

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Humanoids and Their Natures Exposed Right in the Open

#NatureOfHumanoids  #TheHumanoids'Nature   #shown and  #exposed

         This post I show some notes (true and reliable facts) on humanoids and their nature. I've studied them for years, and from my experiences thus far, I would like to think that I know their nature quite well:
- the non-honorable ones are very likely, almost purely likely that they are good liars, and are able to lie - to a various degree
- someone who does not reach excellent sportsmanship, great knowledge, basically are plain poor at many basic attributes, and basically the production-creation form of labor - it can be anything created, as long it's creation and not fake or null or lie-work, are likely dishonorable. The so called explaination that they are unlucky and such are their lies; and also a false common preception - every child is born nearly with equal abilities - some choose the road of dishonesty and they end up "sucking" at basic tasks - their explaination, notice how it's mouth-based and never action or music-based (songs are the true language of humanoids), thus further proofs and consolidates their invalidness while strengthens my "claim"
- humanoids, the smaller they are, the more likely venom, the key word here is _likely_. Just like snakes, the small snakes can't possibily be a python that's malnourished, but rather a poisonous type that's just that plain size
- most agrilculture seed-tosser stemmed peasantry have no shame - they do not live, they undie. This can be elaborated into: they would do anything to do devil's bidding, as long it's $5 for some foul acts; places morals on the lip and nothing more than that level; are swarmling and survival based; driven by appeties and fear and material needs with little spiritual seekage, so to speak; does not carry the traits in order to become a member of the Aryan brotherhood; vicious and intolerant; self-lying, likes to tell truth based on self-told lies; does not enjoy life, but uses artificial cerebral-generated spew reasonings to force itself enjoy life, or merely, really indeed, just to getby life; they are also not fully self-conciously aware of themselves; mockery, disencourage-ment based; visited by reaper far too often beyond norm; no talent at creation, however while only knows how to copycat and do absolute easy work, exploiting a lawless time however they can at max , often taking risk, to spew the preception using its fart mouth that it's difficult or nearly equalvalent to creative work (or productive work); in addition, does not know geography, history, math, it would know if the sole solemn state merit is based on that, otherwise, pays attention elsewhere; their goal is not to live but to un-die; and so on
- vile, venom, swarmling based, usually - can never let guards down and assume trust, remember folks, this is the era where clothes can be bought by a shameless criminal even if store clerk refuses to - they can dress like us and reall blend in with the "ordinary"
- they have much defense mechanisms that register well into men, and I suppose that's a good reason goes in explaination and explain-relating to as to how come they managed to stay for this long - they will deploy sounds, hypocracy, and things quite shocking until heard as they would be using their ultimate skills, showing it, demonstrating it, be prepared, and hit them with all you've got, comrade, steamroll over them! The horses of light shall stampede over them and stomp them back to eerie graves
- anywho, another nature of these humanoids - generally are mouth based, with balls tinier than most beasts of the woods - would use b!tchism type of "manuvers" to do things, sort things out, or to finishes their goals, reach them. While someone with decent normal level balls at least woulda completed it the clean and concise way - straight up to it, done and done with ease and grace and clean-ness, and goodness essence spread to surroundings and such
- a wormism humanoid type if fed too well will actually be more wormism - they would never "see" that maybe they should try to convert to normal as much as they can - like weeds, they just don't 'know", and therefore it's our "mission" to "finish them off", like weeds popping out here and there due to unkept garden (society, metaphor here)

that's it for now, this is peacemaker and prime lord tactician Glenn Yu, signing out

Additional Tags:  they should go to hell, they can go to hell, humanoids and their natures, exposed, exposure, right in the open, exposure on the outside, into the light, light circles, additional tags 200 character limit too few, but whatever, I guess most folks dont' type fast like me who can finish 200 character limit in less than 20 seconds, heh who knows, oh well, going ablaze, speed production, ahh refinement, yes I am kinda like flash, but can't run like flash, I can type like the superhero named Flash, ahh yes, you should see how I type up these posts, these postings, blog post,

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