

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Opinion 7

Ahh, feeling instant safer feeling with normal humans around me, though not a majority (relative term here) number, but still good.

中国peasants, 草民,小市民,and 等, 并不“中”,而挺extreme的,(radical; 极端).

If anything, the peasant population of China is rather extreme, than what the name in its literal format represents: moderation.

• yeah, both of ghd and ly don't end, it just never ends huh
• wastes tons of efforts and time, yeah
• kept repeating talk talk on petty matters, and kept doing so
• seems like only escalates to the worse as time goes; as they get older
• dirtying mouth of own, however I can't and will not do the same
• it's bad for me to hear their yabba yabba neverending rubbish all of the day

• used to seem like, here and then ghd is victim of ly's blaring, as it had spoken has been so, turns out here and there itself is negative barraging as hell puck too
• like, how many times ghd or ly draggers me to utter negativity
• plagued with health issue, yes, ghd I know, but then seems reluctant to apply self-restrain?
• kept bringing me to lesser enjoyable places, odd, why walk, why blaring barrage sounds, no I can't stand this odd sounds, no one can, I am sure their reluctant and unfriendliness been due to that, or majority-ly due to that, that flaw ugly mouth spew machine-a of urs
• earlier me was going to write 3-5 points, now expanded to this many, which goes to show the level of utter infuriatingness of this ly and ghd combo, aye
• repeated-to-ly, and again and again, puts me into z!nko crowd, no offense.  I am an Aryan u dumberzercists

• all this psychotic torture I had received has a plus thing: it enables me excuses for the Flanders massacre and Operation Offenders

•• yes, aye, the feeling, aye, it's incredible-ly to describe, much enfeebling, and utter annoyance, infuriating at once, a hard to describe feeling
•• I hope it does not strike again pretty soon
•• does it know who I am, almost seemed to pull me away from my potential ascension grounds, so to speak
•• as just now happened, seems like delayed reply on stuff that should be normal and regular flowed, while extra rushy whenever 3-minute discussion, like wow, can't even hold a conversation, then don't bother calling my name 30 times in a day
•• others (ha, lyghd and ghd zheng shen le, they shouldn't even be in my same place, those 'others') does not have that potential, I do.  Those are places better for me, but seems like someone pay them to keep pulling me back, what the heck is that, shifting and suggesting moi transported to potential-shutting or lesser growth places, hm, ya, odd
•• since day 1, not a sentence went smooth, yeah literally.  pronounciation been always off, me, constant under surppression, and intimidated

•• it speaks like an infection, both of them does, each in their unique ways.  I may get it soon enough with hearing it so much, me myself may be shutted down soon, aye
•• as I spoke to myself in my thought, if they don't exist along the peasant psycho amass, then world would be so beautiful ah, I await for those days
•• shield usually takes those hits on, and eventually becomes half effective, quite a load of the barrage death bolts incoming from ly and ghd bypass through, damaging my internal organs and bodily qi structures

• even this morning too, it began already torteous-sah, I had thought then: wow, what a sheer contrast there had been, perfectly revealed how utter annoyance to live by and ever-fussing they are LY and GHd.  LY generates a lot of fuss, initiates then, but then GHd actually ain't do good job neutralizing them (though seems to critisize and bash it out a lot, yeah).  I pray everyday got these torture I receive to be over.  I think I can make it, my faith is strong.  Ahh, comrades, hooa-ah, (so to speaks).

^^^ yeah.. like, I am a people's celebrity right? yeah.  what a way ly and ghd drowns all joy away, jetting utter fuss and misery shutting downing, aye true.

Ah, the instant-ful-ness and the instant feeling of feeling safer upon returning (which is exitting out peasant minority scum land) to normal volk land.  It's an tease preview to the wonderous-ness of life could be if were fully aryans land!  Already before full aryan land (it's right now normal folks land; aryan land not yet), the feeling have already been tremendously welcoming warm, ahh, good, so good~ delighted, and I am ultra anticipating excited~  **does proud posture**  I can feel the fortification of fortitude happening from my head to my toe right now.

