

Sunday 19 January 2014

What Does It Take to be a Roulette Pro

Pro meaning at low limit table able to earn on average $50 minimum per session (45 minutes, around about). It takes kung fu, I would like to say, it takes the ability to concentrate and overwrite provokations, lures, soothings and whatever tricks they do on the bulls in bull arena on us by the casino dictators or directors (usually are at least partial owners of them casinos).  One has gotta really concentrate, bring on the best, take some icy water would help, and certainly do not ruin your stance, especially by unpredicted events or incidents that appears and rushes onto you too fast.  Remain still-ness and have good kung fu - it really does indeed from my own experience so far it's more so about the composure than the trainings - one may lose the training if something unexpected happens, such as someone phoning you in middle of you - upon returning, self may not fully realize that that had ruined the concentration and whatnot - and once realized, it's probably may be too late.

Roulette since it's a game based on fairly random random - then as long as the dealer's edge is little (less than the max capacity we could take) then a well trained disciple will guarantee to excel at it - returning home trip with winnings, a net gain of few hundred to few thousand. I think the specialy thing about Roulette pros is that the game itself barely as any professionals if any, just like Craps and 3-Card Poker, the winners everyone assumes to be a lucky person, a lucky smart person, or either some cheater - but most likely the first two. While games like Texas Hold'em Poker and Blackjack has already matured to the stage of casino bosses capturing and pushing away the Blackjack ninja pros.

In summary, yes, so what does it take to be a Roulette Pro?
-- first it takes training, hours upon hours, up to 2 weeks I would say would do (full time training)
-- the person has to be a qualified candidate (good enough natural abilities, excellent number crunching (math) skills and the other basics)
-- has to train in the right one (I think I am the only person who discovered this, it was partially inspiration from the Theory of Everything I wrote about 9 months ago, or maybe 8 months)
-- never lose composure - if you are thinking about composure, u likely has lost it - gotta be using heart and arms to think about composure, while the mind maintains and focuses on the what-to-do's while playing Roulette
-- kungfu movement of the qi skill plays a central role in determining performance - the balance has to be maintained throughout - no mishaps, and no irrationalization
-- the concentration should scale together with risk meter underway, so to speaks
-- do not let someone push you or ask you a question, from my experience so far, if it requires you to dumb urself down to reply to them, it will hamper the performance, and thus ultimately the income/winnings quite a bit
-- this isn't just about income, this is about fame and chasing dreams - to be a pro at anything, one has gotta be a dream chaser, and not a slave following orders - never follow tangible objects or creatures' orders. One gets to the accomplishments from being pulled by it, not being pushed into it, nevah~

0 32 17 6 23 8 12 -- 0 32 17 6 23 8 12 -- 0 32 17 6 23 8 12

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