

Thursday 23 January 2014

Some Notes

• They no capacity for possibility thinking, yeah, hehaha, haha,ha.

• They don't think in terms of long term, also doesn't plan in terms of long term. Immediate reflection response, body mechanics like/on, like that of a dorky deer, kinda, sorta, accurate there, yeah.

• They possess no possibility thinking, the capacity for that of, yes indeed. Full of body-feedback response-based jerks, more like - not initiatives, not actions - they do not plan. Short and abbreviated, and quick session to satisfy bodily feedback needs. These types of creatures are highly vulnerable to good manipulation done craftily well - hypnotisis should be pinpoint and full stacked onto them, amen.

• Well (while) I don't think they pose any close to a serious threat to my people and my kingdoms, however they should be dealt with as no lawn should be dirty at a season or era like this one. The shifting turbulance winds, winds of political, the political winds won't pluck out the weeds by its own force and capabilities.

• Operation 110 is underway (onprogress) for outline, the fulfilment component of this great operation will not occur until estimated after year 2016 - two years from now, which is, at least.

• The much of the fermentation and bile lurking imps, and these weeds do not possess edge over us, our forces. Their unworthyness for the deletion effort makes them a formiddable opponent - a great challenge for humanity and beyond

• About comments using those typical right now structure of those current forums and sites - the ones that are normal do not leave their "comment", while the extremists of either side leaves - resulting in a false preception, an illusion, that the views of the norm, the neutral, the ordinary folks seems to be tilted on either. These comments should not be taken seriously for that reason said (stated) here

     -=---•• Proverb of the Day: •---=-
        And learning doens't stop, ever, not after graduation it doens't pause, not after phD obtained and so on and so forth. The worst enemy, most dangerous of all to intelligence isn't ignorance or lack of knowledge - but the illusion of knowledge. Far too often these days I've come to notice that many of today's graduates totally take unware of that fact, which can be obtained from easy comparison, their English and overall many other skills are a lesser version of their ancestors - this behavior and treatment and self-view of self would be same, would return to self same negative effects as being highly arrogant and over-estimating one's worth - accidents will happen, and lethal ones, quite so.

Those that think with their brain but lacks a good brain probably should think with its muscles or lungs, so to speak. Thinking with brain is especially hard (especially that humanoid component, the pink stuff, section of the entire brain nerve structure) - leads to mess-ness, and mess-ness can generate lots of backfire and backburning, so ta speak. Yes, organs can think - what do you think spiders think in? In footsteps if its 8 legs, and the 12 major and 8 minor cilia it has in its mouth - if anyone else notices, the spiders step perfectly - they don't trip - and if their 5th and 6th leg vibrate in certain way - it likely precisely means something (don't ask me why I know this, I will only say that because me is Spiderman, partially). I happen to have a similar component at the back of my neck - exactly 12 major cilia and 8 (10) minor ciclia. It's 8 or 10 because the bottom 2 are not fully grown (yet, maybe). Perhaps that goes to show and also explain my superb intelligence as demonstrated by this blog - it saves so much brain energy and helps remembrance and all - in certain mood, the 4th and 7th cilia vibrate, or does this motion or that motion, and for some other deal.. yeah you get what I mean. It also helps senses of music and rhythm I presume - for recording music, I do not use solely my ear - but also the cilias (I call it wonder instrument) to assist in helping with the memory, so ta speak, I think.  Okay, this is getting slight super surprising and shocking for some by now, so I will stop right here - but surely, this summary sentence needs to be said - I have superb intelligence compared to most humanoid because of those cilias I have at the back of my neck - they help a lot - I don't have to think, the 12 major cilias can encode pretty much everything - like a computer disk binary reader almost, so to speak, I hope you know what I mean, reader. That's it for now for this post

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