cerebrals.
       The more learner versions of them ain't seem too wise nor fit either: they have been making tons of progresses, ya ha, to the wrong road that is.  Their eventual doom is getting closer, and is inevitable.  How about they ever told themselves and just admit that themselves do not know all things, instead doing bunch of stuff just to compensate for that void bottomless hole.  

True, 100% of the words out of those discreditsome peasants are untrustworthy.

It's not 50%, or that when they speak false.

Anything out of a liar peasant society leecher soft-bone zerg's mouth is false, including all the very facts, I think that's a great way to look at it, ain't it, yeh.

— them zerg nobody noculture peasants exploits any absurd laws or situation (big or small) they could find or stumble upon
— they like to spread sheeple propaganda, such as how all Chinese citizen are exactly synchronized and are of the same
— these crafty bastards know how to spread mimikery virtue type of bs, I call them the invisible enemies, as oppose to the visible enemies, like the nagas

— I mean, these are freaks that boil crabs, clams, shrimps alive, just to satisfy their overbloated belly, and then when asked, goes on barking about a set of theory... rofl, karma is gonna hunt them down, very trustworthy huh (sarcasm)
— there exist a hundred other reasons to justify their future wrath receivable
— at occasion, some of the cancer freaky hater zergs goes to court falsely accuse innocents, and does so to utter vicious nerved-up strain-stress amount... they will be paying for this, across the globe, until the mighty zerg are completely off the face of this planet

••• simple rulers often does really well: for example if a society gives tough time for Robin Hood to adventure in, then that chosen society is flawed
••• the supreme allied commander should define the natural selection of all of the creatures bounded by its touch
••• overcoming nature ain't enough in today's societies no more, one has also be great at fending off, guarding, overcoming all types and clans of competitors

••• male gendered ones have something learnable from the ladies: patience is required on certain things, no rush can accelerate it, things such as pregnancy and flu recovery are amazing examples for this

Could it be possible that all the goyims of China (the han-ish ethnic type) are running a common lie? Yes it's very possible.  Similarly, it's very possible that they are mostly (number-wise, generally speaking) passive-aggressive verbal-acting specialist.  Note the word mostly, I would like to bring attention to-on.

— university augments genius' mind to off-centre dysfunctions roads
— just like how casinos scam money
— and democracy are run by people that are fraud expert fake jesus bastards

Selfish people eventually always lose their glory no matter their skill level plus all luck.  The problem is sometimes 200 years is required before they collaopse down, such as dictator imposter cerebral-and-mad-text-reading political seat sitters.

Should I now write my will? If I ever do so I would include the line:
   If I ever happen to catch cancer, it's definately due to the 2nd hand smoking terrorists, gas chamber them without warranty, abolish all of their political rights, and make this international news.

Yes, the cancer agent amass sure are bothersome.

Looks like a bunch of hyenas wearing our good guy's clothings!

They are gonna cost us more Bromirs.

Doesn't appreciate art, and never bothers to say a thank you, having entered luxury hotels.

I began to suspect the story about wolf wearing sheeple's clothing to be zerg propaganda ministry hive's production, so to stir blur on judging by things' characters, aye!

Priority of any society should be to cleaning out leeches and disnorm drainsome diseases, and lesser attentions on the so called "development" aka "being happy".

