

Friday 17 January 2014

On the Term White

Folks out there and strangers too have gotta be careful dearly with the term "white". It's often used, especially anywhere close to the government, schools, and things, we know so well, of that nature - they intertwine, for the lack of a better description, together like a bundle - it's the various limbs of a different frankenstein serpant hybrid. The term white is frequently used on tax receipt forms, on surveys and lots of other places that we could very well recall as propaganda purposes for the citadel nasty regime, whom has bundles of evidences on them showing that the prominent portion of this regime were responsible for international slave trade and human trafficing. Any deniance whether it'd be a seemingly persuasive article or news are their criminal attempts at smearing out their deeds which to this day are still on escape therefrom. The people have to keep in mind that these articles seem highly persuasive to us, and indeed they are, is because we all been through the 3 year high school brainwash, where they planted this thing they would use later on, so to speak - viola, now they activate out their lie-tongue article-weaving, and we fall for - for it sounds exactly like the boring long writings that we all hate but were forced to worship during those enslavement concentration camp labor years - doesn't this all click together so well? I hope I am making someone incredibly enlightened and joyous ou there.

The term "white" is a social construction made by the Roothenchild Dominionlism to keep the wrong and bad situation for the people but good situation for their madness purposes. They use it ever so often, in malicious and subtle manner to generate the effect of the people within the "white" category and those that aren't to remain in the abscene abnormalty they are drowning in from. When things are wrong, any acts, which can include talk, messages or any other acts basically qualifies for this, any acts that describes things with the tone as if the current situation is just normal or should be considered, is a criminal offense. The Citadel regime had exactly done so. Every good human being out there is obligaged to engage in spread of abnormalty, emphasize of obscenery, or any form of enlargement is ugliness since birth. At current times, where the all kinds of different and very various ethnics and social groups in fact, and sub-groups within sub-groups in fact are all broken up and shuffled together, does not need any more stamping and consolidation effects given to this abnormal situation - the factions have been grinded into individuals and small pockets there - and everyone is shuffled up. A situation that cannot be described as "white" for there is no white race as the meaning used in their context. It's a large combination of chopped up factions shuffled with one another like cards shuffled with green cards, with blue cards, with yellow cards, under the title that's often spammed and lectured by the Citadel regime - "white" cards.

In short, and summary: the term white is used as a weapon, hidden beneath kindness message or opinion, mask of, for the sake of completing their madness purposes. It deals damage in that the already messy social composition gets stamped with lots of "good, it's good". The spamming of false definition and false usage of the term "white", seemingly an innocent doing, does indirect infliction into the demographics and whatnot, in the ways of enlargening and dark-empowering an already existing problem that should be fixed. Above us is the most hideous, psychopathic, and antisocial, self-defeatism group of individuals the world has ever seen - not even a thief would behave like this - perhaps this unexpectedness is the main cause of their spawn-rise.

For any folk who has visited any other country, the close neighbor Mexico even - we see the astonishing contrast between the happiness level of their streets and to ours. How much and how obvious it becomes that there must be some sort've citadel deathly hollow clinged into the daily lives of the folks and the governments, also must be a large extensive citadel too. Many marines return home from Afghanistan or Iraq with severe trauma and so called disorder - that's no way disorder! For anyone with slight, just slight trace of good childhood memory in them, a dot of compassion or other trait of kindness would feel ill and appalled at the lies, which through those life-engaging experiences, emerged like rainbow truth revealed after rain.

Bonus: These following criterias, for the lack of a better word, on our list are marked as deserve to fix/update/check, for it's likely already tainted with citadel corruption:
- road design, why are the roads so grey, could this be the direction of citadel agents?
- the cars today don't look cute, or friendly, all with the demon eye - something a CEO at citadel pudge bank would like, seems so
- street signs - how about some flowers and decorations - how much do they cost - a dollar, and we can't do it
- school buildings - it's not about education, its' not about colleges, its' about the way and quality of them - if it's in the wrong way, a gluttonous deathly and decay way, then the abolishment shall commence
- everything pretty much deserves checking - which can be done once everyone is assembled - the key here, really is assembly, or its very close neighbor, the term, organization.  Their demonstrated fear of the word gave great hints to myself that organization and assembly is all that's needed for righteous forces to be strong. Sometimes in life, things can be very easy - it's a matter of right thing or not, not more thing or not. Just like raising a flower - give it water, some soil and a good position and environment, and viola, it will naturally eventually cover up the whole field. Same matter here, with organization and assembly - extensive networks; large trusts; adhered social links, and the rest will naturally be resolved. Planting flowers is a mean to the end, make environment nice. While planting organizations is a mean to the similar end, make society restored. This shall be a great duty everyone good will enjoy doing

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