          Talking to girls is a liability by which many of its compounds can meet its juridicial runbounds.

A reason leeches and leech type of creatures don't produce capable children is because they were always in love with their masters (the body they trying to leech).

LYGHD's voice even shuts down me flow of thought, yep, as just proven.

LYG and GHD, such kill-joys, aye true, better stay away.  They act like obstacle ugly objects.

Scout, spy and tourism may look exactly the same

Oh, let me enjoy the sceneries, ly and ghd, such excitement killers, murdurers, aye.  The very screechy cracker voice of lyghd, is enough shatters; provides sufficient shuffering.

And the problem, ly is ever present, it charges.

Sleep walking and walking often looks exactly the same.  Yes, the meaning implied here is significant.

I watch out for all the swap-baiter, those alternative replacement act seekers.  All-in authenthic or it's nothing real.  And everyway fraud.

读读读,读成个傻瓜吧,roothenchild 学校 go-ers!

Ok, lyghd, I have to say, and I wouldn't say if it didn't get on my nerves: your mouth goes so passionate on petty matter, 叽叽喳喳.

LYGhD, don't u think it's also offensive to others, verily, charging around, "asking" all of this.  About too much commentaries from u, an unreputable source, aye.

I have to say, as it keeps ringing around here: you are world exclusive, unique, lyghd, ah.

— As if, as if, yes the thing works by fiend standards,  Are fiend psychos beautiful like flowers?
— Welfarism gave tremendous wealth, quality of living and even Saiyan level of luxury to the peasants, which generates additional bidding chips for their worth for exploit.  Within 20 years, the welfare snowballed into a huge amount of wealth.  The transformation had been rabid, and it's also unpredescended.  Now with all those freed time, the peasant could go to parks, stalking not touring, like grabbing inspirations like us, or the lesser appreciable: grinding war of attrition of time unit with us!
— Doesn't know auto-refill sensor papar extender, yet has got a high definition 50X zoom camera purchased?  Banish that wicked being, and all of such types.  I see greed, terror, and pudge-thinking.  Lowlifes, peasants.

Lame-o's life (became and been) too easy.  There will be ways squeezing the stolen resources back.  Sieg.

Being around them gets bad enough after certain point, and certain stack of the false accusations and absence of respect.

Market law must change.  If it remains as if offensive to deny, block, shove away unlikables from purchase, then their faces will pay.

LYGHD rings, strikes again
• er, erm, seems like lyghd's wasteful attitude is still active and abundant as of now
• lyghd wastes tons of effort, at nothing
• seems like to always praise others, strangers, lame-o's on the near
• its hectic-ism behavior gets falsely intrepreted as activism or enthusiasm
• other humans, good or bad, speak less than it does, but ly wastes all of its abundancy energy and focus at nothing




Lyghd, unclean-ness, clumsy, landed iPad device onto the clothes on table that's in-between.  An unecessary move, or a lyghd-move rather.  It shows its un-detailed finger and hand motion, yeh.

Jet lag, plus shortened (disturbed) 7-hour of sleep (may be less than that), me not in present-o excellent mood in particular for fighting this war.  But I will continue to try, me wills struggle through.  For Rohan and all of that, so to speak, yes, despite it all, pull through (I shall) will be done.

——— these kids, 90s, new university graduates, seems like 文科studiers(生), have little differences with the ones enrolled to college (with college kids).  The real difference and deserve reflected should be and is at between top genius and them, respectively.  How silly a setup, the current composition
——— well, they have their reasons, these noob-looking university phagots: got good clothes, shelter, and great food, plus the fancy phones, hey perhaps it's worth it to waste 7 hours a day just for those luxury alone right <- is what goes/went on their minds.  It's fine for them, they do evaluate whether the current conditions are satisfying.  Them on their own or by natural play, they know themselves wouldn't accomplish much anyway.  In addition, if really indeed they are "converted by propaganda", which they aren't in essence, then ... yes, they did check out whether conditions are satisfying, and the answer was yes, so they chose not to bother with protesting, so to speak, yes.  Since it's satisfying, themselves never bothered checking whether current society and things told to them via those instituitions are wrong or tampered or not.  And surely, yes, some other elements and factors splash in play here.  Majorly, it's the mentioned that drives and determines the outcomes and those chosen moves of theirs
——— so, these noobs, amateur of minds, much ego-tainted, 90s university no-thinkers (nothinkersity), are they skilled.  If they aren't skilled, then how come they have these cool gears on them, knows this and that and etc? Well, good question. In fact, it's exactly this questioning that keeps its good well-luxuried and taken-care-of positions.  Pandas could do just as well in society, be more cool, out-perform them in skill if given the same intial conditions, (social status, civil rights, treatments and so on, yes) the same premise first, if!

