

Saturday 11 October 2014

Opinion Volumn II

The zergs are gigantic sized.
They've got a tremendous financial power.

Samurais are going extinct, the sheeple amass are absolutely no way close to that, so what's their groans often heard about, hm.

We often hear the term last samurai, while the term last donkey? ha never.

What I fear truly is not death, but the absence of birth.

• just because one is not dying doesn't mean that individual creature is succeeding, as it might be dying very slowly
• time is not a tangible item, but it exist, the world is more so driven by intangible items at the fundamental level than bu tangible items
• to become a champion, beat down the fear, greed, jealousy, intolerance, and laze within self first
• I think life isn't really about happiness, life is eternally about dodging pain (doom)
• success comes to those who did the right things, success isn't grabbed, it's received

• ultimately, the play of this life reel will reveal who had been doing the right things, and who is the champion, therefrom giving this guy's right to judge others and pressure others to conform to his belief system, this cycle never ends
• I do not know what's right about being alive, but since being dead seem to be (slightly infidecimally more) wrong, then I shall give "being alive" a chance.  Everything in truth is hollow and nothing as puck — and it's this designation of nothing as something real that make up this "real world" — total paradox
• I call prediction guessing work with a broadened consideration parameters
• no one can incorporate all data of the universe; one can incorporate as much as one can
• if the universe dependent on the eye of the beholder, then actual reality can never be reached, and that life will always be a hologram of some sort? hmm, a mega paradox indeed to me

— the largeheaded fiends are truly ugly and horrible, aye
— they, as well as this topic deserve all of the attention
— like diseases, fiendism is one of our foremost enemy, and deserve all the critical thinkings upon
— there are infinite points could be written about these ugly freaks
— the way they behave, way they talk, their belly fatness, makes me really wander: are they remotely ever living? and that is it right and possible for a non-insane creature to have some pudgey bellies
— by how well numbered the peasant zergers are, yet never form teams amongst themselves goes to show how much of a ghoulish zombie amass we have, this tumour had reached critical points at 18th century
— plus how they contributed none, owes us all the privileges, yet never thank us, nor showed appreciation ever plus with the smoking habit though there are signs everywhere telling not to smoke at this city most luxury hotel lobby all point toward the vomit bin that will for once ultimately fill up their ugliness taintful ill manners and behavior!  
— I often ask toward the sky: is it ever possible a normal living creature carry and show such behavior and traits? nope, they cannot - if it sounds and looks like a fiend ghoul, then it is a fiend ghoul.  These handsome pudgey cerebrals liars and cheaters, them arrogancists will be wiped out, off the face of this planet
— exploiting the absurdity policy called diversity, using lameness to get its way?  ha, I bet they ain't gonna enjoy and quit fussing ever even after reached those previous supposed goals, that's the nature of such cerebral undead freakheads!

      Yes, indeed it's funny how none out of those guys look remotely inspiring, yet dares to put on such legitimate titles as: Safety Inspector, or even Public Safety Commissioner.  How about they put the effort on trimming those fat pudgelord ugly bellies.  That's a good example of fiend psychoism at best!

• useless failure males sure is useless
•• bunch of cancer dogs, the girls can't end them, I will
••• body odor resembles hyena, smokes vile ciggarette all day, carries carrion diseases
•••• attrits our resources, ever sympathized? have they ever thanked us?
••••• useless dogs, 0 ouce of courage, fully specialized in trickery.  got to spam tricks to pretend as courageous
•••••• well, I expect this, afterall, these are the same freaks that steam creatures, burning them alive and etc so their belly can grow 3 inches more while discriminating against everything else, ever brewing up excuses
••••••• receives this much privilege from the inventors, founders of civilizations, yet any thank you toward us coming from these failure male low dogs? ha, I expected nothing either

- oh my god, oh wow, it kept escalating
- even as I write
- trumped the total points originally intended up to skysoaring 50
- yes, trust me, me wants it never happened by all full me, in the best great I can

- I give it the title / name: the ultimate surppressor (added hours later apart from above)
- anyone who spent time with it for long would react the same as me, I think so, if not much more vigurous allergy type of reaction
- does it ever tell jokes, being humerous and the alike
- fuss about nothing, generates fuss out of nothing, does so super intensely

