• fighting Sauron depotism citadel [will be] fighting Sauron plus the 5 gerzillion peasant minion zergs
• our goal will be to destroy and wipe out all peasant amass zerg, everywhere across the globe
• even pandas will have higher social status rankings than the zerg peasants no matter their seemingly prominence snd wealth prominence, which these cerebral wicked fiends will utilize to "prove" their worth
• let the hounds have more premium seat at subway or many ticket lines than the peasant zergling amass
• with a simple swipe of a visa card, at least million peasant amass would come serving its goals. The two is one, and one is two. To destroy Sauron, destroying the Zerg is necessary. Same goes true vice-versa
• believe me when I say so those short little peasants are absolutely vile. Lookey here: a decade plus 2 years of edu program ain't made them respectful, just less active violent I would say, most of them still end up graduating as a law-exploitor, though not heavy one, while once entering society, they quickly restore to their true nature, bounces right back up, as if that's been its true form all this times! Secondly, they are short not because of anything, any of those excuse they make-up and tell us, but precisely because they are two-face specialists. They can be hating extremely, while still smirking all the way to anyone. Third, give them a few months of inspiration to crime that gain them money, they immediately go, see, true nature reverted and activated finally right? These little humanoids will become hectic monsters serving Sauron if Sauron II gets the nerve to choose doing it again. Anywho, for dealing with these cancer humanoid junks is not a problem, for each unit of their hideousness, the more horrific hospital ways will be used to torture them. They may not know inspiration and meaning of life, but pain is a language understood well for them.
• peasant amass are hands and potential hands of Sauron citadel. Leaving them carries harmful potential. It's never been nor ever will be Sauron itself doing or having done all of that. Peasant amass, which are minions that worked for Sauron, are not so "innocent people".
那种humanoid: the type that never observed nobody nor anything, yet says things to us, using vital-life-sap-energy manner are rediculously need to be put down. I tell them to fuck off with that war of attrition with us.
• what does their sayings really prove or provide, does it improve us, oh make us more glad, we aren't entertained
• current society are quite literred with such crap losers (non-aryans they are) (and hereby I appologize for using a word that the real losers been doing fine job dillutingits meaning of)
• those mouthzens think by showing up to us like that saying the "smart thing", oh we are going to be impressed, or astonished at how it's right now at the same economic seating as us
• I will avenge for all of my aryan brothers and sisters, uncles, and cousins' loss!
• those bigots never cared for nobody's performance or treatment level nor satisfactions, doesn't know our true feelings, just goes dangerously assume I must've not suffered and had it fair since I look very skilled in its eye, ha... I hope such dangerous bigot bump into trap doors and walls on their ways, let none of them be shielded!
• if these big fools imagine less what's behind those shopping malls, assume less how aryans people are really doing, then perhaps we would be finally rich enough again to afford worldwide invitations and palace construction projects, and be no longer stuck (be trapped in this) in this vortex rift of madness chaos (blind order)
National Policy Toward the Zerger Fools
About this issue I have to remark a little, it carries significant value:
McDonald 被 critisize 了, 肯德基被 bash 了, 小市民倒是没被bash anyhow by any amount! 操他麻的真unbeautiful狗养的!
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Remember that the world is cruel as phuck.
I don't wish for sympathy after I been mortally wounded,
I wish for never becoming injured.
Similarly, girls won't give as much sympathy to a guy who lost legs
as much they give friendship offering to a charming chap.
We can derive from here that to hope for sympathy is not as effective as being a boss.
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• Aryan creativity has unbelievable power
• it has almost no limit
• being in the era of technology and 0 labor, us Aryans will have ultra might, the option to pressure anyone in the above surface
• and at occasion, in outer space or below deep sea levels
• this time Aryan reborns as Aryan II generation
• we have become more unified, strengthened in many areas
• if my genetic does turn out to be a permanent upgrade and not rare occasion, then an entire specie of unbelievable beauty will arrive to this globe
• there lays this slight chance of all of my direct descendants form some secret society amongst them
• with their charisma, I do think they would pull this
• charisma, metabolism strength, disease immunity, hyper intelligence, spirited and plus wise, I think our folks have got the best attrributes
• all normal will invite and bow to the cause of the king, be make king's way
• supreme engineering plus splash of EQ, natural well-rounded-ness, big balls and good charisma, I think this world will be ours to play
@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
I think being sad is one thing, despair is another.
Are you in despair?
Or prepared for despair?
I am not so much pained by despair, but I dislike having no powerful wealons while me in despair.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@
• if a peasant zerger could insult any of Aryanites, it's likely because our armor were exposed
• because it got pumped too much energy - like, who fed it mcchicken so to speak
• it got the platform to do so
• or because our guys were in vulnerable mode
And lookie, how does this happen, who enabled it -> ha, the roothenchild intelligent madness-driven foolish rushed sloppy social engineering-wanna-be-divine-god policies!
Another observation, closely related to above ^:
Car inliterates worship cars. They fascinates the motored vehicles.
Somehow the delinquent peasant of those bunch had got enough time and energy and 嗓门 to brag endless about it, about that they manage to ownership (obtain/have) one.