1 let tuitions tax these pre-stock market amateurs to a crawl
2 let insurance and various other camouflaged tax drain at them from all directions
3 let them run short of food and clothing
4 let them be publicly embarassed in great timings
5 let their minds be chained with foolish yearning for greedy gains
6 let the illusion of freedom shackle them all the way to the cremation pit

They, the Roothenchilds have their edu system currently set at 12 vigurous years followed by 4-6 usually expected years of college that is also extensive.  Sure there seems to be purpose for that, but which actual purposes are there for this program?  Besides it's applied to the wrong country, also wrong demographics of candidate too - do it in filtered ghetto America, or swarm-filled slums of India or Mexico, or possibily fevela-ridden suburbs of Brasil.  

It's year 2014, the Roothenchilds have not updated their edu programs, been still same as that of 1950, or might be 1889 also, aye!

When we do edu system, one of main checking will be to reduce the 12 years compulsory to 9 years.  Example of China's 9 years had served to demonstrate a perfect example of this.  Six years of elementary school followed by 3 additional years of middle (secondary) school already serves all of the state and people's (parents') objectives, such as prevention of firearm, gang control, restrictions and filtering of certain content to kids.

— likes to often pretend as Chinese nationals (中国人)
— they regard high industry produce as "unimpressive" or below or equalvalent to their level
— also treats Japanese as "Chinese's descendents" as if firstly themselves represent richness of chinese culture in any way, and that secondly, Japanese are in anyway inferior to them as if
— definately would be wondererous to witness what other wild thinkings these perfect psychotics have told themselves, which had enabled themselves to do the insane (impossible) acts: complete perfect example of psychos such humanoids are.  Must've been insane stuff their cerebral brains had emitted overiding the reality, all the senses.  And it all does make perfect sense as no normal creature would have such ego with help from luck by any amount, aye
— I look forward to seeing them banned from all Tim Hortons and alike, the price of those stuff ain't high, however their values are luxury items
— Beware of the sophistication of these types of moves, them 支那 disgraceful peasants have got the slimey rat reflexes: these type of remarks out of them are heavily attention-drained tipped.  A denounciation reaction to their moves should be done quickly (soon) afterward, so as counterweighting their attention drain effects: the wanted psychology effects on memory could be higher than estimated, of these duck crack remark out-of-no-where sudden talks, yeh
— these deadbeats, had destroyed/exhausted their potential, 不会 become anyone with potentials.  They had maxed their limit.  This implies that the 支那 humanoids will not ever become one of our guys: no convertion can take place, needless to mention though, hehe ya

Average workers of modern times, how ever some might be noble, decision making and major moves should always be gifted and prided to the master thinkers (Aryans).

Precisely because how average workers do not possess mastery, but are at veteran or experienced level maybe instead.

Let the ones who can handle technology handle technology.  Usage does not equalvalent to invention, being a user does not equal to a creator, and being able to use does not represenr being able to master.

