

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

= Opinion 10 =


Virmin, aka America 从我看来是一个面子上 common and beauty, 行动上厌恶的职业性假国集团

Simutaneously all kinds of things happen, and they happen constantly.  It's possible to track many of it.

An incapable's lack of participation to a contest for itself doesn't hurt.

A champion'd be rather thinking about how to win more than how to exit strategy.

Key to not getting raided by enemy governments is not thinking about the better ways of burning documents and income files, but more so how to prevent it from starting all together.

Some peasant folks gotta realize the Sauron order headmasters are not gods.

One's own artificially generated own fear is usually the number 1 stopping stone, as oppose to being a (any) stepping stone.

Stealing, noun
    does not limit to grab, snatch or electronic actions.  It can be exploiting good deals under the guise of purchase

— oh noes, lyghd strikes again, this horrific nerve-damaged nervous master
— it moves like out of mindly, but has to infect others with it huh
— does look crazy right there it was, I think its physique definately counts as deformed
— well it did do threaten, using police protection shield it has got (mistakenly got), as well as manipulation
— I suspect it contracted syphilis by that alone at least just like its sister since young age.  These two member of that family share high similarity in that aspect
— I refuse and constantly resist to get drowned by its fuss-ly illness rapid rampant nerved-up chaotic uncomfortable ain't-feeling-well goofy atmosphere
— can groan and keeps escalate to epic proportion of disaster out of no-issue and thin air.  Dissed about me not replied loud enough, which is such useless demand as it was loud enough, and what if the person has got sore throats that day: does it care, hmm.  That's lyghd alright
(and two dozen more entry descriptions of detail can be added here, yes, so far there are total of 7)

In addition:
- yep, good god, its appearance and display had sent chills down my spine, now it's not so normal mood, calm and chillax, so to speak, no more.  Things are forever sincethen different, it can't be normal now
- its motions are rough, like someone who has lost 55% of nerve and control component of the hand and limb organ bodily structure part
- disorganization in tongue, tons of heavy breathing, coarse structure of sentence and sentences as well
- tons of anquish, repeatition on nonsense, endless instructions: appears and re-appears to every period of every scene
- if it can't lead, maybe should not get involved in the leadership position; stay away from it maybe
— — like most other crazy and nerve-damaged patients, I think this one is excruciatingly more formiddable for it's got capability in dodging it and is blessed with great abundance of energy (ya, terror energy then it is)


• 我靠,peasant foreign lander, body odor heavy
 • coarse detail'ing, 做事马虎,slow
  • palm and finger sweat a lot, over nothing    •装着 confidant, makes tons of mistake at work, would rather go length than admit self inexpertise and insufficiency, yes
     • unappreciative attitude despite elevated easiness for its skill, psh, garbage
      • and also needa-lessa to mention  (.. later forgot what it was, though now rememberes it to be about these suber humanoids being not welcomed, yes yeps) (added: oh wait maybe it was about the point that they type slow, yes)
       • me thinks of them: "you are not welcome", yes
- though, haha, not as annoyance and mental irrateful stressful as lyghd, ya, ha, ha
         • am I being overly sensitive about this, hmm, yes, nah, not at all

- carries in all the stress, psh, pft, as I type still can hear it groan, jeez, give it a rest
- erm, 做事马虎,粗心, ultra-ly
- with the ringing I am having difficulties capturing thought, hoping it dissapate soon, yes
- what it going (went) jamming on the cord for, it kept pulling and pulling the brutal way, the right way to exit cord is by pressing on the tiny button on there:  too brutal ogre style, rhino boar charge!
- ok, hm, 它能,很能脱,把一个小事加到6个小时, so to speaks, yes
– 然而,外面更它下棋的人它都不防
– 它能添加事,surely, like its usual stance, alwhile never cracking a joke or being humurous nor at the ready for humor
– I think it's repulsive and unlikable like the suber humanoid who can't be a likable nor qualified or fit technician.  Did I mention both of them pollute air by odor, of this pretty splendid musuem, a place supposed star-alignment and majestic-scented worthy

^^ 而且,都是在我的份上才like or tolerate LYGHd desu (的), 对!Right on~ Splendid~

Once the peasantoids get a taste of luxury, their thinking become drastically different than before.  Let it no make it to its bed after those exposure to luxurious and abundancy (non-desperation) life style.

Also let it not reach thinking about itself living in luxury being a possibility.  Shut the door and shut the chance of the door, and the existence of it as well all trinity together to them zerg masses.

When we make plans, we make it so it's useless to our enemies to use suppose they get the possessions, at sametime anti-their progress in everyway.  Beefing others and seeking to reduce others is not a bad way of thinking.  Consider all excels over consider few for as long as the cost expenditure is short.

Some may call that un-kind, not being "kind" - but hey there is no kindness in this world in actuality, only brutal competition to get to the safety.  I will be the first one out of this bus, rest that I don't care can all suffucate in smokes and dissapear/vanish in dangerous disasters.

(later added: ^ and yes, this sort've actions done and seen by them, in the aftermath is something the bystanders, victims and bad people (hyena-humanoid thiefs) as well would actually worship and look up to.  Sheer brutal-thinking govs and its officials would always get more admiration than contempt, (assuming it actually got buildings, logos, officers and all).  Now then by that stage, yes, the things to watchout for switches: now it becomes trickster and leeching, phonying trust than getting dismissed and not respected enough)

time will certainly tell whether it's correct thinking or not.  This [is] moderation

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