• not their place; ain't their invention, it's a privilege, yet dares to yell at us, with aggro manner, self-hating loser humanoid types - never unhappy, ever soggish zhi-nas!
dirty spinks are everywhere in china, it's simply too far out numbered
•• make distinquishing of us normal humans and these dege neverclass peasants
••• remember the cultural revolution and their dog-like mouth, remember the tian-an-men violence and their treacherous taint
••• agriculture convenience has given vast room and later kept providing boost to copycat lame-o (if not vile too) class of humanoids, these bloody deges get on my serious nerves!
••• two things stand out as symbolic reprentative items: the toilets and the level of cigarette smoking still present in public places: this is not case of anyone hindering or blocking their way or chances except their failure dege selves.  And then, watch, as per before each every time, goes on about saying it's all of us did it, like they even remotely like me!
•• these zhinas do environmental damage, ruins the land, and then blames it on us!  I am getting sick of having to put up with them, it will never end, the accomodation!
•• the statesmen and many intellectuals that go "oh wait, we can't just slaughter them", then these sissies should purchase some victoria's secrets first!  Our people how many had done suicide! And yet it was zero fine when that happens now huh!  Off-side.
• I am right now at the point of wanting, and was too, spraying toxic chemicals onto them, yes at as large of a scale as necessary.  It's a joke the communist party of china messed up this hideously, did they have no experience, ha, neither showed that they didn't.  Pandas are near extinction, and are these billion agro-lame-o dege doppleganger humanoid zergs any more likable?  Let the fiends be beaten by pandas, as they deserve far more these civil privileges

Reason(s) to stay away from failure monogamy-bred trash alien male's faminine ugly spit:
       The f(x) of e=mc2 is k-111(y+0+u+r+s+e+l+f)
         f of x eigenvalues the sex of sex.
            f of f of x is not derivable to the tangent, like my forgotten v * t, which is my d

To be in the American Dream, 
one has to believe that the copyright law was to protect,
that democracy represent goodwill,
that the president is the commander in chief,
that constituition was written by Englishmen,
that France was still independent by world war,
that the slave trade was done by mainly Europeans, 
that the Trade Union was not invented with secret objective to attack any corporations,
and a 659 more..

To be in the American Dream, one has to be in it.

How come horses have no civil rights? The small-eye vile humanoid monkeys barbaricly halted them out.  Same answer goes for asking how come pandas are given no citizenships.  And yes they are capable enough to (edit: later added: handle social life), fully.  If we spend 1% of effort and focus we gave to put up with the zerg peasant humanoids, then pandas would be commodated 100% fine.  If we don't give a possibility its associated deserved amount of inquiry, then some true evil force must be driving around here, and it must be vicious.

It is true how they barbaric shuffle an elder down the train tracks is the same move done to the pandas and puppies - purposely labelling them as dumb, as "animal", with biased words and such, while denying its chance of explaining their grounds, again barbaric vile-ly. 

Hmm, as just happened now, about 9 out of 9 chances me telling it (lyghd, codename for my mother) to not disturb me within 30 minutes, the promise is broken (during middle of it) and dragged on with fussy bs everytime with such nerve strains, as if I need to pay until my cool is all broken away then would lyghd walk out.  The behaviors and pattern of it show how as if it does not know me. 

This suffering mentioned above will come out at the paycheck of those seal-bashing, elephant-killing murderer 2-leg fiends, one fat soap at a time.  Smoke those houses of hairy rats dry!

Other people including quater-peasant-hyena humanoids listen to what the mother says about the son,  and this "mother" of mine has ever told anything that's close to reality, nor a common person or insane's preceptoons, hm.

It's funny how at sametime I thought up about the rhino-cutting and elephant-poaching thing that they do, the fact that rats have rapidly risen in numbers while squirrels have vastly decreased in numbers rings closely well, it's resonating to it!  Where rat humanoids go, where normal rats flourish, aye.

Some ideas are very important to the progress of civilizations that they deserve to be mentioned again and again, and be ackowledged under ads, in logos, in street signs, at highway signs and many other places.

My suffering has been tremendous, my delay and damage received had been far above 2.5 standard deviation so to speak, at least-a.  The reason I am still standing and seems fresh and wise has zero correlation with the amount I had must been boosted or not.  Give a donkey refined treatment and training opportunity, and the donkey will remain a donkey, for a donkey is a loser, and is not due to genetic diversification nor "somebody had abused them".  We should end this social notion of favoring the weak so much, starting with my personal situation first.  I must warn the hideous phonies that do not wish to stand up and face challenges of life but instead wish to cheat and skip steps: the suffering will be proportional to compound interests, borrowed without your right to agreements.