I think life is about maintaining balance while getting something.
  Just getting something means deformity and dysfunctionlism formation,
   whereas just maintaining balance means inactivism, though the sentence coinsides with the phrase "maintaining balance" which implies "and getting something".  Abbreviation of the full turnout matches with part of the full
     Anywho, most un-winners of life tend to be folks who took on contest of excellence but dwelled on just winning, and never looked at balance.  
       A disbalanced one quickly malforms its body, stretched by temporary objectives, while losing fitness for ultimate scores, the overall score.
          Success is obtained by not obtaining, contrast to its visual appearances.
            Success is obtained instead by doing set of actions that would grant success to come: aye, one does not find success, success finds you!
               Satisfaction, any emotional chase, preferences of a contestant should be attunned to such that would make winning chance the max: be aligned with winning combinations in other words.
                 Incompletion of do so means becoming alured to excessive eating, drinking, and others.
                     Contest rules tend to be absolute (fixed), or at least fixed to a stretchable pole by marginable amount, therefore it's the contestants' responsibility to alter themselves to match the shape and form of the answers.
                         (competition described herein does not imply the idea that all competitions has to be or are like those exams or math test contests, most competitions in life are matter of fitness than higher scores: fitting to the desired and most adjacent role of the star celetial party alignment picture, fitting to be most likable tend to be the competition) (natural selection should be defined like so, not like college entrance exams)

        Yes, technically Aryans are being prosecuted, severely prosecuted, indeed, but yet the "other races" are still acting as if we aren't and the peasant birth defects have been and are still victims!  The source of this must be pure wormism hate and no other.  If this fuss continues, then all passive-aggressivists, law edge rounders, the soft-kill malicious humanoids will all have their face slowly unfaced upon their deface up to their face angular momentum.
         What rubbish is the current treatment our guys are getting.  We are near extinction line, yet many are still targetting us like we exist.  Browsed around the minds of those beta monogamy-bred polution males, and it shows the sheer nonsense belief held somehow gotten in their head!  Our folks are effectively being double head-taxed, there is this headtax of 90% value, and on top of that another 90. Third world saw a rapid rise, our nation saw a rapid decline, guess where their money came from!  Yet where is the credit due, without Aryans there would not be computers, yet the treatment has been reverse, as if those bamako lagos retards could ever reach today's age.  And as I am often aware, of they continue their bs behavior and savage wormism craving, it will be their heads pasted, then strangled with their spine.
          我看看我能不能逮到这些overfed yet no appreciation big baggots, without food nor drinks!  Pshh, those rubbish cerebral heads (psychotics)!

Connected to the above, all those non-violent individuals, are technically a gang first of all.  A gang that operates in disorganization manners: through disorganization, they obtain the best organzation.  And secondly, non-violence is codename for utter even further violence.  As non-violence does not exist in this world.  What's really their intent if they declare such phoniness, what's really in their minds then, that's what I wonder.  

Non-violence is and has always been violent, I want to say.

And non-violence activists will be prosecuted under Jedi Council ruling, held by Ziran Kingdoms Members.  Expect lovely torture, my beautiful majestic bacterias, I love you, my delicous.  

0 sympathy to the torture they shall receive, for these soft-killer gang members.

These cancers would one day soft-kill and "just suggestion" and "peaceful demonstration" and "I am not attacking" the world to death, if unstopped!  

Too large of a head,
too little sense,
that's a softie cerebralum psycho.
   Locations: heavy in all continents except Anpenguintica
   Numbers: 5.1 billion

Population of a cancer to Global Defence Agency (GDA) carries less importance than existence of cancer breeding grounds (nodes), though is also important.

Being mistreated and not realize and actually is well-treated look exactly the same.  
   This causes activists to repeatedly ask well-treated why they are not seeing the truth.
     Also the mistreated hang out amongst the well-treated as if are together so good friends.
Heh, magical paradox of nature~

It's not too late to save this world, yet.
But it's too late to re-play Starcraft II, as it was dissapointing, but, symbolized even further the need for total revolution.  
   We'll revolution all branches of this solar system, we'll revolution the international standards, we'll revolutionize the national banking system, we'll revolutionize edu college system, we'll revolutionize architecture and city planning, we'll revoluntionize transportation, medicine, hospitals, city councils, legislatures, civil engineering, eletricity billing, water systems, TV and so on.  All that been infected and deformed by Roothenchild greed and hate will basically go under rejuvation and renovation, mothapuck'a~