- my entire mood was whithered down by it within minutes
- the defence shield had been breached
- on absolute small tasks, it would analysis this, doubt that
- not a single task completed, and was done normally
(I try my best to record down any points as possible that came on my mind)
(with passing of time and continued neverending barrage from lyghd, the points written at first in concious can fade)

- yes, the whithering, ill behavior was very completely enough to shut down my mood, bring down many part of my organly functions
- every little thing was ultra mega difficult with it
- not like any sentence was spoken proper, rapid breathing of air, no complete sentence, nor delicate use of words, yet kept talking
- after telling, still operates opposite way, which is a dangerous manner / choice

- told it to get fillet-o-fish combo of it forces me to eat on a day I got flu, and after just went grocery shopping still carrying the microwavable hotdogs, yet still went to purchase McChicken
- I am pretty sure my pronounciation and manner was very good, or at least decent enough
- I suppose this all indicates that my fasher ain't probably somebody normal in EQ area either, right
- moreover, for the McDonald thing, I had even informed of it kindly the medical reasons for temporary dislike for meat-y foods, and high sugar-ed products, beforehand

- all of my gestures and body language communication I think were 50% missed or misintrepreted at least, and rest totally deleted from memory andor ignored on purpose
- no one else in this world I have come to notice more and more-ly are like this, except its lovely sister and one of the niece, so far
- how can anybody stand this torture, this tourism kinda session gave sheer obviousness to this symptom and its true horror and abnormal-ness, plus lots of other things else
- I had felt vividly so my happiness parts suddenly shut down, lost interests and passion in many regions, began not wanting to speak a single word, and cancellation of flirtsome approach plans.  It was almost as if visually seen, their dissapearance, that vivid it was!

- there are many more points, some points thought up I knowing well aren't put down here, neither are of my interest
- funny how I made it to this day through all those years, man I must be partially infected if it doesn't affect me that that much
- people are gonna rather believe I am naturally underweight and angry than due to spawn of this horror, so to speaks, yes
- all of my achievements therefore cannot be creditted to lyghd nor its pair, but fully to meself, as they had reduced progress as oppose to the norm, which is unconditional support, and to the expected, which is monumental level of unconditional love and care, none of which I had received any



The trend of worshipping weakness definately needs to end soon enough.
 Someone who is weak is 10 out of 10 someone who failed, contrast to what the viles claim, which is deprivation of fair treatment, privileges, opportunities and victimized (been attacked), and so on.
  Great philosophers of Roman period neither needed luxury or "well treatment" for reaching their height, all is needed was clean water and some bread.
    Whenever these "charity agencies" donate, it seems to be that they hold a weakness-favortism policy.
     Helping the weaker is not being charitful, it's being biased towards the weak.
      It does seem like these organizations are filled with zerg conspiracists since they seem to only help the weak, and not who suffered the most.

@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@

What's most-most convenience has little coolness.  
 Any competition that's radical will yield dysfunctions as winners.
  May I suggest the idea of incorporating the word balance into many key nouns.
   Thunder brings rainfall, insurance demonstates department.
    Any radical competiton will not yield cool people at top-top position.
     One could say any extremist overly-competitive contests are contests of uncoolness.
      The most convenient items do not look cool, they are locally optimized, and heavily so.

@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@


Really, China is not a team, the right now China. 
It's more so a gathering of radicals.
(partially true, very true)

Is it possible that the males that trump the usage of the word all males so much happen to be a gang of failure scoudels who are here to consume and leech off, got infiltrated to our society, pays zero attention to well-being of society, doing it commonly, and togetherly?

If any tourist or diplomatic representative wants to witness a true team,
come see the Reich.