Also I wish to indicate that if in any case I seem to have a slight anamolie displayed here and there, it's likely due to the prolonged suffering, which required me to morph myself a little in some areas, so to minimize damage, and render self immune shielded.  My english skill if in any occasion seem to be not perfect-perfect, the suffering and delay I had received is definately markable as the cause.  I am currently aged 25, but already seem like somebody been through 1890 boers wars, at often - the torment period had toughened me up, it did not break me, I stood up to unsquenching fear and had managed to absorb/shatter/incorporate/cleave/and transmute it into better substances.

Most of my family members, especially the more extended, starting from uncles, aunts and cousins are hardly reconizable as my family members.  The diets differ, the outlooks, skill levels, manners, politeness and including water drinking parameters.  I wonder if the world will one day reconize this about me, so as not to undercredit my heroic incredible achievement, (me been) doing it without parents nor any family's support, literally, aye. I did it all on my own, in fact had to bloodybath a few times to get their foul habits yell-introduced to me completely repelled away.  Also had to reject their problematic values and backward habits as well quite many times.  Yes, one could say me family members set me back, and was my own work fending those away or reducing the incoming weakening bolts.

•• America welfare-ism had set the world a leading example of a sheeple haven state
•• with sheeple haven, sheeples can dump away physical defence areas and focus only on lameness typical sheeple survival areas, focusing only at those.  The haven provides them optimum conditions for becoming more productive and efficient, as now they can do further lame moves like dumping all focus onto just the extreme sheeple basics areas.  The result shivers wise persons.  The motions are quiet, especially if streets are loud, busy and noisy.
•• in today's societies, good people and bad people are shuffle/mixed together.  The two groups wear similar clothing, hardly tellable them apart unless with long duration of observation or in rare cases.  Evil's increased ability in adaptation makes detection more difficult, especially done after public announcements

• 当今社会里,好人和坏人靠得很近,几乎无法分辨,but good thing is it's possible if we abandon doing it at perfect levels; we can always identify right who are Aryans rather at perfection performance though, aye

—  worst, aye, is someone with skills but no manners, and is not someone with manners but no skills.  Manners come first
—  nations today have never become this beta-male infested, they are gonna bring doom to this place
—  mass beta-ferocious-males are gonna consume cultures alive from the within, overtime chipping it away, and unfortunately the chicks are not smart enough to detect them, shuffling them away, nor beating them down

— beta-male is the problem source
— beta-male is cancer
— beta-male is plague

—  take chinese kungfu as perfect example, why is that it's almost not promoted in the own country, at clearly not as much as should level
—  one of the main reason is because of the monogamy-produced mass beta-males, who represent no part of the culture, but all been doing this camouflaging identity dup thing together
—  on the cover looked as if there will be culture representatives, in the reality, mass frauds, and camouflaging specialist males whom cares none for the nation itself neither in the beginning nor during now or ever will be!

— calling them at heart as valid would be like trusting them, trusting those peasant zergs and beta-males would be like limiting and misdirecting one self

— human specie is more so an ecosystem
— on top of that, the human specie has 4 or more genders, which are: females, men, gays, and beta-males

— yes maybe authority should cancel the zerg male propaganda and reflect the reality starting from the public washroom logos

