Traps work by exploiting creatures' miss of details.
Detailed preceptors never fall for traps.
Traps can take down much higher and bigger creatures, it is not raw power strength.
Humanoids of low preception abilities will fall for counterfeit products repeatedly.
Most peasant humanoids, whether from Arabia, or Paki, or Indu rivers, or Yangtze, has the exploitable feature of not feeling pain when they lose chance to gain more. Alcohol and drug addiction is a close neighbor of this flaw of theirs, in essence.
Most optimistic humans are facially optimistic, whenever in public places, they become true once in private rooms.
The remaining optimistic ones of those tend to be arrogant fools.
Pessimistic folks rarily exist.
It's a myth story generated and kept spinning top by the arrogant fools who in which disguise selves as optimistists,
Folks who see things realisticly may seem pessimistic. Their success in life will eventually shut the mouths of those arrogant fools's spread down, completely. This woulda happened long ago if it weren't for roothenchild and world war 2.
Meaning is generated through meaninglessness. That's the definition of meaning, in under 140 characters.
No matter how one views the purpose and truthfulness of reality, might as well join the band of psychos, as there will always be such psychos anyways for as long as the local biosphere environment conditions are present. 9999 may fall (or seen reality too truly), but if 1 makes it, that 1 will later on bring out an ecosystem: much laterly.
Greatness in intelligence is not the requirement for reproduction, remember that.
Life to me is like faster video reels of forest changing over time, it's things moving, and stuff happening. Sceneries are results of the matters interacting under some simple fundamental forces. All results are justified by nature. The participants in there seem to be stuck somehow enjoying it meanwhile calling themselves having the room to freely choose and decision makings. Well, I suppose that's the actual definition of choice then, in actuality.
Let's go philosophical at projectiles (physics). be reflection and close look examination upon it:
- there is a brief period of time relative to the whole course where the direction of the ball is hardly predictable
- a trajectory is like a nation's life, during transitional periods from red shade to blue shades and likesuch, the present features may cause false representation of its direction. Suppose a visitor only came to visit the city in such period, the the person would not see a red shade nor a blue shade. Interestingly, when butterflies goes through their mid-stage transition period, it takes on a form that seems as if some alien item, something of zero close relation to the butterfly nor the formal: a snail.
- what goes up eventually comes down, the key word is eventually, which signified deeply that some never-eventually
- fast enough projectiles launched at high speeds like rockets fly outside of solar system and never returns, this may make solar system being marked as a whole system unfit, however, because overall, the average ratio of such rockets flying out will eventually be exactly homogeous and same, balance within the system is still ever present, and achieved
- with gravity, one get a projectile, the angle of gravity has to be at visible more than parallel (which is 0 degrees) level, and 90 degrees to the direction of the projectile for getting a perfect trajectory
- neighboring local data deviates the pure norm, not all projectiles have to return back to earth, now we have a lot that never eventually returns, cracking the old myth of projectiles always come back down to earth away
Gotta say, in actuality, which most men of all types do not know:
Women ruin men, especially men that otherwise could've became great talents (through our training), though they provide joy and satisfaction.
It is true, we can verify: are not most, most ladies resemble gay teenager boys never grew up with extra fat and still having child level of taste, prefering tv shows and shopping channels, and giggles like ultra do-nothing gay boys bunch too.
These points (thoughts) I wanted to share, as they carry great importance for philosophical thinkings.
• vs mental worm-like mammal defects, cruel way is needed and much necessary. an occasional extra cruelty adds fireworks
• reasoning works amongst the civilized, and has near no or no effect on the psychotics, or the deranged and such
• in the universe, weaklings doesn't exist, deceptors maybe
• 世上,弱者倒是没有的,欺骗,倒是有有点
• the Jack tries to win, so does the King, the Ace scoffs at heart at them and tries to succeed
• price of a good is one thing, but the value it grants to different owners and whether in the premium time is another
• true master does situational reflex, not stuff from memorized paragraphs
• winning is not the most winning road, unwinning is
• infectious lowlife forms of all types, avoiding them, an immediate top choice
• we should love women, but then should we wow and satisfy ourself in dependent ways to these deformed boys with absence of sportsmanship? haha joking
• for being with, residing amongst, walking passby thenugly uncivilized divided bunch, 先avoid最好
• the throne looks after 23456789 and 10 and themselves, but the ace looks after everybody
• the super-super mind master shall be almost energy, virtues, and fundamental forces itself, part dark, part righteous, with righteous the inclined-toward side
"Buglars, I never fear. Friends, I do. As crafty buglars have yet to be found" — Sir John A Mcdonald
"Facts, I mind twice, manipulators, I contempt thrice." — Lord of Equality
The natural play of life in a way selects the winner. Those with lazy habit, get filtered out of candidate seat. So does the ones without humbleness, are not genetically capable enough, healthy enough and almost a thousand other major disqualifcation, and a million other minor disqualification, all the way to infinite number of other detail-ful description.
