

Sunday 26 January 2014

The Goyals are Silly

Particularly the average citizens, these goyals seem to be so silly - are sillies. Their material wealth has become tremendous good for who they are and potentially can become (whether it's their whole group's success or their own). But they seem to be still functionally historical creatures -- unable to crack the easiest spring egg, or deciphering the simplest street scam game.

For example, isn't not true that the reason those newspaper scam type of articles exist is because someone still reads them, for the wrong reasons? Had the place be all like the author of this blog, then the scammers would all run out of business. There, see the catch -- they call it business for a reason - because it's not work (meaning productive to society) (makes no actual contributions), but busying themselves fromwith different set of purposes and plans, so to speak. I hope that was a good one, the previous sentence, brought forth clarity and was clearing fogs up of some minds out there for good, yay -- it's something I enjoy doing.

Hey, perhaps they r dumb, and these r the savage, not actually the whole roothenchild clan r (instead-dio saucey)

Additional Tags: inaccurate like a porkchop, pork, not birds bird-os, birds birdios, birdos, birdos are funny and accurate, does things well

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