"The evils have been born (brooded) too close to the good folks." - Blue Astor

     It's been 2 weeks or more since the first hour I landed at the supposed as frequently inserted and sponsored by my mother "my home country", People's Republic of China.  The full official name sounds silly to me, as it does not elaborate on the term 'people' - which people and do they mean the peasants with rifles?
     So far my rating for this country has been negative.  I give it a full hand thumbs down. 
—  I now view it as a 3rd world country
—  in fact never really liked or prefered it since young toddler, including with other negative-adder factors aside
—  it's crammed and noisy, almost everywhere
—  1st world and 2st class areas are small pockets, usually around foreign investment companies, top government regions or where the extremely rich go and live at
—  the traffic noise are done on purpose, me thinks, and is enough to prevent proper poetry writing
—  including some of the mayors, their doings are coarse and rough, truly tossing away their natural metabolism genetic advantageous
—  they are corase to the point that they will break own spoken promise without aware unless mentioned, interrupting sessions during middle of it is so common that it becomes background noise, or actually, ha, foreground noise
—  the place is still infested with lowlives
—  the lowlives actively sabotage harmony, I can see that they do it on purpose, well knowing its effects
—  I recommend China Central Government to dump these lowlives out slowly, sanctioning and such, knowing that a lowlife will never become a civilized person no matter the effort and dollars spent thereon
—  the cigarette problem annoyed me to the point of writing another declaration of war or something like that for me, promosing to one day dice them on international tvs - and yes, guess what, always the ugly werid looking beta males doing it, purposely smoking terrible cancer-agent cigs in the cultural heritage places and hotel lobbies!  Are they fellow Chinese then, doesn't look to me, not one bit, from any angles
—  while the person(s) that declare that they are chinese and have something to do chinese culture the most are these peasant nobody odd-looking vile lowlifers
—  for as long as the good are mixed with the leechy bad, we are gonna have problems, especially with so many pro-dege and pro-peasant-sheeple-amass policies already active, most of which copied dim-wittedly from american democratic dictatorship depotism!
—  most Chinese citizen, most, again repeating that word to cast clarity and attention to, I would say 
characteristic/personality-wise are: expert at lying, master dopplegangers, knows how to talk peudo-phony-science and infected virtues, incoordinate, retarded at basic EQ, and are very physically below average, while mentally self-absorbed and functions dependent on ego and self-spammed bs truth; yes, self-deceptionist they are (not to say other place peasants aren't)
—  it was a tragic Imperial Japan did not accomplish their expansion, luck was simply not with them - they were setback by various geographic disadvantages, strategic resource node locations, as well as geopolitical disadvantages and many others: just suppose north america was closer to Japan, then history would be a lot better now, having those sheeple cancers dealt already
—  the super-well-numbered sheeple nolifer amass which infests China impose serious threats to China.  I hope to not see CCP implement socialism types of governing without very demanding reasons
—  even the nerdercist and goofy-looking ego-driven intellectuals (university graduates) (yes, a bland and general category here) of China are below my friendly relation favor line. but they impose no deadly threat to China and the world unlike those zerg cancer amass

"In our today's 'society', people worship products like they are virtues, that's infection."  - Adam Smith

