

Saturday 18 October 2014

Ugly Teeth of Softie Humanoids (So Many Defects in This World Now)


na me duo ... lei zhui 'ren' on our backs, aye, the ybring us down ` DAS MAKE ZEUS ANGERED, waht r they doing , just dont even comment, I swear to god, MASS pollution empowered by roothenchild dimwitter "edu" system

=> seems like ugly humans pretend as our friends, but constantly protects ugliness and uglism in whichever casted form

=> there are so god damn many bad person(s) around here now, their numbers have surpassed critical limit (see Hong Kong Democracy protest (began in Sept 2014) for perfect example of their number hazardous power)

=> the swarm's number point long time ago surpassed critical point, this is their land now, they rule, and they are the largest gang, and are ginormous present-o

=>> time to switch up police officers, the ones that are fellow swarm-based humanoids will side with their fellow zergers on the inside

=>> police protection for fools have become so retarded enough (and yes they are utterly dishonest and vile for not reporting it (heck, their softie incompotence faces and body do prove it) ) that complaints and conflicts all end up shifted to our people's receiving box!  How hectic and absurd-o

==>> this ever increase of tumour lame-o and dege class of humanoids will never seize on their own call.  Soon enough the welfare system will implode on itself due to the weight

Additional Tags: {continued}, notice how the improtant setnence is at 2nd, what's 1st entence about. only trash male does this ', aye cancer, {continued},  |and whoa whoa how brutal LYGHD b-marches in and goes rampage again, what was it sayin',  hm, well,  it sure has experienced life all those years right,  how come says that nut nonsense thing,  careless with words huh,  what no sense, and also has ill intent, likes to yell at me, that's who it is (question mark), hm very confusing, not sure what is it really doing, completely absurd, someone like me with this grace and personality, even really bad humanoids, like glutton pudges that became prison guards wouldn't even bother perform so, y'ep, a dysfunction,  unliving, and out of mind,  it's not concious decisions nor right, kept squeezing its mad, what was it mad about, any reason to,  towards me, yeah, ok  totally as if, as if it's one of those fiends,  but then why would it, it clearly has felt I am clearly not a wrong person, and that the time is accusing those,  I think it's making stuff up and rather purposely pushing me toward that way while using those as excuses, and not as much so doesn't know and still going with false accusation Dominionlism-touchy (neighboring) way, aye,    ok how do I phrase this: ta you lai le, mei de xie: hai lai hui zui on the words of mine: yeah quan shi jie jiu ni yi ge ren, do u really think righteous woudln't reply that way, gone nuts huh, and jiu zai na shuo shuo shuo,  it went immediately hui zui on that one I said,  rofl besides yes assurely all those yelling and etc,  you know I am getting and been gotten chipped away from all those beta male produced during 80s to 90s period right, and aint' that neat,  never really been with own people, received helper,  lyghd, you dimwitterzer,   yes again it striked,  it will likely yi zhi dao wan shang,  oh yeah and the gui pi di huang wan (those pills) it gonna bother me with,  I actually much anticipate those forecomings, ordeals from lyghd, aye,  I pleaded to GHD to tell it off, it no response,  what a pair of awesomeness, are they living in illusions,  funny how they never bumped into difficulty in life,  this is a time sauron fighting last human kingdoms' scattered saints, and it goes on fiend side as if, as if, aye,  |yes the tag section got long,  beta males hate and prey me, they are like viruses, embedded with it, and I am only person soft (meaning under police protection) and attractive enough for them to rage and dump their pleas to, while each never thinks that I may received all of it, and actually would helped anyways,  unlike any other,  blind (question mark)-ness, hm, yes,  lyghd and ghd, as I just hear dthat groan,  I will add: yes these two are the types that groan at a vacation spending for hours and never during course smiled or laughed, I wonder then why take vacation, and then what a 'vacation',  |yes this tag section got long, 'cause lyghd and ghd keep striking,  lyghd is codename for my "mother", while ghd is its pair, the "father",   yeah yo they are going along dege-3rd world-ism,  what faith, I am sure these two are nuts,  how can function exactly much like not one of our guys, but camouflagers,  who-knows,  and rather over selfish, what self-dominance impose-sive attitude, but yeah not even true self-impose and control freak type as it doens't seem rather composed nor even thinking present at its backend, of their junk lyghd-istic mind,   :LYGHD crushing voice, like to go bouldering with moi,  hm, drainer of energy, given no guidance, I wonder how come it gets involved,  a fairly unlucky person me (question mark), you bet, how did you end up with such a life travel,  and yes surely lyghd and ghd has to do with its missing-ness,  members of my other family ain't so good either, some are really good relative to them, yeh,   see, me is having stuck in here,  dealing with them,  what setback,  LYGHD shuts down most of mine progress, it's like my personal curse that sticks onto me,  it 'wants' to shut down all of my motions huh, hm,  interesting,  unpleasant, indelightful,  and yes, besdies thousand other points applicable, each of them so fitting well to positions of posted on here;  ok LYGHD bie scream at moi,    ha, as occuring: yeah GHD shuo hua suddenly stops middle of nowhere,  and then goes "oh how come u didn't know" gesture, like holy smokes just say info, and patiently wait for other to finish, sometimes he might say two sentence, or 1, wait for it,  and no then no proceed to arguing about who should talk first,  what useless, these "parents" are complete not parent, and almost like dune leeches, monkey 2-leg puckwit heads, still gonna present me as was received help and guilty of something, rofl,  when did I get anything more, what useless mimikery rule, go  oppose the crushers of innocent and law, not bother with person that don't even care or focus about ye-self, ghd!   LYGHd yi zhi signs, and shows me the sigh,  groans, groans, and shares it with me, while ever said anything clever,  been backing it up with threatening yells, ever-screaming, and only at us,  constantly so, yeh at us,  well, it's got too much police protection

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