Yes, and yep, gotta say,
 the websites are now, also on
  top search engines, filled with
   scoudle imposter males' clever
     Ever-carrying their non-handsomeness scent.
      I do could say: they are gonna drag us down to death with that phoney seemingly non-aggressional and harmless talks, aye.
       Gas chamber and skin lamps will await these anti-society anti-creativity cancer emitters!
          (they like to talk about "why does these girls go for those guys but blahbkahbkah" so to induce the effect including that as if all males are same value and are completely same!  They will rot back civilization a thousand years more with that propaganda messages)

A big chapter and area of life is relations, something these skillful dorks heavily lack on.  Watch how time justifies everything.  Their downfall will be a matter of time, like the scoudel invisible enemy-of-within males, aye!

—  A true expert does it from no memorization, but reflexes
—  The copyright thing of US was nothing more than a corporation protection policy, so their tentacles can reach deeper and further into independent communities, and yet the Communist Party of China foolishly copied word to word, phrase by phrase
—  A great and key idea of future socialism-captalism (4th Reich): for boosting certain businesses, particularly in the example of small businesses vs international or multi-provincial franchises, a blue sticker saying "正” on top of the numberical dollar value of the price be put on favored and state-recommended products and services, while another blue (both light blue by the way) sticker saying "反" on businesses that the state find critical and harmful to social progress.  The essence of this in short is how that the most customer's reaction toward a directly the dollar value makes undercut too prevelent, and now will receive some balance fix - the psychology mishaps spawned by this number-checking thing shall now be vastly repelled once this idea is implemented.  Now customers will prefer to go to a local-run grocery store than the franchise 30 meters away with everything 10 cents or a dollar lower.

The peasant amass humanoids are the only ones that don't see life's purpose, as well as only ones that broke nature's laws.  它们是一群听不到,看不见,说不好的common cancer tumour psycho amass.  Furthermore, these psychotics discriminate against everything, with the exclusion of other fellow cancer cells.
    > I look forward to one day finishing them most barbaricly by cats equipped with modern weapons.

• for as long as sheeple amass are alive in above millions per region, they are winning or tieing with us

• for as long as sheeple tumour amass manage to blend in good people together with them as one, they have achieved most grounds

• who are these strangers popping out and telling us who we are or how things should be? get those elephant-kidnapping, buffalo-poaching, seal-knocking bastards out of here, the same filth, from the same slum, smelling like the same dread sludge

• only beautiful looking people are good people, and let no alternate sentences of this fact be ever spewed out.  No such thing as never judge a book by its cover nor any of its carbon copies
• and nothing can be right if it's from a liar
• the zerg mental ignoramous slum ghetto amass should be deprived of water, food, movie access (metaphor here) first, and then be engaged.  It's always very humanrous when there are billions of them across the world, yet they act like they are struggling like last samurai or an extinct specie!  Very funny, and happy sceneries

— brings us to further analysis: when was the last time a good looking person did something bad, verifying initial impressions?
— and when was the last time a suspicious looking person turnout to be rather extremely repulsive and mental?
— chances are when a person looks (edit: later added: definitely) ugly, it's 10 out of 10 some honorless vile humanoid, like how venomous snakes look drasticly different from the strength-based: pythons

*********** *********** *********** *********** ***********
Since the cameabout of Big Government in the Roothenchild's US, a sheeple zerg there on average receives a $18000 a year at least for free from the government.

This tells me it takes $18000 per each head a year to keep them from wrecking havor and causing problems.

If so, then this also tells me if the zergs are paid $0 a year or just $1000 a year, then civil instability would become immediately imminent.  Is this the issue the Roothenchilds are afraid of? 

I used to always say that if some peasant bio waste junk humanoid broodling needs all this kindergarden education, followed by elementary and then junior high, then perhaps it's not that they have become good people, but that their evil side got deactivated, was surppressed and sanctioned.  The moment some source persuade them for a few weeks of dark education, so to speak, their royalty to shady behavior would be spontaneous!  At sametime I also wondered that if it takes this much effort and times to convert them to good, then perhaps they were terrible to begin with!  My personnal hope is to ditch them, those foul elements, who is with me!

All humanoid cancers will face the greatest strike Rohan shall give.  Karma will provide them a happy time.  Scenes of people pretending not see innocent people asking for food get me on nerves and strike me the exact same set of thoughts in my mind everytime!  So it is pudges they are.  Belly are oveweight, would rather waste food than give to a homeless hungry little cat who is friendly asking.  Funny thing is for college graduates, the chance of this crowd giving cash to the victims of social-economic debalance and surppresion policies are the lowest.  They have no heart, and are cancerous psycho fiends.  Whereever they are in this world, for as long as we can find then, these psycho freaks will be erased.  