• allow me to indicate how lame my families are compared to me: my aunties, uncles as well as grandpa and grandmas are more like lame-mas: still living in ancient china qong dynasty period as if, with the cloth usage and life revolving around limited water, only water supply and zero milk consumption, and such.  While cleverly and cynically claims it to be traditional and due to old-aged: which is very rofl to me since I see many other seniors adapted fairly well and have no problem with the "new" way. Heh, my parents' family and the extended family are both pretty lame I would say, and is something observers would arrive to also, compared to my level of elegance and class, yes
• more detailed info on my fellow good family members: my oldest cousin on my father's side is a city guard, he monitors street cleanness, inspects after street cleaners, shovels away illegal streetside merchants, give info and sort out petty problems, and that's pretty much it.  I would say his personality is one that's a bit of a pudge lord, plus quite lazy and un-initiativestic.  His eyes often does the "ok I ignore it" move.  His knowledge and math skill is probably above average china level but way below mine — how can this sunken broken boat without fuel, with a broke engine getting carried by nearby ships be my cousin, me a mega galatical battle neo fortress.  Tomorrow, at time of writing this, he will be married.  First marriage, and little devotion or handyman attitude has been detected from him.  Though he does look like my uncle in looks, yes, I would say in attitude and work habit, way off.  Now suddenly in flashback memory review, I had suddenly realized how right the uncle's remark to him was about laying off those pure entertainment and pudgey-like ownership chasing feelings (I made the wording more to essence and polished, yes very well done, thank you taylor s.)
• infinite details could be added to describing a person, space is limited, so let me speak some details about my other cousin on my father's side: she is age 28 right now I think so, and about 4-5 years younger than the older cousin.  I have total of 2 cousins on that side of family, which brings me joy, not, lol.  She, if anybody seen her photos would immediately know she is a proper angel.  Her skill in various area are not that great, compared to me that is, but I think is good enough anyways, yeh, as proper and fit personality should always come before skill level, at anywhere.  Both of these cousins speak about just 1 language, the fact that she said she wants to move to America had delighted me, though her bragging about good at the doggy language called cantonese made me reverse that smile a little, just minorly.  I thought she was under influence of misled for saying that, so I forgave her especially a little more.  Last year I travelled to China to attend her wedding, I would say it was a good job except how early it was - 7 hours after my landing (to the hotel), after 15 hours of flight.  Her english skill is not comparable to mine, speaking of which neither is that if any member of my family, their pronounciation is off-tone, they cannot sing well, have not mastered the essence of the language, gives odd or frictional response in unprepared conversations, their natural reflex mastery of the english language I would say is poor and below expectation for someone in my family tree.  Hehe, seems like the more detail I reveal, the more they do not look like my family and that I should get a DNA check, yes once the time is given, I will be wanting to do that.  Now let's search and write about some similarities I have with my 2nd oldest cousin on father's side as oppose to differences: she and I are probably the closest people out of my entire family list.  Though we had not met for 13 years (yes, exactly 13 years) once, our electric connection was instant upon sight.  I bet she began to have fantasy about me ever after, almost became a bit shy to approach me because I seemed so dreamy.  It was a life changing experience for her, as the same goes for nearly all pretty ladies.  Soon that day she wanted to talk with me about different kind of hot girls, also recommended a girl she knew who which also attended the wedding to me through online, repeatedly phrased the word hot and attractive throughout the day.  For a person who doesn't speak all the time, I bet it was something that symbolized big importance for her, for the lack of a better word there.  We lacked time to further talk with one another, I was also suffering from jet lag, but nevertheless, I bet my charisma was enough to pull her heart a little.  Do girls all want me to be their boyfriend? Probably, I sometimes even want me to be my own boyfriend, that's how spiritually attractive I am.  The girls see me become spiritually elevated upon first few moments of sight.  They become brighter and more encouraged ever after.  My looks naturally boost a lot of good spirited people's morale while also naturally diminishes those woe-spirited persons.  I used to say that there are two types of girls in this world: girls that seen me, and girls that have not.  Anywho, back to the original topic: this cousin of mine also mentioned how also attractive grandma was when she was young, which indicates her turned-on was toward me, as: if girls repeatedly talks about attraction and hotness, on any topic todowith, then her want is indicated.  In additiona, her tone in entire session was emphasized to be more soothing and sensual done on purpose I bet.  In terms of expansive knowledge of world events and historical major events, she is about textbook 5-star level compared to me.  In terms of philosophy and understanding of the universe, she is also not there.  One can call her an attractive lady, but for finding someone who could lead a nation and be a prominant leader and a foreign minister? Gotta be me.  The gap of skill between me and my family members, the best batch out of them, is still an astronomical value.  (using this ruler I am currently using that is, hehe, it's a commonly used ruler by the way, yeh, hehe)

