

Tuesday 21 January 2014

On Blackholes

        Mark my words, blackholes, the astrophysics thing, is not what they keeps on portraying it as. Also not the level of confidance they portray themselves as when talking/mentioning about it and so on. These blackholes do not have singularity - we think it doesn't exist. Are we correct? That's up to the reader - as we are here to share our bets, so to speak.
        Here are our bets with high wager and stake on this topic about blackhole:
● This singularity thing does not exist in blackholes
● Foremost of all, it's not a "hole", if it were, these questions will never be answered, and these questions provide enough natural counter-intuition: how big is the hole, what's the shape of the hole, is it a single dot or a circular region, wouldn't it change over time, and since it would change over time, wouldnt' there be some areas where singularity may "lose" too quickly its original space, how would the whole subsequent migickies work?
● Blackholes in our view are dense regions of the big galaxies where the atoms in there are much heavier, and the electrons over there might be very different too (not necessarily heavier, per each), but guaranteed there should be far greater mass per region of space in those areas
● Don't be naive, sonny, atoms around the universe do not have to be the same size/type/similar/clones or copies of the ones on Earth.  Just think about it: how many atoms from out of solar system has ever reached onto Earth? Any? and what percentage are those. There, now it should be ovious the assumption that the entire Milky Way galaxy must have same electrons and other elementary particles everywhere, in all of its places - that, not very scientific thinking, so to speak
● Blackholes cause noticable lens distortion of light for it has too great of a mass, certainly far greater than the region in outer central regions of this galaxy. The atoms there are denser, much denser, and the whole region around blackhole central locations/spots should be very dense and compacted with denser material and atoms than the stuff found in solar system
● I am willing to bet a country's citizens on this one right now: speed of light is not constant - nothing in this universe is set, or set to be some value - that's too artificial - if it's seriously determined by God or some other thing that it's this specific value, then how in the world why don't we have other abitraries, why this one? hmm?
● Not trying to rub shame or belittle any of those experts, but let's add one more bet: I am willing to wager everything in this universe even for this one: when one travelling close to speed of light, time does not slow down - there is no time - everything is just a flash ticking in relative slowness - real slowness - time does not exist, it doens't have to be. Along with it, this means speed of light is not a limit to things - we think it's a local phenomenom - it tends to travel at always near that certain speed, but light elsewhere, such as from blackhole regions or elsewhere could very much be a variant of it, in fact we think lots of photos travel slower than the "normal" speed, but since they are a minority of the center of distribution graph - they go undetected, or due to simply that they do not form the light we detect (does not travel in light form, they just travel on their own, so to speak)

I hope the above are all clear and understandable. Soon, with better technology and such, these bets will be verified, I hope so
Pardon for any chokes or perhaps slight error here and there, I am on a rush right now (yes I typed this up really fast, did not do one of those type of review) 

peace out, this is Glenn

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