     Trade   Commerce
       Agriculture   Farming
         Construction     Storage
             Roads            Transportation
               Science          Library
                 Manufacturing     Industries

| before, plantation and food-produce (groceries) used to be first, then secondary light industries, now it's trade first, which is all the right reasonable, for as long as it's genuine commerce.  As like the evolution of ocean floor, after come of base layers, predators appear, so does anti-predators and neutralis (neutral parties that dodge the supreme predators (rulers such as sharks) ).  Similarly, after agrilculture-windmill-blacksmith layers, trader financial group's arrivals is a natural thing.
| a map and general overview of the colony (nation; township; city) should be presented at nearly every city centre locations (hotspots), so as to provide an zoomed-out-view for people living within the labryinth
| science brings technology. technology needs funding. The invisible tie of science and banks is un-mentioned

We'll never be arguing with those fools.  No longer an interest of ours.
As so called humanoid sheeple rights has become an outdated topic.
Requesting UN's approval will no longer be necessary,
as now we've got superior advanced technology.
  Anything can dealt with, with this grand creation of ours.



• missiles had caused drastic changes to the battlefield
• missiles with accuracy means super arrows fired from hundred km away
• radars and survey vehicles can be regarded as missiles' eye

• as same in ww2 periods, tanks do not tank otherthan bullets and light weapons (20mm and grenades)
• infantry have little capability other than in urban places
• war has already become war of industrial output power, abundancy of material, and blitzkrieg coordination

• if enemy goes raw, which there is this small chance still, then moral investment as well as art may only be relevent if it's persuasion purposed
• missile warfare make anti-missiles inevitablely a big hot topic
• the folks that made, sweated over, and sold iron dome technology to Israel are as dumb as a retard.  I will be enjoying hugging their girlfriends, and mom (if applicable)

• submarines have become deep sea idle stations
• destroyer ships have lost their role and importance ever since the introduction of accurate missiles
• nano technology super anti-high explosive armor produced cheap (in cost-benefit effective ways) is still possible

are we not all friends, if we are not all enemies admittingly so, then let's be friends with each other, endless encourgements as oppose to piles on end of harm

<><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><>

If already upper class, may I suggest put 10% effort into dark discipline, then things become of ease.  As slight trickery can often make the might be jealousy peasant workercistic class neutralized - redicted to other places.  A simple investment into trickery and sophisticated verbal fraud works, the reward will be tremendous.  Be fluid, often men are quite dumb, as interestingly womens describe them often: this has golden truth: many successful and riched men like to continue path of so called "absolute genuine", as if world really has rules laid out like such, and requesting them to follow so, when in reality world is free play, the boundaries are superbly loose and wide, and morals no exist, but just ever fighting~

I would write faulty news paper articles inducing the idea of each other being their enemy for the workercist class, so then less jealous would come at any of our class guys, the money-printing mega super rich.  Many of our fellows reach their positions of influence super genuinely and remain genuine.  I say a bit of dark deed wouldn't hurt.  Once they do it, they may get addicted: after all, the rewards are tremendous for that little effort.  Plus, it ain't dis-moral at all: I wouldn't let "silly good boy morals" constrain my freedom of action~

I view going a bit dark this way: can we really resist this "pain".  Take mosquito bite scenario for example: after thousand years of fighting it, the ultimate solution naturally became to be letting mosquito bite, sure we put up a fight, but not a focused determined all-in fight.  In fact, I think a lot additions can be learned from this case: let ourselves be bitten by mosquitos, so that we our own vains become incorporated with its antidotes as well as its anecdotes~


Yes, sure, many humans live.  They live a life, but not a strategic life.
They treat their enemies as half-friends,
while their potential allies as half-enemies,

I think the true way of being optimistic is not saying to self I gotta be optimistic, but rather
crack a genuine smile, appreciate lovely diamond a little, pop out childhood toys, or masterbate vigurously.  (audience smiles openly and laughs hard)

The phrase is implied in the expression, or action.

Many kids get educated and morphed into literates.
While under-developed their artistic expression (body language) side.
They fell to the Sauron spells / traps.

The true language had always been bodily expressions, dance moves, gestures,
and it's been an universal language.

