

Saturday 11 October 2014

Opinion Volumn IV

生下来是个奴才,永久remains a奴才。

支那只懂得gain, 而且一帮都是copycat.
To insult even more, ha doesn't even copy talentedly.
For each successful Zhina, I could find at least 50 loser Zhina that's already in graves and other "accident" locations, ha.

The insuccessful status of Chinese anime industry or the lack thereof serves as perfect proof how futureless the Zhina peasants are.  Their calorie and life sap reliant low-to-mid style of way will get them nowhere in the long run.  Aryan might would trail them so far behind they will be turned to begger status by default, no matter their copycat and trickery specializations

     Two types of creature exist in this world: the creatures that like Chuck Norris, anf those who don't.  The vice-versa is true also.

These are two types of creatures in this world: creatures chuck norris like, and those he don't.

Chuck Norris doesn't like sandwiches because Me told him so twice in 1 time.

Greed is unlimited.

Desire for gains is suppose a mechanism to get people become successful, it's not meant as a means for itself.

Greed, a dysfunction, it's an anatomy flaw of over-reaching type.  It commonly occurs, causes possessor to consume excessively, to chase after empty purposes.

After a greeder becomes immortal, he will now then asking for more power, it will never end; has no limit - like the size of universe, or imagination, it won't end.

Like excessive eating, the utter want for world domination is the same essence except it's about history and national borders than eating dinner and lunch specials.

Gains in this world is possiblely unlimited; has no end.

                             THE ROAD OF DEGE



The moment I saw that scene shown on CCTV channel 1 news channel, gave that a brief thought, and I knew: I knew that the problems all had began with robbing of those really talented smart fellas' political involvement and say.  It was huge blunder by Communist Party of China to copy a Soviet style of government, what which was unpolished, and largely infected with zionism gainful purposes, plus also a relic of Prussian corpse-producing system.  The problem like I stated some times before: it began with the disbalance and inproper treatment of strongest minds of any fields.  Letting them no say has as proven stemmed many if not countless problems in society.  The fraudant and a bit sadistic vampiric (most of time corrupt-tied with local commissioners and law employees) travel agencies would've been neutralized (never been here in fact would) had that all been done, for the buses the fraudants would not have been able to easily get.  

It's the lack of appropiate power for the inventers, industrial key person(s) and all that in general in association that ultimately allowed this to happen.  This is a source of many other problems in society too, which now are very see-able.  Like a person who lost some parts of immunity, all kinds of virus go in at once, and the symptoms can hardly give precise concrete pointers as to what disease is present and at where originated and at which and how large - the correlations become harder to seen.  In adjacent meaning, the government designers too gotta understand firmly that just like a bio organism, not all specialists do 1 job, nor is 1 job always taken care of by 1 type of specialist.  Originally, the industry master inventers and engineers always had chips to say at courts, (a secondary function of theirs) so to speak, and certainly always-always had been at sales and student selection grounds.  

This, today, is not found in many societies - a great step backward a thousand years.

Most governments for me, I specify again, to me, look stupid as hell at times.
Well, after all, they ain't the inventer of a new math based on RNG. (plus numerous other achievements they couldn't and hasn't reached)
The above say is fair word.
(- before any criticism of such type can occur, contempt held is needed first)
(- rage alone does not solve most obstacles, strategy does)
(- tigers are good at courts, they can hold temper for very long time without difficu)
(- contempting threatening foes is often very difficult to do, if that step reached, too late to resetup)
(- knowing all creatures' tendencies at precise help a lot, i.e. knowing when they are doing testing water or really mean it, if really turn out as thought testing water, then the approacher becomes learned of that act being wrong)
(- self's arrogance may be the greatest partner to outsider foe forces)

"Donkey vile humanoid type could never learn how to be civilized" — Lt General Arthur G. McDonald