• the almost entirety including youngest generation of "my family" talk in dismissive tone, which is not an accent but they declare that it is.  I understand that verbal habit is a local everybody-does-it-thing, but still, with that level of dismissive in verbal tone, how can one then speak in proper manners and thinking analyticaly and be speaking in proper times?  The tone is fit for, gives an argument for heated debates and arguments, yes, but then is argument and groans all there is to life.
• often groans, and often yells, I began conclude that auntie oldest' speaks have been yells.  It's enough to startle westerners or turkish people or even mexican slum folks, I bet, yes.  Today, 3 of them asked me the exact same set of questions, and the same murduring surpressive style, were they really trying to beef, arg for dominance at sametime put me under, onto surppression position?  All of which were boring and retarded questions, questions that have no value, and are unworthy to be mentioned. What a gift from them, it's a way to delay me, my windows to beautiful world outside would only get narrower and narrower by these barrages of incoming pointless questions and empty wanderings.  Not to mention I will seriously catch onto their lameness disease, the small mindset, small person attitude, diminished potentials, tiny consideration box and many more - my mother came to ask did I take medicine, all travia and self-answerable questions, all as if I am 5 year old, and then just as I thought it's finally ended, auntie comes by yelling about same, and takes its usual sudden pause and stare move as if everyone responds no matter what it was doing before in turtle snapping response speed, and then was followed by grandma's usual village accented "you eat, no eat, you eat-ed" in mandarin type of deal.  There exists no point in asking me to eat and saying the word eat only so much in 1 hour plus also in 1 day, if the food is horriblely un-appetizing.  Plus would make me synchronized to the same shut-down closed-to-exploration narrow-outside view.  This is so not my family
• I was at least disturbed andor disrupted 1 per hour on average at least this entire day.  That's countable as violation of privacy right?  The number of me informing, telling, signalling them to not monitor me has been numberless - infinite, while never not once had I asked them to return abruptly within half an hour or 2 hours.  I swear this is case of freaky females getting too approachy with me or something, there is definately this factor splashed in there.  

My living condition since my birth had always been tremendously difficult.
  I can bet if I never state this, people would probably never know the exact (main) cause.
   My mother gives me tremendous difficult time.
    I think as indicated by its physical and face feature abnormaly, it's quite different from every other mother plus weirdo and all kinds of diseased available to the market out there there is.  
     Barking at me saying the water cost money when it's me following its demand said just minute ago about having to rush to sprinkle some item clean, is just one example of all the multiplitude off fuss it barrages at me.
      Was I well fed? ha let's not go on venturing into that topic, I refuse to type it out.
       What's most unequal is, what gets more problematic for me is how others would not see this curseful experienced I had endured and suffered through - it'd invisible, and people would not see the source of my weakening nor the weakening itself perhaps.  Unless that they know this and having heard of or read it before.

The imbalance has been too much,
the suffering has also been too much.

I ignore rubbing my wound,
goes straight to: I will slaughter them greatly,
be hanging their corpses like christmas ornaments, 
some of selected and pre-screened ones be left alive
there for days if not months.

My Party Theme:
   Crucify all Fiends
   Unify the World
   Slay all Cancer
   Liberate Mother Nature

May our gas chambers be as strong, sturdy, and everlasting like the mountain Everunrest
  May our chemical arsenals be copyrighted in respective US andor other countries.
    May their hair stand tall when each and ever the rollers form a penperdicular angle with the axis of the sprayer machine.
      We'll completely rejuvanate this globe, be rid off of all fiends for it.

众所不知,PEASANT人事实上是可以被WELL TALKS 给气死的。

(ha, ha, haha, hahahaha, hahahaha, well done~)

    For the peasant zergs, their temporary care for fellow another type of teamwork cannot be used to say they got full set of human teamwork, or it's got teamwork too, just like ours.  As the peasant zerg's teamwork is like that of a thief, something nowhere close to real human teamwork or Aryan teamwork, while it dwells above the self-perservist type of gang cancers.
    In other words, one cannot credit the peasant amass or their half-lings as folks who demonstrate care for another; sympathy and teamwork, just because they do care for their neighbor's elders and so are, as that's still quite a distant reach to true level of teamwork, the Aryan level of care for another.  
    Provide them a tough situation, watch how fast these inactivetized peasants turn into cultists and self-hating thugs after a few weeks of influence from dark disciplines, the underworld especially.  No moment will be between their crimes on previous friendlies one crime after the other.
    The peasant amass with natural habit of caring for toddler up to teenager-adult period, passion for helping elderly, are not demonstration of virtues, in contrast to Aryans.  For this simplely written reason: as theirs are more so virus algorithms, something preset in them, and not something that's fit enough.  Natural selection had naturally made these types of peasant amass accelerate far faster and succeed in life far greater than the amass that don't carry these seemingly virtue traits  (a good person's traits).