How else does cats form teams? It's the human porkheads don't speak it,
not that "animals" can't speak English.  They do, it's the daef that don't.
Ohh, good one, ownage sophistication there~  Hehe, thank you Bush.

I pray to god, not my ego.
I hunt my fear, not others.
 I wash my soul more than my body.
   I look up on others, not down.
     I enjoy life experiences, not describe.
        I defend, not commentate.
my dick is 19 inches, a top recommended disco stick by nurses worldwide

Temporary embrassment that yield overall massive gain is not embrassment, it's strategic action.

I never retreat, I call it advance to a new direction.

Things hardest understand are things meant to be un-understood.

People these days honestly think too much.  I let the items think for me!

True way to think is to unthink, be thinking with a clear mind, or no mind.  Empty is full, none is all, forget is remember.

Thinking is a leaning action, it seeks to capture.  While unthink lets the knowledge fly in the palace curtain all by itself!  Is it harder to chase and catch the golden snitch, or is it to let it jump in our bellies, I honestly Hermonie-touching-hair-sniffing ask!

People tend to think and operate their daily lives as if themself are a single whole entity.
This, they tend to forget, completely: not knowing not knowing as well.
Each person is le at max half a person, and member of a team.
   Needless to say, think like in a team, and half of a person~

• If weren't for the goldman sachs subsidy, I wouldn't be opposing Dominionlism as much
• They had purposely fed morons trillions of cash, also to the graduate defect trillions as well
• Multiple accounts of breach of proper governmance
• Mobile game companies get absolute no assistance from the federals, zero, nada, of anything, but media status dampening instead, a violent breach of international standards for governmance operation
• If creativity ain't valued, then forget the next city plan, start preparing for holocaust 2

• I have several great game content (mmorpg, mini-games, online battle cartoon arenas, mini-rpgs, card games) and such, but forget about publishing them, since the current state settings are gay!  It's heavily 污水 roothenchild, aye

Punching or the more sadistic softie-bone b!tchy kind: slapping, own kid just because life is tough or unfair extremelt so still has no excuses.  As it's much of a self-defeating move, as well as an action of a coward.  What real human wouldn't confront the problem source with lancer charging might, but instead resort to setting back own kid?  Let such killer terrorists all be erased, off the globe, by our great Aryan technology, night 'til dawn.  This time, it's all of them that will be humble-ly crushed.  Terrorism is not tolerable.  Terrorist activity is an violation of virtue health.

Current estimated total of such killer coward terrorists: 4,000,000,000 and more

Pshfft ah more, like, I wonder if they are gonna hold a darter against a dragon saproling just because it could at the time, while, ha, would dodge an madness witch doctor-type government, leaving them be all time, wow, nasty, what killers.  Then we'll provide them the same treatment, kill them before any reasons too!

Those "genuius" inventers made a mistake, and now we are all paying for it.  They had thought that mass manufacturing, and indeedly they did so, is superior to regular previous manufacturing.  In details, they had thought that all attributes remain the same, while the total goods made increase, and thus mass producing firearms or such would be a better choice, and definately so.  This, precisely faullty: not only is mass manufacturing meaning change in storage needed and carrying and securing parameter changes, but also the vital: leaking of technology becomes exponentially higher, compared to producing 1 or two copies of the tech, just.  

So then what happened was, which ultimately bought multiple dooms and difficulties to the Reich, the arrival of mass copycat manufacturers.  Those guys tend to lack the grace of properly handling them and general decision makings in general, since copycats rarily traversed to higher planes of thought but instead always traversed in mediocre phases.  Eventually led to the result of ww1 and then ww2 both of which funded by money alone.  Enabled by the arrival of a witch doctor type of government organization: get money using merceneries and mass conscripts (which always came from peasant retard class), use to buy firearm, give firearm to scoudel trained soldier, rinse and repeat.  

Had they, just had they produced and showed those weapons to the market only after contact with Hitler, then things would be heck of a lot better now.  I hereby on behalf of all folks, really have to give those ingenius dumbos my foremost assembled gratitude and admiration!

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ppp sss ttt trt vvv hwy mat vct lwv ggc owa elo

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