• 驴人训练成文明人士,不太可能
•• Peasant humanoids especially 图个 (craves) 既小概率 rewarding, utilize this.  Let the 0.0000000000137% of occurence down them a couple miles
••• I like the goyims commonly I can have the premium seats at the bus, but when comes to social status, I will nail them to bottom pits.
•••• Beta males is a hazard to development and healthy progress of any civilization
•••• and any criminal type passed critical number turns norm around
••••• what has Apple Inc done and what were they thinking setting those store up like this, and those styles, overall principle-off-normal-road-ness and the prices at which the products and services are sold (in short condensed wording: they had really gone non-Aryan mode; disfavoring righteous family people way-ah) (hugely, in the stuff they done) (similar businesses shall not copy this)
•••••• this generation being majority numbered and filled by beta males, they do all kinds of really subtle tricks, such as pretending as (or during course of doings, emit that trick) camera crew and fiance together mind trick the selected target victim (the pretty girl) into thinking it's so valid and legitimate she has got him.  They will suffer greatly in a ceremony I shall present to the world, and many cities (urban centres)

           On Beta Males (meaning the monogamy-stemmed foul-thought gone-wrong-way-already ugly males) 
• I think beta males pose a formiddable threat to any society or civilized person
• beta males will never become a normal man, as like how donkeys don't produce stallions
• accepting beta males to society would be like letting mass passive-aggressive law-limit-slider (just barely touches its edge, and never cross) scoudels coming in to leech and umbrella'ing (using society and its components as haven or a shield)
• the day a beta male and I could get along is the day I am on drugs, and/or the day there is only 1 beta male left in the given city I visit to
• beta males conspire together with other beta males, not the general to prime minister way, but the rat to rat conspiracy teamwork way
• beta males have never greeted us, showed thankfulness, nor saluted the national flag, if it is intimidation from them  truly that got the current gov scared of them, then their suffering shall double, and their dissapearance rate quadriple
• beta males hate us, are our enemies, they will eat us live if they could, yes, all while disguising themselves as 中国人,海外华人,唐人街,often and 等,such as: fellow humans, another immigrant, a citizen, a stranger, a inspector, teacher, professionals, any general titles and such, usually unsaid, and fewly direct said, always indirect said, during good attention-downed timings, they are nasty kidnapper anatomy-wise, yes, which connects to their ugly belly and weirdly poor physique so well
• beta males avoid and avoid talking, notice: chess, strategy, strategic thinking, military technologies, transportation studies, math tricks and funs, foreign history, space, historical knowledges, sports training processes, poker games and such.  Topics that are especially close to Aryan, the beta junk males especially avoid mentioning - ha, I suppose the reflection of truth (casted by those Hitler-associated items and objects) scares these gaygoyles away a lot
• beta males get girls, like a virus, they don't love them, most are filthy dogs who managed to get here through previous generation of monogamy
• though the counter-argument which is that just some percentage of male would behave this way is sound, but there will always be a portion of male that behave this ill virus-like way, which would ultimately gain snowball effect, (if left just alone and un-oppressed) be on that track, and be breeding up to the limit, slowly pushing the percentage of other males lower and lower while selves higher.  The not-so-fit males doing the "I will not participating in marriage or any of it red rose" is a good healthy choice for society, their community and this land, however leaves extra room for the virus-beta-males to spread.  Once a single evil seed of virus-male lands, then it will spread if it got to became.  A social soil that denies it conditions to spread would be a wise choice - it's a 1st stage firewall. 
• thanks to the hellish goodness of today's system, which both in China and America can be found, are present, like how easy a thief could get away, and be nurchered, reach from age 3 to 25, the beta males could slip under the radar and all natural detections without hassle or sweat.  Currently, not all Aryans realize at firm affirmation of the true nature and inner stance of these beta males around them as well the ones been in their class
• (yeh, I directly speak this one) 90s kids have a load sum of beta junk males.  What's worse than beta males from 1960s is that these in general, tend to have a mother that was rather physically premium.  Now this makes what would've regular junk male rats become super-metabolism boosted rats, aye, so to speak, and that is so true, bravo right on~  An enemy more powerful than ever, ha, interestingly can only be a potency destructoid if New World Order continues its psychotic logic-entangled-up nonsense
• there is no right other than what God commands, and the beta male stand in way of the truth, an enemy of ignorance, of jealousy, of hate, of greed, of cheat, and of dysfunction
• beta males hate weddings, hate romance, hate high virtues, like to sabotage and ruin romantic and joyous moments.  Oh heck, sure they won't tell us this~  These brooded defect entities also hate all normal healthy nature-perserving and loving men, they want them to have no chance at love
• the requirement for brooding being not really love, but just that piston action makes an occasion of a virus-algorithmed male popping out receive certain chance at getting its gene poorly copied (in the contrast, birth does upgrade and refined gene copy, elaborated in other parts of this blog).  It's misfortune in the last 50 years, many smart and noble men die young or single, while the virus-males kept landing at free bases.  And that's sorta nature, if it makes to base, then the gene fuse starts, the cells will interact.  Donations from a virus-male are not (do not get) blockaded at those highways 