All of Non-Aryans 根本不考虑周到是它们的根本特点。
Surrender South America to me, hand over the gems and jewels, or face collapse of thy buildings. We Aryan force won't be so kind.
• 我让它们,它不让我,these sheeple amass cunts are gonna one day equality us to death
• what's with my father being so 丹缺,anyways. Its voice implies this behavior, this in-initiative, and yet re-appears often, within often asking about silly things or giving non-activism remarks
• what is my father afraid of any of them sheeple nonsense peasant other amass for
• sheeples are just cancer, passive-aggressive violent, I hope they die, I hope they really do
• sheeple amass peasant lame-o vilelings (yes beware, vile is their talent, which ties i with the absurd shortness and other well-seeable physical feature deficiencies) also exploit any absurd law or situation. I cannot wait to grind them into pulps. I will laugh and celebrate when they feel "miserable"
• the dumb zink's kid cry as well within my initial estimation, re-appeared, and continued for 40 minutes or so (equalvalent to that value worth)
• 这种不是孩子,是个typical peasant amass zink cancer new saproling
• by the sound alone, distance me 30 more meters away and I would've guessed it's a no-forehead zinko zinkoid
• absolute gonna be a social reliant, it's going to be a social reliant
• this type of sub-creatures should be sent to psycho camps that carries the label "psychoatric facility". Fiends impose danger to all
• the event went pass over, so these points written kinda lost the momentum and tempo, I blame the quickiness of mood loss on the nearby baffoons, yes they are non-Aryans classified as too
• many do not know, even the zinkoids themselves: when they kids cry it's not so much cry, but more like using that as an excuse to put a spell on all those that hear
• during all of this, my brilliant normal "mother" just had to jam in and tell me useless obvious things in the manner of strictly favoring the nearby lunatic amass and protective to them manner, what utter nonsense. Of course-ly, I had to repel it again. Rotten to stir and bother with my thinkings. It's best for lyghd to be completely silent as I know of it considers and know tiny, well.
• contributes nothing to society all day, a China version of America free rider, has a dumb retard-like noforehead typical zinkoid dege looking kid (the dad didn't look all that intolerable by the way, yes it was those types), the mother don't help nor seem interested in help, hm, was it even its mother, or auntie or a distant friend, who knows. Both wore glasses, don't tell me the mother gonna go on TV like Benny Chua and potray her deficiency in communication as "tiger mother", yeah ok, as if wanted it
• needless to mention as we already know: the crying from the kid weren't much due to sickness since on airplane, but more so because it's a b!tchymale complainer. Watch it grow up to be one, kid looks doesn't like something gonna ever, ever, ever be of anything of value to society, it's another outdated peasant overgrowth zhina punk. Crying just has resumed, and yep, ever sounding like a Zhina zinkoids, those types of human retardfuck deges have always got that sounding and "rhythm", typically thems.
• ^ another peasant beta male born, the society gives them so much credits, boo, and care
• it's gonna grow up and so contribute one day, like it ever even can
• crying pattern shower me that it's an overreaching (greed?), careless, no-concern-for-others type of goy kid, as oppose to elegance, civilized, neat, beautiful and balance
• let something use its "grabbo-aggression" making it fall into the deep pits which it deserves to kiss so much
• it [is] just another worthless peasant psycho cerebralum dege, 事情搞得像重要真的一样
F00001 J.S. son CEO or Atlantis Casino Chain net worth: 1.2305 billion
F00002 L.O. daughter Owner of Davis Jewelery Store net worth: 258 million
F00003 T.V. son Husband of Lush Far Trading Company net worth: 11.207 billion
F00004 W.A. son President of L.L.P. Smith Co. net worth: 4.7 billion
F00005 Y.M. daughter Fiance of Lux G. Covertte net worth: 872 million
F00006 M.K. adopted son Minister of Interior net worth: 455 million
F00007 son - card games designer
F00008 son - transportation ministry official
F00009 son - digital painter; famous artist
F00010 daughter - pet lover
F00011 daughter - social diva
F00012 son - professional gamer
F00013 daughter - gave blue saphire circlet and ring combo to Dad
F00014 - son - part time alcoholic and full time devoted general
F00015 - adopted son - inventer; mechanical engineer
F00016 - adopted daughter - cute toy collector
F00017 - son - only gay son
F00018 - son - theatre production specialist: does special effects
F00019 - son - scientist
F00020 - son - inventer
F00021 - daughter - casino staff manager
Combined net worth total: 24.118 trillion
reported total: 28.57 billion
hidden total: 315 billion
association total: 23.80 trillion
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#13-13 666 literalism
• the system is broken and patch-lit enough that it's gonna take me 17 years to finish describing it
• fix upon fix, the fix has become more than the content itself
• all this fix are to patch up leakage of earlier fixes, the system calls for total renewal
• the system is what bothers me and our community's feedback the most, it needs to go, be transported via teleportation to elsewhereland
• edu, economy, market rules, import export, monetarization, all parts and so many parts of it have gotten incrediblely flawed, littered with holes and emergency toolkit patched up stickers
• 走向world peace还真的没有办法, otherthan some sort of way to obliterate this current occupational do-nothing wanna-be faulty "system"