The ultimate winner of this world, this biosphere exactly, this planet, would be someone who is a divine thinker, has his thoughts flow like a dragon, be filled with compassion. Humbleness, attractive physical features, great looks, affinity to philosophy and nice personality would be some of the list of quality asset he would possess. Reversely, all of the candidates without all of these qualities filled would not be selected by the prophecy. The stone of legen's time would not attune their names onto the tablet.
In the end, all this struggle, drama, had utterly been empty, a total nothing, in true essence lining perspective, that is very true.
I repeatedly re-signifies this throughout my writings:
The human specie in general has 4 or more genders: girls, men, gays, and defect males
LYGHD, my mother, a true wonder. It usually exhausts even more energy is required in order for the simple things such as curtain closing to be completed. So for example of closing of a room's door is 2 units of effort, it will spend 12 units exhausting itself about it before proceeding, alongside bringing down others.
Vs Sauron, it's almost all strategy, and counterspelling and counter-counter-spelling.
Going beyond normal chess would be required in those fights vs Sauron. Play by magic realm's rules.
Play a chess that's multi-board, with a flip side, whose rules are changable via moves, now that's strategy practice.
Sauron and their likes like to present to others out a much simpler practice wooden doll (or strawman) than their true forms, which helps out reducing enemies' skill level in some areas that would be key in the real fights.
Samurai Jack would have to practice for fighting ultra Aku Quad Triple Mega 3000 in order to defeat Aku. This has many truths to it, as Aku's true form is probably such - once activated, Aku will become that one.
所有 Maze 的三大要点
1. 从地图宏观角度来看和探险者切身体验来看是完全不同的世界几乎是。从地图,省力,而且容易懂,容易看,容易达到出口。
2. 设计者和探险者花的时间是有玄素的。两者都高手水准的话,探险者将要花更多的时间去完成次项目。等完成之后,设计者又可以多加几个迷宫。
3. 迷宫大多数都是从出口到进口比进口去出口简单,容易。这有点像人身的高考毕业那一部分,等学生完成了其迷宫才更知道以前走得那么多的路的相互关系和原理。
Knowing problem in society exist yet is not having seeking solutions as top priority are all bad humans.
No man lives past 200 years, so then what is eternal, and is it right to ever self-worship then?
Contrast to Darwin's writings, I firmly believe that the spirit drives genetic (as oppose to genetic diversification). Perfect proof: we do not see genes go half this and half that, but we see adaptation to the right direction happen way more common. This fact can help people in finding correct ways for living their lives.
People with the desire to birth more beautiful next generation will tend to do far better than ones who had given that up. These types of people can be seperated by visual glance-speed examination, often.
Anything major task, completion is merely insufficient, doing it right should be the base.
I will re-balance everything, with my lion-dragon army.
Often, these human smart-fools just like to complete things, and never checks whether it was right.
Great talent all tend to be pretty poor at bragging, one should use spirit of competition to see who is talented, and not by judge on display. (particularly because the bragger experts know how to pick a better timing for their brag insertions)
Creativity relies, it depends on the elegance of the spirit.
An advanced holder of dictionary-like memory usually are short at creative capacity, for creativity uses a much more festive and spirited type of material, metaphorically speaking there.
A real dragonborn has his spirit & will with the dragons channelled as one.
The Qing dynasty sorts of dragon association and symbolism usage are more so of a stalker of dragon type. Oh hey, as proven by history by their rather quick downfall, despite the level of cruelty and intimidation they used on bordered-in population.
• Let's get this straight: a grand master's poetic coughing is still worth far more value than a squire wanna-be's "smart" (in reality smart sounding) remarks
• the above is true and can be tabletted like an ammendment or law
• the reasoning behind that is: a wiseman incorporates far greater considerations than the squire or often the random "expert"'s, therein which the correct sentences spilled out gone through less process and stakeholder checking though may be very literally correct.
• at all time, an grand wisdom master's comments filled with choking and pauses contain greater value than a peddler's concious faithful words that make perfect sense. Taking some noncredible person's words as if it's Cratos's once-in-thousand-year speeches would be like something major flawed decision level
#politics #worldnews #congress
Indu peasants' stink and inpoliteness will eventually get them their ultimate downfall,
while for the no-forehead donkey spinks, their over-competitiveness will get their faces blunt, again.