I have to say,
     to think ancient or medieval period of life was not 自动化(automated society) is sillyworks.  As natural order and flow had always been a closed-in national engine cycle-based system.  Despise on ancient times is modern-pollution-centricism.

— savages deserve no word from the Reich, they will be automatically wiped out
— let the sky be the judge, everybody shush, so to speak
— first step to learning is admitting I don't know, not having purchased stationery
— I admire people that concern about the environment far more than all the A roothenchild students

————— —————
Disencouragements (telling not to do type)received is 98% of the time damaging, relatively small each time.
While the encourage to do wrong thing (this disencouragement type; camouflaged type) is 98% time safe, but that other 2% hold lethal damage power.
It's exactly this that make me want to be disencouraged rather than encouraged from any passive-aggressive foes. 
   (but then yes, things go more complex than this, for one example, they could interuse the two, (or embed one onto the other), but overall, I do feel better usually if it's a no told, than some cheer act)
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A true Lion King is one whose algorithm is actually solid - no skips, no bubbles, no counterfeit replacement softer material spots.  Some lesser grader's algorithm may temporarily for several decade seem like an equal.  (While loud yelling backed-up ones make the fraudantes look superior).  Mouth ruthless open field nolimit brag or shouting competition is not a way of reason, it is savagery, likely involving exploiting own heavy collision size (almost always disnorm amount of protection received), and banking on overly protected shield had received (banking on police protection in other words).  The reason we have this around here is a systematic epidemic faulty design thing, and it's a great topic and worthy one too to dwell in.  Savagery has no place in land of future planning, a branch of future foresight, an activity of the civilizations.  In fact, barring all of them out would quickly boost societies.  Like sun and moon, a person could either be a savage humanoid, or a classy noble type.  Clumsy forgetful death-beaten dirt coarse peasant venomous donkeys are infectious, and would only produce net sum of a large load of harm.  

How to obtain a solid algorithm? Spirit is the key in short.  Connecting with the celetial sky and its energy web sharded into nature rekindles the direction of the genes.  A father who sang well, and ate well, thought well would yield a far superior son in general and almost always than his evil twin brother who had not.  The gene can be directed and "grafted" to the wanted solid order.  With enough folks doing this, eventually a super legend will pop out from that group.  For the super legend to produce more super legends, all he gotta continue is the same virtue and romantic habit, especially before time of sex sex sex.

A solid algorithm is one that can stand to the test of faith, of all the possibilities of outcomes that's there.  Someone who is allergic to a rare plant that may appear soon we subconciously know that the guy has minus a few points.  The subconcious signals the person deep meanings that folks may never unlock.  The science community ogre magicians gotta stop regarding the brain as a whole, it might be several parts pieced together, so means it may not be like a cpu which has all of its component accessible 24/7 time and always completely together.  Sometimes a thought will flow up, and at most, most data are on their "turn-off" mode or something maybe.  Cats technically would be beating humanoids right now if it weren't for the abundancy of rivers (used for irrigation) and lucky discovery of wild wheat and corn. Also plus the discovery of metal ores.  Humans (not implying it's a specie, I repeatedly describe it as an complex ecosystem) made it to here at a 0.00042% chance.  In a million other parallel universes, there are no Egypt or Indu river settlements.  Yes, there are a hundred other points I haven't put here by the way, such as how it took some rare chance of genetic mutation that made longer pregnancy period available, which enabled the growth of larger brains and various other features.  Humanoids should all see how lucky they are to have made it to here, what a leap and a gap from monkeys and apes, and be celebrate and humble about it.