音乐,美术,文化, 真诚的力量
美德,品质,高尚, 崇高的进步
These following areas of the current modernism-socialism-hypocracyism-abnaturalism-dysfunctionism system are literred with flaws (are flawed):
- primary edu
- junior edu
- roothenchild school lunch programs
- edu parent-teacher interaction
- community feedback
- high school edu
- roothenchild college admission testings
- roothenchild university professionalism atmosphere
- co-op programs
- nature of resume
- interview locations and general style
- architecture principles taught in specialist schools
- phD programs and the job market
- the GPA system and its interaction with other social components of the society
- importance of parent in a child's edu growth
- national economy
- personal accounting
- pension
- budget planning of small business
- banking operations
- import and export basic regulations
- mandatory stuff
- the compulsory 12 year edu, work sheet schedule, management class, shuffled population
- money flow inside society
- urban communities
- artificially generated nerdism
- university discipline split and scatterism
- welfare position jobs
- dentist doctor lawyer preferencial status
- inter-national economy
- trans-continental (global) economy
- corporations
- ascension to work place - the steps - the mega shuffle upon shuffle involved
- pregnancy work leave
- office location seperation
- distance zoning
- auto-vehicle industry
- grey streets: urban modernism looks
- monetarization of relations and favors
- singular currency
- business competition
- bankruptcy standard and general procedures
- segmentation of society: in particular all the teams
- peasant favortism
- EQ inliteracy
- discriminations against innocents
- immigration: illegal alien invitation
- border patrol and control
- media shows
- copyrights
- patent registration centre
Ew, now that I am back to Canada, I was suddenly reminded of what probabily had deadened me.
What a constrast together with the boarding, at Shanghai 浦东机场, aye.
全是一帮贼样懒人off-centre ethnic minority,懒人贼样,给我全部杀光,杀个透,杀个干净。
LYGHD and GHD 说话不要脱,脱地agony. It gone on for hours, while misses major actual communications. The essence embedded even taint-passed to me, deadening my talkative, descriptive nature, the rhythm.
LYGHD does as GHD remark says goes complain after complain, while things done have been few.
Putting all junktard peasant minority thief-looking freaks into boiling rooms might be a bit excessive, see-one-chop-one-down policy might be right
Rare to find period of lyghd quiet while not sleeping or resting up, hehe, this brings joy to my ears.
LYGHD, like mentioned before, goes on and on barraging out complainingts, but never goes deeper into solving the issues announced about - it never goes deeper analysis, always stays on the brushing 0.25mm thick surface.
娘西皮的,这帮off race minority in Canada 真会耍赖:什么没进攻我们,灌水不是进供嘛?娘西皮的!给我带个钩子的坦克,finish 它们!World wants it, wants these dog-thief ugly freakish humanoids gone~
Cultists and their dark rituals, ha detected again. They can't get through my detections and inspections. Dark ritual worshipper humanoids, I will sing them to splinter cells onto their doom without counterstrike's half-life!
The filth "immigrants" in Canada deserve to be finished by military forces. The fact that they don't establish self-sustaining communities but instead pick most comfortable spot, like the free stuff rich urban labryinth Vancouver and Toronto tells a lot already.
Roothenchild is behind their mass employment. Not sure why anyone remotely can read text fast would bother doing this, at all. This is not Mexico, this is not Brazil favela regions, nor is it republic of Congo. So I am not sure why goldman sachs would bother doing this to world's perhaps best people! Haven't the architecture, shopping malls, arcade places and arts persuaded them enough yet! Hmm, odd.
当今社会里,现在,yes yeppers, 确实中国还是extreme代表性国家。其人口虽有贫户,但加拿大等国有负户。
那帮bunch of psycho fiend, 真fiend and warlock dredge sewage tongue mimikery with the eerie promises and usage of "sincerely", as if they mean it! Where did these copycat fiends learn this crap anyways. All that much politeness, yet much violence come out of them see-able!
Gas all passive-aggressive extremists.
Yes it wasn't "attacking" me, but it was intending to, in addition was doing so the indirect way. Occupying, a form of aggression lands them 45 days without water, 5,000,000$ bond without bail. My delicious peasants, we'll find them and grind them. No purchase necessary, it is courteous to have their fellow dog hyena roach breeding "family members" paying the cremention bill (or the burial bill). These weird humanoids, where could they be from, and who wanted to import these sorrow forms of biological unbeauty. They look lack a lesson from ghenghis khan.
• these peasantoids of USA and Canada are childrens of recent "immigrantsenzis"
• the education they had received gave them tremendous boost and elevation, extraordinary for who they really are, for their true worth (by natural play)
• the movies, schooling, teacher access, school facility access, shopping too and all of that had made the peasantoid filth fiends amass too smart, in simple terms
• they had realized too much, which in turns bought them to be edgey and prepared for aggressions from any normal humans
• it does come down to the boostings they had received: it had enabled them tremendous elevated view therefrom causing alerted views and vast realizations of true self position and what's might be coming
• also, the power boost simply had enlarged/boosted these fiend peasant minoritycists by tremendous amount
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