Holocaust 2 will be an event of promise nature as well as of service.
• these cancer lowlives may look like us, although their thinking vastly differs, almost the most distant: these fiendism self-deceptionist dishonest lowlife psychos call a whale that adventures out to far out spaces as "a lost whale", frigging psycho never stops "thinking"~
• oh hey and this one: these cerebral soft-bone unpeaceful passive specialist psychos are fairly lucked out, exploiting the luck of this situation at endangering level - if weren't for mishaps of history and others, they'd been finished long time ago, by 1978 already at the least, being some slave worker or some nutrients below ground level. In a million other parallel universes, this has already occured.
—These cat-eating psychos deserve the slaughter, every one of them except the ones going to natural musuem of arts and history.
—I will use them as tap water
—how many birds did they murder in utter ugliness per year, boo!
—While don't even like respective countries at heart!
—For each ounce of their manipulation (the dirty off-positioned worm mouth) ability, they will be dragged 50km more
—That's how cancer spreads, Holocaust 2 will make history finally fully secured, at least away from those cancers, truthfully speaking, and certainly does shrinking work by a whole lot.
—Holocaust 2 will be the game changer, the decisive point
The most important as well as re-warding task to do right now in our current world affrairs situation would be to tackle and expose the zergs, yep, definately. I would like to request for as much support to this cause as possible.
It's funny how such a heaven and king's life the sheeple peasants from almost anywhere that's populated with me has received, yet coming up with ways to trick in faceless environments is the best they could come up with, what a meaningless bunch of cancer jokes. The benefits, opportunities, advantages in all shapes and names had been tremendous in the last century. America had taken an leading-world role in giving away free wealth and status appeals to the worthless cancer amass, as all of them administrative decision makers are on drugs and blind at sametime! I don't see them made much military strategy errors, but the blunder on demographics and overall social motions so to speak had been as numerous as their welfare agencies. Since America won ww2, many nations became following its wrong parts of the overall policy sets - the preferrencial status to the ugly had been copied, so did the tremendous jokingsome welfare free check system, while great things like innovation forums and scholarship systems were minorly looked at!
To add salt to tragic wounds: almost all of the welfare receiptients in America had been utter scum bags (number of exception divide by total numbers wise). We can look at the survey gathered intel charts and see this. Exceptions do exist, but they do not refute this presented point. While loving, compassionate folks, pet-lovers, people who would rather die than breaking any morals end up homeless in the streets! How fair the media has been, mouthing down some islamic fighters in Middle East while everywhen (at constantly; whenever) cast the freaks inside its own offices and welfare nourish feeding tubes as angels and morally sound! Ha, this is gonna bring a very glorious Holocaust 2. Let's see if them psycho filth can even stand faster than marshmellows in those camp grounds!
The only real opposition force to that Aryan thrust is currently the Roothenchild madmen. Only via Roothenchild's support of all routes does the mighty peasant zergs seem like a formiddable foe as well. Ending Roothenchild Sauron Dominion would naturally end the threats pessant zergs impose. Absolute peace in this would not be there, though no major downer events would ever occur from peasant zerg unrest.
What I am not getting to this day is precisely right on point for changing world back to healthy road. I am not getting, and still has not how come the Roothenchild Saurons still think dominating the world is real and ever possible. It will be a matter of next Hitler even if they do manage to make current China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea governments suddenly vanish. Total control, the way Sauron want, the way Sauron describes, by physical limitation estimation already shows is not possible. It is my personal goal to see the Roothenchild forgive their mad dreams asap - dominating is more pointless than giving up. Haha, me there brilliantly goes to say that dominating the world is quite possible. I don't think these Sauron Dominionlism Order Lords are fit for this role nor are possible candidates.
Suppose the Zergs manage to get themselves some army equipment and become well equipped like rebel forces. 1 in 200 peasant zerg becomes an active duty killer, then 500,000,000/200 = 2,500,000 active killers in land of Jade Communist Kingdom alone. This means we can handle this size of force. Though in my prediction is: fear and utter despair will be the greatest foe of theirs during the dark time of those birth defect mental killer fiend cerebral psychos.
等于多看几个宝贝, is a perfect metaphor right there for that, ye's
State media news writng and editor position requires almost the most top minds available, something needs reminder of, something not well knownly known.
ZZzzZ ZZZzZ Zz-zzZ ZzzzZ ZzZzz
The rat zerg broodling infestation jealouscist looked at me back and said "you have the want to punish me, but u can't perform it yet, haw-haw"
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