   Lesser use of words happen, and the manipulator is to blame.  How come this true-tastico doesn't happen often as it should, ah-ha, it's because it's the manipulator controlling who is right in verbal it was there.

Some (monogamy-bred) broodling male's thought:  She can give me her heart, I return her my kidneys.

Some other monogamy-bred beta-brood maleling's thought: this girl is a good economic material, can be sold for liquidable high price at my c++ market


Let the thief preach law,
newb be the educator,
illegals run courts,
fools make judgements,
Justin Bieber represent men,
egotist as idols,
money as supreme substance,
frauds as ministers,
little trag as soldiers,
nerds as generals,
porkbrainer maintain peace,
and women directing culture,
then we will have a shining new world 
that is more order than orderly-chaos.

Nerds and all forms and variations of nerds, as well as nerdism impose serious threats to the safety of our nation and those of afar.  Below are nerdism tiers, one can reach higher level by becoming more devoted to the field of nerdism.  Not all can become the greatest nerdcists, and the ones who can reach the max limit wreck havoc to this world.  Unlike the heroes, they will be forgotten, slowly fading away via time, and people's scoffing rejection and their rejoice and laughters.
 Nerdism level glasses: I gotta do my homework now,  I must hurry, oh no
 Nerdism level clueless: Wow, the game sale came hours after my purchase
 Nerdism level showerfree: There was a girl? 
 Nerdism level mighty god: There was a girl?  Shoulda had locked the door
 Nerdism level ultra ego lord: There was a girl? Does she play pokemon cards
 Nerdism level master of all masteries: What's a girl, I only know ghouls, guoers, gruul, but no girl
 Nerdism level ultra transcended level 200 godly supreme lord: People all look pitiful
 Nerdism level html:\\bbq c++ library.ug.il.a.valueDinder(): I will f(x) myself tonight, like everynight
 Nerdism level British Eyes Only, Top Secret Memo: Iraq is my girlfriend, Syria looks like hell

Audience, give a round of sympathy applause to these awesome nerds, some are victims, but most are losers who easily crushed, mentally fragile some say.  Clap big so they won't one day try to kill all of the society and the entire world.

"I am a God" - the author of this blog
^ now, most if not all zergs heavily believe in this
 ^ they say this to themself every day, frequently
  ^ the way they say it tend to be almost always implied
   ^ a tiger would do direct statements like such
    ^ ones with balls of steel like to bringout the unsaid, carried-under and the implied to literal direct clear for,at
     ^ yes, goes to say, in truth, everybody zerg believes in this sentence, the accusation if ever occur that it's just the person spoken this sentence believe this way shall now henceforth vaporize due to this - that type of false accusation will stand no logical grounds
      ^ what's also true is that the person(s) that say statements like this are probably the most humble humans of all other types

—>  LYGHD causes me 思维超负荷 amongst other pains it has strikened me
     > and it continues to does so, as I am speaking and writing as of now, constant barrage, bolt incomes anytime

云南sounds like 越南 so much that I am starting to think it's the same place, or at least surely was


are topics I abovesee and abovecovers, things I pay valued care to


Things constant happen, and occur very fast,
can only select a few, and records about those.

文化is the base of 创造


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En Guardian Esophoven Ellis

Creatures' mind can never catch to everything.  There is near-infinite amount of data around them to track that's relevent.  This happening never stops, it's eternal and constant.  Blind spot in reality for most creatures (mammals) is truly everywhere.  Upon seeing a skin, they are seeing a narrow range of spectrum of light's scatter bounced and sent to retina for brain to process from there.  Cells and their motions are totally missed.  For how many years and still to this day has millions of humans been making judgements based on that narrow strand of info?  A formal question this leads us to is then how wrong those humans had been? What is right and wrong then, and then how do we define what's right and proper.  

surplus minus reversal proper vex cortex jarl dare morse

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