- yeah yeps, lyghd's presence is everwhere, and any moment
- I struggle, swam through pain to write this
- 每句话都来个反问句,立马伤搓气
- 还有经常问极其遥远的,而且突然地问,在做事情之间的之间,极伤能量。就算想出答案也没有进展,任何的,更何况它答案几乎都已有熟。
- can seriously shut down anybody's momentum and affinity for any-thing
- for something petty task, visits and re-visits, can comes back and leaves after barking 5 times in 1 minute and 30 seconds

•  I wonder why these governments of prominent nations kept wanting having these peasant clueless as friends.  Many parts of the job system that had the governments' involvement tend to possess peasant nobody favortism attitudes and bases.

•  as shown by how it is far easier for me to dodge girls than to meet any of my social class zone (or level), then criminal forces which go against Aryan progress is much in existence and abundantly so

•  having peasant amass as friends is perhaps a most retarded move by the CPC (Communist Party of China).  They like to make friends with wrong guys.  Also they don't shave their pubes.  Some fool-diot might say "China sent a man to the moon, the government can't be that foolish".  Oh no they are, about every single technology are copied or given by the Russians, a superior of theirs.  Thus one cannot use the ownership of advanced battleship radar systems as proof of their decision making quality being surely excellent.  Had they taken a leap toward befriending Aryan and all that, the natural way, that whole set, since the very beginning 1949, then they would be a lot liked by now, much holy more so

Lyghd (my mother)'s constant surpression and neverending barrage whithering enfeebling death bolts keep me from being in peaceful enough environment to write.  Its death bolt sending I would say are 11 minute per average.  Each ones are gap (in terms of time) to adjacent ones just enough so the surpression on me gets refreshed.  My books' quality and content at my blog could be 50 times improved at least if it would just dissapear for few moments away from here, I need the promised, safety enough time to write.  Its barrages and supressional bolts (yellings, disturbs and all) reduce the quality of my writings.

- yep, lyghd's strikings wouldn't end, as shown by, backed up by 25 years of history of my experience and talented observation with it, I can say it will not end
- and I am willing, I had already, to accept the long periods of suffering
- I had actually (事实上) 顶住了无数个what otherwise would've become devestation charges for my people.  A legend could only last so long, handle so much at some given time, being as much of a spongebob as he can, absorbing all the incoming death bolts and all.  A capacity limit does exist to the quantity of nonsense from lyghd I can handle
- I did it for the future of civilizations, and the prosperity of my land, absorbed as much nonsense as I could.  This, an effective way of neutralizing such spew some tornado vortex hate will eventually forge me into a stone man, doing nothing all day but carrying giant lumbers of burden, for the sake of the protection and future fate of the flowers and the forest
- video reels demonstrate lyghd, the monsterosity, the best, voice recordings release does enough, and also do fine job at showing vividly everything in efficient way.  It, truly a monsterosity I would have to say and applause and agree twice - a monsterosity with not so much a giant's size, but can deal tremendous psychological terror

lyghd, truly horrid, ever present, ever shatters,
stares, stands too close, charge,
restless, wastes energy, unstable,
privacy breach, harass-ymentistic, loud,
rhino charge, fuss at nothing, self-generates conflict,
ever regret, non-stop panic, ever questioning
and doubting.  Overly loud, zero correspondense,
taintful, enfeeble-y, pressure-y.
See voice record sample for details.
It's also happen to be very highly resistance to kind words and suggestions.
Somehow it's this way, l y g h d~ woeful why must u exist!
I would have to wait for the moment to pass, again,
the tainted moment that is, aye.

zzzzz zzzz zzzzz zzzz  zzzzzz zzz zzzz zzz  zzzzzzz zzz zz z zzzzzzz zzzzz


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