

Monday 20 January 2014

What's it Like to Have A Deformed Mother?

Well, what's it like to have a deformed mother? From personal experiences and standpoint, I can tell the public that having a deformed mother mess things up a lot for the child raised by that "mother". Things may get whacky and highly disnorm of already dishorm, and interesting and odd results may yield therefrom. My mother is a case of disfigured body, quite severely - if anyone here reading sees the famous conjointed twins shocking or odd, then you likely did not have a highly disfigured mom. I had been raised like such, and this has resulted in me, at least a large portion of me not find the conjointed twin shocking - in fact I find them awesome - more relatable and human like. This trait, for the lack of a better word, I have does not appear on the surface - doesn't become visible - and I am sure it's highly surprising/shocking. Well, there is little can be done to revert it if any - I can max at surpressing and weakening those sections of myself - and the damage has been done yes indeed - I have already become this person with a wrong imprint of how humanoids generally suppose to look - so forgive me in the future if I dont find billions of humanoids uninteresting and totally unrelatable to me whatsoever. This is not the formal nor official declaration of hostility, I am just giving this out for educational purposes, whink wink.

          Being raised by a disfigured mother, and espeically mother, (father doens't affect as much nearly) has severe bads - if these end up happening to the kid then that's the worst cases: an inproper data of humanoid form, a fond and natural friendship with folks with similar disfigured.  Hey, notice how when we see someone without legs or a female without beard - we subconciously know very well it's a not a good thing - turns out it's perfectly right on that - for someone without arms, let's say, would end up making the children they raise up, goes personal meter and such, end up with a false standard idea/data-set of a humanoid - the child would certainly have a large portion of him believing that all humanoids are suppose to look like someone without legs or a few missing fingers here and there - this will not do much nor change much the course of humanity and whatnot, supposedly the child grows up to be someone without power.
           After reaching the day of official adulthood, which was approximately last year for me, I had came to full realization (after many checkings (mind checkings) done here and there; many times) that the raise-up by a highly deformed "mother" was indeed a devestating damage for humanity and nations. I wanna take this time and point to ask, what mother in this world anyone has seen of has a beard, a manly seaman voice, a wide open jaw, and unsmooth skin, plus bald-like hair and un-natural shoulder/arm bone sections. What child raised by that "mother" could even possibily have the slightest child to be normal? It's more so why I have not received humaninatarian award and other achievement reconigitions from overcoming this great infliction and suffering and whatnotma call it? Are those charities and commercials about "helping the victims" all frauds, by utter fake angels (tongue of utter fake saints)? We shall see
           After re-reading of above adjacent paragraph, these additional points assists communication / aiding proper data or information delivery: it stomps when walks, inproper disfigure throughout the body, very rough skin with dots all over, not to mention the great hostility and never smile nor friendly behavior and all.  I think with these additional points told just now, a good question appears would be: how the hell in the world did I survive that abnormalness. Any regular kid surely would become some kind of person with severe disnormalty (someone that don't register feelings nor attachment when looking at most humanoids). But, but there exists great advantages for being that type - now I am almost like a cat, when seeing humanoid bad ones, the commonality in basic shape and form (having two legs, walk fairly straight up etc, and the general contour of bodily shape and structure) which hampers nearly all humanoids (great and excellent ones too) from performing execution on them does not appear on me - I don't have that hamper (disadvantage).  Their fear of lions, I noticed and other cat ferocity beasts, I noticed, relates to this similar mentioned "trait" they possess - does not suffer from commonality in general contour of bodily shape with the criminals/burglars/antisocials/freaks/looters they trying to catch. So I guess, all this curse, has granted me a blessing - or that it's actually still a curse, but I managed to turn it into my favor, ah yes ~ good good~
           Hate and misery within oneself can be resolved in two main good ones - one is to cough it all out, cough it all out, not necessarily sing it all out. And the other one can be to contain it and push it with such tremendous abuse and surpression that they turn into crystals - yes, diamonds of hate - now that's better than the form (a ooze thick cloud form) better, ain't it fellas?
           I had done the similar, I had changed my inflicted scar from those things into a blessing - now I shall commence on my 3rd chapter writing in the description of my global movement goals - for someone who has nearly zero attachment to the general/typical humanoid form - I have as little difficulty as lions in executing all filths with the basic humanoid form - which so many great humans suffer from that commonality in shape and physical contour to self's.  It shall, be a question of not when, and where, nor how many head count per hour or day or per location, but rather an investigation and more so an adventure into how, why, and how many tonnes of filths we dispose off - it shall be fun, enjoyable, easy, and fully lop-sided. May the luck be on their side, for they will seriously need it.

Additonal Tags:  friday the thirteen is the chainsaw birthday, hmm well uh ohs, yadda yadda yadda, lahdidah, vincent gilbert elsewhere, robert financial holdings, 111 retail chain shipment company, manipulation, hammer, hamper, diaper, when where why how to, secret to secrets, secret within sacred goals, thou must be unseen, and no say, thou shall unsay all our secrets to each member of all times whenever and however, remember that,  apprencices, acolyte, initiate, beginner, veteran, intermediate level, management, soul-less, heart-less spirit-denial, cheating nature, delaying payment due, on the run, from the reapers, ahhhhh, hehehehehehhe, requesting additional pickup, over,  there is an enemy sniper in the apartment building, it's still stuck in there,  shadow company, private army firm, security firm, collosal wealth, collosals collapse fast too, you need a mountain wealth, not collosal wealth - what collosal doesn't fall in 600 years, you better have a rebirth ability, like a large phoenix resurrecting from its own fall, pre-plan your fall, plan with things, not against, silky smooth, it's called tai-qi, ah qi gong!, teheheehhe, I hope I am of your assistance, yes me lord, sire, lord wolvenshire, lord elsemere, lord Elsentower, Lord Rosefield, Lord Startlin, Lord Witler, Lord Churchill, Lord Che, Lord Wilson, Lord Old Place Quantity, Lord Lmao, Lord Latening, Lord Evening, Lord Morning, Lord Startning, Lord Pausening, Lord Mathstein, Lord Liar, Lord Resumestein, Lord Cover Letter,

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