Their sick pudge-like behavior grotesquely remind me of how they would label someone normal as a freak, call a wiseman as childish, and all of that psychotic package - what is on their agenda all day, what do they want, ever busying themself with bs, until the planet implodes with their number, all creature going extinct? what a bunch of incoherancy non-living madness spawns.  I bet their scum brains got their rest of body completely hijacked, it's just the head talking, like a dictatorship, while all rest of part of body no longer can be found in the council chamber seats!  To this day all of these pudge-head undead 2-leg psychofiends still believe that cats are dumb, dogs are animals, and therefore blahblahblah - sick psycho stuff.  If it means no reasoning works effectively-enough on them, then the weapons of pain will be used on them, to reach an understanding!  We'll physically negotiate these plagueful ugly psychofiends, and we'll equip cats with modern military equipments if they ever decide to spit at cats again saying how cats can't beat them and are therefore inferior! 

(^ marking them as pudgeheads explain their talk-talk, pushy, and dominance-hooking behavior a whole lot more doesn't it)

| more and more copycat and talker experts,
| less and less real masters.     
| monogamy had heavily boosted this phenomenom.  |

The statement "every child has potential" is true and qualify for being used as legal bases if it's implying that the every child therein means every Aryan normal healthy child.  I firmly believe that it's utter rubbish to think a donkey saproling will one day become a enchanting pegasus!  How can the donkey learn the work habit and willpower, both of which are required ingredient, in 1 generation!
To treat every child equal which is what the current societies are mostly kinda doing, is exactly to treat the weakerlings better; to favor the weak.  It is natural and also already understood defaultly at the subconcious level that cruelty is part of every aspect life and that vicious competition is ever present and in-escapable.  But then when it's time for the statesmen and educator officials to come up with a balance, they went ahead thinking the world is a lahlah-land, that nobody is ever hurt and danger is a locked-away myth laying around somewhere in bikini bottom, ha!

— nerdo roachy mega failure beta male A: f of x is my sex
— nerdo roachy mega beta failure male B: I like girls, though girls' rejection toward me is jurdicial voting true right, justifiable by cyclindrical parameters

   Smoking heavy toxin cigarrette in public is not a variation of norm, it is disnorm, and hateful behavior.  The excuse "I wasn't know it's public" will get them heavy punishment.  About every time a facial quick examination is run, the result yielded is somewhere around a hyena-poacher monogamy-bred male filthsick.  Smoking such toxic cig should be referred to as spreading, lighting, and fanning hate, heavy act of crime.  Next time I see another, I will have their pictures (casual angle) taken, and hopefully get them stripped off all of its skin right on the spot.  No regular guy would ever doing such a thing in already pretty developed and optimistic China, and only on rare of rare occasion would one of our Aryan outer circle person protest by doing this, and in those social environments (it was a ghetto wedding by the way, so to speaks).  All of such beta ugly looking male deserve fully to be handled and chuckled to death by  designated authority, right at the spot.

— ah, barnacles, and devil's embrace, I am constantly harassed by lyghd's barrage
—  is it ever happy, joyous, humorous, yeah that's the thing
—   feeling much better now that it's gone out of here
—    but yeppers, it may sudden-return, as I knows it well, yeppers
—     there could be near half hundred points written, as did plan to also
—      repeatedly adviced and warned by fellow family members to lyghd telling not to be a dictatorship, basically been advicing it to be less pushy and hostile
—       constant downer, constant foul tone, constant telling of its foul impression of the reality
—        continued all the way to this afternoon
—         as I had seriously noted to myself multiple times, and this started since yesterday afternoon session: what constant monitoring from it, it's way above normal amount
—          I don't want a rhino beast breathing on me
—           lyghd is a world exclusive case, yeps
—            refreshed is how I feel everytime after I look at myself in the mirror, at instant, proving it wrong, but then lyghd's barrage had always been more than verbal and sound pollution


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